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About the Book ................................................................................................... 4
About the Author ................................................................................................ 5
Part I - Misconceptions about love .................................................................. 6
Part II - How to begin ...................................................................................... 11
Part III - Matching the criteria .......................................................................... 22
Part IV - Raising attachment levels ................................................................. 60
Part V - Additional tips................................................................................................ 68
Appendix A ........................................................................................................ 84
Appendix B ........................................................................................................ 85
Appendix C ........................................................................................................ 86


"Only two pages of the whole book were applied on me… induced addiction and
love economics and they worked. I am in love with her even though I know my
affection is a product of the tactics of the book!"
R.K Bradley

"This can become a dangerous weapon if bought by the wrong person."

Mahmoud R

"I used to think that if my love for someone wasn't mutual, there is nothing that I
can do about it, until I read this book. I have tried the advice in it and it worked for

"This book does not only your chances of making someone fall in love with you,
but it will also make getting over someone a lot less painful and faster process."
O. Elattar

"I haven’t read such convincing ideas or organized methods in a long time."

"Thanks a lot for the book, man. It’s one of the best self-development references
in my e-book library :)"

"The devil himself can't come up with such ideas!"


About the Book

This book is without doubt, the most powerful book on our planet that tackles the
topic of making someone fall in love with you. Up to this day, I can assure you
that there is no other book similar or even close in content to this one. It cannot
be 100% guaranteed that the subject of your affection will fall in love with you,
but your chances will definitely increase by tenfold.

Additionally, this book is not about intuitive tricks or easily deducible ideas, but
rather complex psychological principles simplified to be comprehensible for all
readers. Most of the techniques in this book are based on psychology and
scientific research.

Important Warning

The aim behind writing this book is to help married couples restore love to their
relationships as well as counsel those who are engaged in a long-term
relationship with marriage as its prospective end. If your intention is to trick
someone into falling in love with you, this book is not what you are looking for. I
cannot be held responsible for the problems that might arise upon misusing the
information I offer here.

May God bear witness to my intention of helping rather than harming people by
writing this book.

Important Note

Farouk receives many emails from people querying if the techniques in this book
can be applied for both males and females. The answer is a definite “yes.”
All the techniques in the book can be equally applied to both sexes, unless
otherwise stated. Farouk bids his readers not to limit any of his advice to either a
"he" or a "she.” The tactics in this book transcend gender barriers.

About the Author

M. Farouk Radwan is the founder of one of the most popular self-help

websites on the Internet in terms of traffic.,
the site Radwan has founded, has received more than one million
visits each month since the time this book was published.

Radwan has been studying psychology since he was 17 years old, he

has written thousands of articles and authored more than 10 books.

In 2010, Radwan announced becoming a 'dot com millionaire' after he had sold
more than 1,000,000 Pounds-worth of his psychology books and products online.

Farouk doesn’t believe in intuitive tricks or perceptive advice, but he rather

focuses on methods that were proven to be 100% practical through scientific
research and that are backed by scientific facts.

Part I
Misconceptions about
Making People Love You

The Biggest Mistake

The biggest mistake most people can make when trying to make someone
fall in love with them is thinking there is a universal formula for capturing
anyone's heart. There appears to be a common misconception that there is one
fixed method that can be used by everyone without making any modifications to it
to suit the diversity of people.

Human beings are very individualistic creatures; each person has their own
beliefs, background, past experiences, dreams and values. The fact that one
person likes something doesn’t necessarily mean that any other person would
like it as well. The same can be said about attraction; what attracts one person
might be repulsive for another.

For example, a male can attract a certain female if he happens to resemble her
father. However, if the female in question is not on good terms with her father,
she would feel no attraction to any counterpart of his. What I am trying to
emphasize here is this: everyone has their own keys and there is no master key
that works on everybody.

All you need to do to make someone fall in love with you is to find out more about
that special someone's key.

Trying to Impress People the Wrong Way

Another misconception that people entertain about trying to impress someone is

that there is a ‘one size fits all’ way to achieve your goal. If you are the kind of
person who can be impressed by money, this doesn’t mean that all people will
find you attractive if your life-style is lavish.

