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STUDENT: Agostina Ciancaglini Roldán

SUBJECT: Literature
Harmonious girls

<<Sex contains all, bodies, souls,/ Meanings, proofs, purities, delicacies,

results, promulgations,/ Songs, commands, health, pride, the maternal mystery, the
seminal milk,/ All hopes, benefactions, bestowals, all the passions, loves, beauties,
delights of the earth,/ All the governments, judges, gods, follow'd persons of the
earth,/These are contain'd in sex as parts of itself and justifications of itself./ Now I
will dismiss myself from impassive women,/ I will go stay with her who waits for me,
and with those women that are warm-blooded and sufficient for me. >> (A Woman
Waits for Me; WHITMAN; 1876). Embodied with the furiousness of the passionate
fruit, men light upon with women´s immense earnestness and vehement sex. A
paradise that in a soft and almost non-existent whisper invites every masculine
identity to fill up their souls with the power 1 of having a submissive being.
Throughout history, females provided men the certainty of being in total control.
Gaining dominance inequalities lends credence to the wide range of masculine
characteristics. Fortunately, according to conventional thinking, there is no doubt
what virility is. A masterful and domineering manner, a splendid bare chest, a head
full of shiny hair, an array of stunning costumes and a woman (the most
indispensable and instinctively taken to reinforce their strong sense of masculine
pride and exhilarating sense of strength) who is available when required seems to be
what is needed.
“Sex appeal” refers neither more nor less than the attractive and sexual
potential that a person has. Men and women cherish various and different
distinctions and attractive sexual standarts. It is said that there is no archetype of
beauty, but did James Bond have one?.
James Bond is a British literary and film character. He is often depicted as a
peerless spy, notorious womanizer, and proved to be a long-lasting cultural
masculine icon. He is also designated as agent 007 (always articulated as “double-
oh-seven”) in the British Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6 It was the creation of Ian

1 Implies possession of the ability to wield force and authority.

Fleming2, who introduced the character in his thriller Casino Royale 3, conceived as a
Cold War-era operative. Trained in intelligence and special forces, the superspy
always accrued state-of-the-art and high-tech gadgets 4, thwarted Soviet agents,
brought international gangsters to justice, and inevitably bedded more than one
charming woman. But it is said that every physical or even mental attraction
evolutions into a more strong feeling: love.
The book chosen for answering “What is the evolution of Bond´s emotions
towards women?” is: On her majesty´s secret service. Glidrose Production. United
States of America. 1963. Ian Fleming.

In and outwardly amative

<< On the beater stretch of sand below where James Bond was sitting, two golden
girls in exciting bikinis packed up the game of Jokari which they had been so
provocatively playing and raced each other up the steps towards Bond´s shelter,
They flaunted their bodies at him, paused and chartered to see if he would respond,
and, when he didn´t, linked arms sauntered on towards the town, leaving Bond
wondering why it was that French girls had more prominent navels than any others.
Was it that French surgeons sought to add, even in this minute respect, to the future
sex-appeal of girl babies?>> (FLEMING; 1960: 11). For Bond, James Bond, woman
felt easily under his enchantments, none of them could ever entangled and make
him feel that unmentionable and loathsome sentiment: << “You do love me a little
bit”?. That awful question… I think you´re the most adorable, beautiful girl. I wish I'd

met you before”>> (FLEMING; 1960: 120). But there she was, << It was then, on a
ten-mile straight cut through a forest, that it happened. Triple wind-horns screamed
there banshee discord in his ears, and a low, white two-seater, a Lancia Flaminia
Zagato Spyder with its hood down, tore past him, cut in cheekily across his bonnet
and pulled away, the sexy boom of its twin exhaust echoing back from the border of
trees. And it was a girl driving, a girl with a shocking pink scarf tied round her hair,
leaving a brief pink tail that the wind blew horizontally behind her. If there was one
thing that set James Bond really moving in life, with the exception of gun-play, it was
being passed at speed by a pretty girl; and it was his experience that girls who drove
competitively like that were always pretty- and exciting>>(FLEMING; 1960: 17).
Teressa di Vicenzo, in her white Lancia left the spy behind the skidding of her
wheels at 150 km per hour, desiring to have a meaningful, secure, and long-lasting
bond with the blond-coloured hair woman. <<And then there she was! She had come
from nowhere and was standing beside the croupier, and Bond had no time to take
in more than golden arms, a beautiful golden face with brilliant blue eyes and
shocking pink lips, some kind of a plain white dress, a bell of golden hair down to her
shoulders.>> (FLEMING; 1960: 32). She was unique, something about her made
Bond shudder, something about the way she talked, acted or even the slightest
attention she paid to him. <<When she had passed him the evening in the Lancia, he
had only caught a glimpse of fair hair and of a pure, rather authoritative profile. But
he knew that would recognize her at once. But there was no sign of her.>>
(FLEMING; 1960: 12). A first glimpse, that triggered an instant overwhelming and
difficult to control sensation and made his whole body tremble. A hardwired
connection with her that couldn´t be willed away; an uncontrollable force that drawed
him towards Tracy, against all odds. <<Bond went on watching her - now, in the
silence and emptiness, with an ounce more tension. He was waiting for her to do
something- for something, he didn't know what would happen. It would be more true
to say that he was watching over her. He had an instinct that she was in some sort of
danger. Or was it just that there was the smell of danger in the air? He didn't know.
He only knew that he mustn´t leave her alone, particularly now that everyone else
had gone.>> (FLEMING; 1960: 11)<<He had come a long way since then, dodged
many bullets and much death and loved many girls, but there had been a drama and
a poignancy about that particular adventure that every year drew him back to Royale
and its casino [...] And now what was the place holding for him on this beautiful
September evening? A big win? A painful loss? A beautiful girl-that beautiful girl?>>
(FLEMING; 1960: 19)

