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///ENGLISH 2, III term classroom Activities///

Name Francy Nohemí Tabora # list_____________

Time class________ Group nª____________

CLASSWORK nº 1/ % DATE: ___________ TEACHER SIGNATURE: Ana Zabrina Perdomo Merlos

1. Write the verb BE conjugation in simple past and simple present

Subject Simple Simple Subject Simple Simple

pronoun present past pronoun present past

I am was you are were

She/ he / It they
is was are were
We are were

2. Write sentences with “healthy eating” unit vocabulary (in the Kitchen) simple present, negative form

Bake // She doesn’t bake the cookies

cook // I don’t cook fridays and mondays
cup // He doesn't have a cup of coffee
dish // You don't want to wash the dishes

3. Write sentences with “Getting Help” unit vocabulary (Directions), simple present, affirmative form

In front _ I pass in front of the park every day

left at _ Juan's bakery is to the left of the pizzeria

map_ I use the map every day

next to_ The butter is next to the bread

4. Write sentences with “Sports” unit vocabulary (sports), simple present, interrogative form

Bicycle_ do you ride a bicycle ?

exercise_ does vivian exercise every day?

player_ Does the player run fast?

win_ Does she always win the math olympics?

5. I. change into past simple to these verbs . classify them into Regulars or irregulars
do Did irregular worry worried regular
study Studied regular play Played regular
teach Taught irregular grow grew irregular
say Said irregular watch watched regular
cry Cried regular miss missed regular
dance danced regular hurry hurried regular
fix fixed regular stop stopped regular

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