Why would your money appeal to people who do not need it? Why would your
courage impress someone who does not lack it? Why would people admire your
well-defined muscles if they are content with their shape?

In other words, what impresses you may very well be different from what
impresses others or the person whom you want to make fall in love with you.

It All Starts with Research

Lots of books, even very popular ones, have tried to simplify the "falling in love"
process by focusing on the first date, the things you should do when you meet a
potential partner and the right body language to use.

"Lick your lips" and "be well dressed" are among the most popular pieces of
advice you will find in almost all of these books. While these tips might sound
convincing, I can assume you have tried them all before but have been met with

Getting someone to fall in love with you is such a convoluted endeavor that it
cannot be accomplished by means of such simplistic tips; it is an undertaking that
requires a deep understanding of the person you like and the things that interest
them the most.

If you want someone to fall in love with you, you need neither to show them how
kind you are, nor do you need to go to the gymnasium and build super-sized
muscles. All you need to do is a little research.

You need to study this person’s background, past experiences and values, obtain
more information about unfulfilled needs, relationship with parents and discover if
they have any unresolved inner conflicts.

You might think that such research would both be time-consuming and difficult to
carry out, but in times like ours where the Internet dominates communications
between people, you can find out a lot about your beloved through the various
social networking websites. Collecting such information would help you discover
their deepest needs so that you can attempt to fulfill them. This would be almost
as if you are reading this person's mind and learning the right things to rouse
their affection.

Whatever the information you collect is, it will be useful. Their hobbies,
relationships with friends, dreams and values are all things that can be of help to
you in winning the heart of the person you like.

Never underestimate the information you collect because every tiny piece of it -
such as “he prefers to stay alone” or “she likes to wear red”- is relevant.

I have been receiving lots of emails lately asking me to elaborate on how

information can be collected. I have, therefore, added 'Appendix C' to this book,
which consists of a collection of practical steps that you can follow in order to
collect more information about the person you have your eyes on. After reading
the book, make sure you take a look at this Appendix.

In the third part of this book, you will be informed about some of the key tips that
can help you collect information about the person you like and I will also explain
how you can use this information to make that person fall in love with you.

I Am Not As Attractive As Them

There are two very popular misconceptions that often discourage people who are
seeking the love of others. The first one is their belief that they have to be as
attractive as the people whose hearts they are trying to win, and the second one
is thinking that the word attractive means good-looking.

Let’s discuss them one by one:

1) Do You Think You Are Less Attractive Than the Person You Love?

If your answer is “yes,” the first thing that can ignite a spark of hope in you is that
people fall in love with those who have similar scores as them and not those who
are as attractive as they are.

There is a huge difference between the following two statements:

- A man who is attractive and brave will have a higher score than a man
who is attractive and cowardly.

- A man who is not handsome, but who has a high social status, self-
confidence and assertiveness might have a higher score than an attractive
man who is not so poised.

What I am trying to prove here is that what determines whether the subject of
your affection will fall in love with you is your total score rather than your looks.
One's looks are of some importance, but it is only one element contributing to the
sum of one's total score.

The method for calculating the score will differ from one person to another. For
example, one person might attribute a large value to self-confidence, while
another may cherish romance above all things.

The key to making someone fall in love with you is to obtain the map that
explains to you how they calculate that score. After that, you just need to show
the person that you have a higher total score than them and they will certainly fall
for you.

2) Confusing Beauty with Attractiveness

Physical beauty is only one of the numerous constituents of attractiveness. For

example, men find women who smile often more attractive than women who
don’t, and women find men who drive BMWs more attractive than other men,
provided that all other factors are constant.

It can, therefore, be concluded that physical appearance is only one of the many
aspects of attractiveness, and even if you don’t consider yourself very good-
looking, you can still appear very attractive to others simply by manifesting other
captivating traits, as you will learn further on in this book.