Teressa was embodied in his mind, he recalled every inch of her skin and cloth.
Bond, James Bond, was now incapable of admiring ladies as he was habituated to
do. <<What a dear girl Mary was! But there was Tracy.>> (FLEMING; 1960: 62).
Oozing with delight about her, agent 007 was now watching her steps, he started
being a true-lover. <<He was here, he had chosen to be here, to spy on a woman.>>
(FLEMING; 1960: 10) <<Not caring about the social ostracism, thinking only about
the wonderful girl who had outdriven him, showed him her tail, between Abbeville
and Montreuilm James Bond leaned slightly forward. He tossed two of the precious
pearly plaques into the centre of the table. He said, with a slightly bored, slightly
puzzled intonation, "Forgive me. Madame has forgotten that we agreed to play in
partnership this evening". And, not looking at the girl, but speaking with authority to
the Chef de Jeu, "I beg your pardon. My mind was elsewhere. Ler the game
continue.">> (FLEMING; 1960: 27). <<”Tracy you are going to catch a cold. Here.
Take my coat.” She held out his hand to help him put his coat off. She held out a
hand to help him put it on her. In the process her hand found his and pressed it. Now
what the hell? Bond edged closer to her. He felt her body respond.>> (FLEMING;
1960: 15).
He was now comfortable with the unknown territory of love. Tracy awakened
his heart with her distress and angel driving maneuvers << Oh lord! thought Bond.
One of those! A girl with a wing, perhaps two wings, down. >> (FLEMING; 1960: 29).
He thought fondly of her actions. Rather than an ethereal figure, she was portrayed
as a whole, real person in James´s brain. <<He had been missing her, wondering
about her…. Bond had written affectionately and encouragingly>> (FLEMING; 1960:
136). Still, despite knowing her faults, he views her as charming quirks. << What a
girl! The thought of having an ally, of not being on his own.>> (FLEMING; 1960: 129)
<< You´re an angel Tracy>> 130 << She´s got everything I´ve ever looked for in a
woman. She´s beautiful in bed and out, She´s adventurous, brave, resourceful. She
´s exciting always, She seems to love me… “ Tracy. I love you. Will you marry
me?”>> (FLEMING; 1960: 137)
James Bond, now deeply attached to Teressa di Vicenzo decided to have a
new lease of life. <<Somehow he felt that she was as much a prisoner as he was.>>
(FLEMING; 1960: 31) <<Somehow he must stick closer to her, watch over her…>>
(FLEMING; 1960: 32). He in a rough and ready attempt was ready to propose all his
pure thoughts and feelings towards her. << I do. James Bond said the words at ten-
thirty in the morning of a crystal. clear New Year's Day in the British Consul
General's drawing room. >> (FLEMING; 1960: 186)
<<Now if he got himself killed, there would be Tracy who would at any rate
partially die with him.>> (FLEMING; 1960: 181) All evolution must come to an end.
The path of romance ends << Bond turned towards Tracy. She was lying forward
with her face buried in the ruins of the steering-wheel. Her pink handkerchief had
come off and the bell of golden hair hung down and hid her face, Bond put his arms
around her shoulders, across which the dark patches had begun flowers. He pressed
her against him. >> 189 and from which a new beginning is reborn. <<”It's quite
alright now, she's having a rest”>> (FLEMING; 1960: 190)

All loving stages

Sex appeal comes in with a set of feelings alien to our will power. No matter
how womanizing the person is, love always knocks on one's door and with it the
opportunity to get us into our best version. Firstly, an exciting glimpse, secondly the
avoidant and mostly unconscious thoughts about the person; the need of taking care
of the individual; then love embodies every millimeter of our souls and finally the
heart-breaking stage (which is mostly temporary).
On her majesty´s secret service. Glidrose Production. United States of
America. 1963. Ian Fleming.

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