To put it in a nutshell, there are two major strategies that you should use if you
want to make someone fall in love with you:

1) If you consider yourself attractive, you can start giving attention to the
person you are interested in right away. See below how you can start
taking the right steps to attract someone.

2) If you consider yourself ordinary-looking, you should first show the person
you like that you have a higher total score.

People who are extremely attractive enjoy the benefit of having a big part of their
total score inscribed on their faces. That’s why they might attract more people
than the less attractive would, if the latter group doesn’t do its homework.

Thus, the first step to make someone fall in love with you is to show them that
you have a higher total score than them. That’s why it is strongly advisable that
you don’t show much interest in the early stages of the connection so that they
don’t become defensive.

This will guarantee that your beloved remains defenseless and will allow you to
keep raising your total score in their eyes until you reach a point where they
come to consider you a good catch.

Part II
How to Begin

The Two Steps Leading to Falling in Love

Contrary to common beliefs, single people are in a continuous search of

someone to spend their life with. Even when one claims that this is not the right
time for a new relationship, one's subconscious mind will be looking for someone
who can meet one's unconscious criteria.

The unconscious criteria constitute a list which each person has embedded in
their minds; it determines the traits that one's potential partner should have. In
short, a person’s unconscious criteria form a list according to which one
evaluates the total score of each person one meets.

One becomes emotionally attracted to the person who matches their list, or even
most of it. It remains to you after that to make that person addicted to you. We
can, thus, divide the “falling in love” process into two major steps: attraction, and
making the person addicted to you (elevating attraction levels).

It is worth repeating that in order to attract a person to yourself, you'll first need to
investigate what they expect from their partners, rather than follow universal
techniques that may not be adaptable to individualistic cases. Since every one of
us is unique, the generic advice given everywhere on the web will do nothing but
give you a slight push.

Summarizing everything discussed so far, I pray you remember that in order to

make someone fall in love with you:

 You need to know how the person in question calculates one's total score.
 You need to show them that you have a higher total score than them.
 Once they become attached to you, you need to fuel that attachment into

Is It Possible?

Ninety-nine percent of human beings never fall in love with someone unless they
know that they are reachable and attainable. Why do you think most people won’t
fall in love with the celebrities they see on the television? Surely those celebrities
sometimes meet the subconscious criteria of some people, so why don’t they fall
in love with them? Why don’t we become smitten by our soul-mates when we see
them on television?

If you have always thought that your heart is the part responsible for falling in
love, you probably will not find these questions easy to answer. The truth is that
your mind is in control of the process of falling in love. When your mind
conceives that someone is unavailable or unreachable, they disappear from your
list of potential partners, even if they meet all of your subconscious criteria. In the

same way, if the person you like feels you are out of their reach, then they might
not fall in love with you.

This means that unless your loved one believes that you are reachable, they will
not consider you a potential partner. The exceptions to this rule are some people
who will fall in love with almost everyone they meet, including celebrities.

Being a potential partner isn’t about being physically reachable as much as it's
about being psychologically available. It’s the psychological barriers that stop
people from being attached to one another. For example, a shy or unconfident
young man might not fall for a popular woman if she seems to be arrogant and

This façade of arrogance or unavailability will send signals to the shy person to
discourage them and make them turn away. He won’t consider this woman a
potential partner simply because to him, she's unreachable.

So in order for you to succeed in making a particular person fall for you, you have
to show them that you are 100% reachable. You should never confuse this
advice with revealing to the subject of your affection that you are deeply interest
in them. As you will see later in the book, telling someone directly that you like
them without first elevating your total score might be extremely repulsive to them.

After you convince your beloved of your availability, they will start to consider
whether you meet their subconscious criteria or not. If you meet that person’s
subconscious criteria while demonstrating to them that you are reachable then
they will feel attracted to you.

Making It Possible

Have you ever wondered about why you fall in love with a certain person rather
than another? It is because they have measured up to your subconscious
criteria. I am sure that there are many people whom you have met but never
thought of again. Why is it that this certain person refuses to leave your mind? It
is because - besides the fact that they have fulfilled your subconscious criteria -
you feel that they are reachable.

You may have also met some people whom you thought you can never like, but
after some time you started developing an emotional attachment to them. Why
do you think this happened? It’s because the more frequently you make yourself
visible to a person, the more probable it becomes that they would put you on
their list of potential partners.

As previously discussed, barriers are not only physical, but are sometimes
psychological as well. If someone believes you can never like them, then they
will, most likely, not fall in love with you.

It was also found that looking someone in the eyes and holding their gaze for a
while could trick their subconscious mind into releasing a love hormone which
could cause that person to experience feelings of attraction towards you. If this
proves anything, it is that the more contact you have with a person, the greater
your chance will be of making them fall in love with you. You should also
remember to hold your gaze for a bit longer than you usually do when you are
talking with your beloved.

Another initial thing you should do if you have managed to come into contact with
your beloved is to avoid appearing as an arrogant person or giving the
impression that you are not interested in your beloved.

A lot of people might have also mistakenly thought that playing hard-to-get will
increase their chances of winning, but that isn't always right. The truth is, if you
follow that strategy at the beginning, you will be telling the subject of your
affection that you are impossible to get. Thus, you will be eliminated from their list
of potential partners.

Smiling at a person is also among the things that you can do to remove the
psychological barrier of fear that might be intervening between you. Be that as it
may, smiling at someone who doesn’t think you can fulfill their criteria is not
going to work, even if you persist in that behavior for years.

Have you ever seen a person on the street then said to yourself, “I would never
marry this person even if they were the last on earth?” Would that still be your
opinion if this person smiled at you, gazed at you and told you that they like you?

Will you ever like them? You might feel happy because their expression of
admiration has fed your ego, but you will never fall in love with them, simply
because they don’t match your criteria or, to put it in other words, their total score
is not so great compared to yours.

This is where most books that tackle this topic fail; they keep telling their readers
about the findings of research that declare that smiling makes one more
attractive and other similar facts, without mentioning the pivotal fact that unless
your total score (or your perceived total score) surpasses that of your loved one,
they will never fall in love with you.

For a person to regard you as a potential partner, they have to feel attracted to
you, and attraction doesn’t occur unless you are a potential partner. That is to
say, being a potential partner for a particular person and getting that person
attracted to you are two sides of the same coin.

So let me make this part clear. Showing a certain level of interest is actually a
must but if you showed too much interest before your total score is raised then
probably the person won’t fall in love with you.

Spending time with your beloved and gazing into their eyes will certainly make
you appear more reachable to them, but what guarantees that it will attract them
to you? In the next few sections, I will tell you how to raise your total score in
such a way as to make your significant other start to think that you are a good

Catching Attention & differentiating yourself

People are bombarded everyday with tons of information from dozens of sources
such as TV advertisements, social events, and people we meet. Any piece of
information to which we are regularly exposed can overwhelm our brains and
ultimately cause us to have a short attention span.

As a result of this information overload, people have learned to ignore repetitive

patterns, boring events and predictable people.

How would you feel like if you watched the same movie four times? If you are an
ordinary person, you would probably get bored after the second or the third time;
knowing what is going to happen in the next scene drains the movie of the
excitement it holds.

The same happens with all the repetitive patterns we encounter. I am sure you
have recently received some spam email that looks like the hundreds of emails
you have received before. The typical response to such messages is to ignore

What does this have to do with making someone fall in love with you?

One definition of love can be an obsession that one person has for another. If
someone has become obsessed with you, you have already succeeded in
making them fall in love with you. This obsession cannot take place before
attention is captured. The person whom you would like to fall in love with you will
not start to spend nights thinking of you before they gradually begin to take notice
of you and allows you to occupy their mind frequently.

Only then can you begin to use certain tactics to let them think about you even
more, which will eventually lead to them becoming obsessed with you.

You need not do something extraordinary to capture their attention. You just
need to be unique, whether that pertains to your charisma, self-confidence, the
way you dress, the way you talk or the way you walk. You should be able to do

something that makes your beloved believe that you are not a banal man or
woman. Take a look at the examples below.

 Dress differently.
 Don’t follow the herd.
 Be bold and take daring actions.
 Find out what’s common among all the people in the room and differ from

Can you remember the last time you visited the dentist? What thoughts did you
have about the people in the waiting room? Were they all silent and boring?

Perhaps no one did anything individualistic and that is why you cannot remember
any of them as significant. It’s very easy to distinguish yourself from boring
people whose behavior is mundane and predictable. You should be able to do
what is not done by others.

Consider this example. If you saw a naked man while you were walking in the
street, would that attract your attention? Of course it would because it’s not the
kind of thing you see everyday. What if the naked man had a hat with the face of
Donald Duck on it? Would you remember that event for a long time afterwards?
Would you tell your friends about it?

Of course you would! The reason you remember this is because it was out of the
ordinary. I am not asking you to walk naked in the streets or to commit
outrageous deeds, but rather I am encouraging you to find a way that will make
you stand out from other people.

Do you remember when I talked about the biggest mistake? It’s very easy to do
or say something ridiculous which can make you look desperate for attention and
repel any onlooker. Instead, you should try to do something that would dazzle the
person you are trying to attract.

If you aren't sure what would grab their attention, you can rely on the universal
attraction of self-confidence or assertiveness. Later in the book you will learn how
to understand the needs of a person and use them to attract them.

Note that attracting attention in here is not about letting the person notice you but
it’s about letting the person remember you. No matter what people say they
always keep comparing things to each other. That’s how our brain works.

Whether you like it or not you will always be compared to the people your lover
sees and if you turned out to be very similar to them you are going to be
considered a boring person.

Mystery Captures Attention and Triggers Thoughts

The human mind was designed to fill gaps. People usually try to make
conclusions about everything they come across including other people, and this
is why they often label and judge others.

But what does this have to do with mystery, attention and thoughts? The more
mysterious you appear to be, the more you tempt people to think about you. If
you were an open book and your actions were predictable, people would most
likely find you dull and banal.

When people ask me what I do for a living, I sometimes reply saying that I run an
Internet business that sells e-books. Most people become eager to know what
kind of books I sell and how I have managed to start that business. On other
occasions when I do not want to be the center of attention, I just say I run an
article website and sell advertisements on it. Both stories are true, but the first
one is much more mysterious, and thus it elicits more interest from people.

People, however, do despise those who show off and often look down upon
them, but at the same time they love those who show off indirectly in a
mysterious way. Compare the following two scenarios and the way in which they
will impact people:

- A man enters a room and says, “Hey people, I have got a yellow Ferrari parked

- The same man enters the room and puts his mobile phone and his Ferrari keys
on the table where everyone can notice them.

In the second case people will start wondering who that guy is and asking
themselves and others, “Could that really be a Ferrari key?”

Research has also shown that women find men who drive a BMW more
attractive than those who drive cheaper cars. But, what is more influential than
being seen driving a BMW is being seen holding the BMW key.

That is because people who see you driving a 3 Series will come to have an idea
about your income. However, seeing your car key will make people wonder what
kind of BMW you are driving. Could be it a 7 series? Could it be a special edition
that is worth a million dollars?

My point here is that mystery can induce people's interest in you and allow you to
occupy their minds in no time.

It is worth noting that you don’t have to own an expensive car or lots of money in
order to attract a partner. This was merely a typical example intended to show
you that being mysterious is crucial if you want to engage someone’s attention.

Repelling People and Maintaining the Mystery

One thing that can repel any person is expressing your deep emotions too early.
People hate to be rushed into a relationship because they normally want to
experience a lot of excitement before it gets to later stages. Don’t reveal
everything about yourself too soon after you have gotten to know somebody.
Communicate only a few interesting pieces of information that would intrigue and
keep the subject of your interest wondering about you.

For example, have you ever seen an open-ended movie before? I am sure you
did. For how many days afterwards have you kept thinking about the movie?

What about your favorite series? Don’t you wait eagerly for every next episode to
know what is going to happen?

In the same way, if you can become mysterious, your beloved would feel a
compulsive need to think of you. In that way, you can become insinuated in their

Think of ‘nice men.’ Nice men are considered boring by most women. Before you
get me wrong, let me first explain what is meant by a nice man. He is one who is
constantly endearing to the extent that his actions became highly predictable.

To avoid being predictable and to appear attractive, you need to make your loved
one become obsessed with you. You need to make them think about you all the
time and wonder who you are and what you do.

A nice man is usually insecure and needy. He is always available, smiling,

helping where he can. Although he would be willing to sacrifice his happiness to
please his partner, most women would find him boring.

Women want someone who is in control, who acts as the captain of his own ship.
Nice men do the opposite; they ask the woman about her preferences and act
accordingly. They also hide their real desires and needs, hoping to be accepted
by their partners with the result that they get stamped rejected.

In order to attract the person you love, you need to be mysterious and
unpredictable. That would guarantee that you become a daily guest at their mind.

Once you manage to put someone into this state, you should then move on to
the next step which is to impress the person who is has started to become
obsessed with you.

In the next few pages you will find out how to impress anyone depending on their
background, past, culture and ideology.

The Power of Mixed Signals

People who express their deep emotions to their beloveds too soon are usually
found uninteresting. Do you know that person who sends you a message on a
social network without even knowing who you are to tell you that they are in love
with you?

People like to be in love because love involves both excitement and anxiety.
When in love, one feels simultaneous elation due to the feelings of attraction to
one's partner and worrying about the possibility that one's feelings are not

One of the most powerful things that you can do to make someone fall in love
with you is to send them mixed signals that would compel them to think about
you all the time and becoming obsessed with you.

The reason I wrote this after the “capturing attention” section is because you will
be unable to proceed to this step before completing the former one. That is, if
you send mixed signals to someone who is not interested in you, your attempts
may prove futile.

After you have differentiated yourself from others start by being physically
available near your lover more often so that they would be compelled to think
about you.

After the subject of your affection has gotten to know you more, start sending
them mixed signals. Don’t reveal your deep emotions directly, but do a move or
give a hint that would let them wonder whether you truly love them or not. After
all, who would not like to be loved? When you come up as a potential partner
your lover would be eager to know whether you truly love them or not.

Once your loved one starts to wonder whether you truly love them or not you
should disappear for a few days and thus they will start to think about you even
more and might try to reach out to you. When you meet them the next time, act a
little cold and then disappear again for a day or two. During those two days,
thoughts like these would swarm in your beloved's mind:

- Do they truly love me?

- If they do then why were they cold and aloof yesterday?
- Maybe they think I am boring? But it was only a week ago when they said
I am interesting! How can this be?

Your beloved will start to become more obsessed with you because of the
mixture of excitement and the anxiety. However, be very careful not to act too
cold to the extent that they become convinced that you do not like them and at
the same time, make sure you don’t become overly available so that you don’t
fall in the opposite trap of becoming predictable and easy to read.

Furthermore, make sure you don’t disappear too early in the relationship lest you
should be forgotten. You should be able to secure some attention at first; occupy
some of your beloved's thoughts before you start drawing away.

Always keep your beloved hoping that you truly love them. You should also
enliven their interest in you by a tinge of disappointment every now and then by
being cold sometimes. As soon as you feel that your beloved is starting to lose
hope of your engaging in a long term relationship, you must rush with another
exciting move that vaguely tells them that you do like them, but at the same time
leaves them doubtful of your real intentions. Once your loved one reaches this
state, you should sway their hopes one final time, disappear and when they are
about to lose hope, show up and tell them that you like them.

So to summarize everything I have said up till now:

1) You wouldn't be considered a potential long term partner before you raise
your total score.
2) If you are really attractive, you are lucky; a big part of your total score is
clear where everyone can see it. However, depending only on your looks
to attract your beloved would be fruitless, unless they care about nothing
more than appearances.
3) If you do not think you are attractive enough, you should show slight
interest first then raise your total score bit by bit until they are convinced
that your total score is higher than theirs. (I will talk about that later in
greater detail.)
4) You have to be both interesting and mysterious.
5) You have to be alluring and not always available.
6) You have to be both nice and unpredictable.
7) You have to make them experience both excitement and anxiety.
8) You have to mix pleasure with disquietedness.

If you can be and do all these things, you will become highly irresistible!

Important tip: Many people don’t really know whether they are attractive or not
and as a result, they might not be able to choose the right strategy to use.

In fact, it does not matter whether you are thought to be attractive or not as long
as your loved one thinks you are. Once you know that your lover thinks that you
are attractive, you can rest assured that your total score has risen in their minds
without you doing anything.

Now the important question is, how can you know whether someone thinks that
you are attractive or not? The answer is simple. Consult my study of the Body
Language Attraction Signals. It is then that you would be able to know they are
exhibiting any attraction to you.

Avoid Being Human At Least in the Beginning

Allow me to explain this unordinary title in more detail. People are drawn to
whatever appears mysterious and different.

The more you communicate everything about yourself and share your
commonplace, everyday problems with others, the less likely you are to appear
enigmatic and attractive.

Most people are usually attracted to those who appear to be larger than life as
well as those who don't exhibit the same weaknesses that afflict most people.
That might seem hard in the beginning, but if you can become familiar with
certain tactics, you will be able to avoid certain words, phrases and actions in
order to achieve the desired effect on your partner.

If you want to make someone obsessed with you, show them that you are from
another world, but not one that is full of misery and pain. For example:

1) Never complain about anything in your first few meetings.

2) Never blame others or blame the circumstances.
3) Never appear needy.
4) Never appear lacking control over your life.
5) Never reveal everything intimate about you.

Avoid the Mistake Everyone Makes

When in love, most people unintentionally send mixed signals, but they usually
do this the wrong way. They spend a lot of time with their beloved ones when
they are encouraged by positive responses from them, but step back whenever
they feel rejected, although that is exactly what should not be done.

As I have said earlier, you need to spend as much time as you can with your
beloved until you have engaged their interest and to disappear only when you
are certain that they will be thinking about you while you are gone.

Making the fatal mistake of an untimely disappearance would cause your beloved
to forget about you because someone else might intercede and take all the
attention you should have gotten yourself.

Part III
Matching the Criteria

I Have What You Need

One of the reasons people fall in love is to compensate for the things they are
lacking. For example:

 A girl who was raised in a family with financial problems would become
attracted to wealthy men or to very ambitious men who have the
chance of becoming rich one day.
 A man with a poor self-image would be attracted to beautiful girls.
 A girl who doesn’t think she is intelligent would be easily impressed by
a smart person.

There are hundreds of examples proving this concept. This is the first factor that
can help you find out how a person calculates peoples’ total scores. Unmet
needs are the building blocks on which one's subconscious criteria are built.

After researching your beloved's background and past, you will become aware of
their weaknesses and self-criticisms.

After you collect such information, all you need to do is to show your beloved that
you counter all the traits they dislike about themselves in your own person. It is in
this way that you can help compensate for their unmet needs.

You don’t have to demonstrate to your loved one that you have the qualities that
they are lacking; you could merely prove to them that you're in the process of
acquiring those qualities. For instance, a woman who is interested in rich men
might become attracted to an ambitious man, even if he has not become rich yet.

You should begin to draw your beloved's attention to, what would seem to them,
your very desirable qualities from the first time you meet, and persist in that
strategy throughout your entire relationship. If you manage to send them indirect
messages every time you meet, you will be insinuated in their mind as the one
who has all that they yearn for.

You should refrain from taking part in conversations outside your control that
would lead you to areas where you have nothing impressive to say. Instead, set
your goal before your eyes and be prepared with ways to achieve it before you
meet your beloved.

For example, your first meeting should be an ostentatious display of your

confidence, whereas the goal of your second meeting can be to exhibit your
popularity. However, don’t make the fatal mistake of showing off blatantly; you
should draw attention to your virtues implicitly, just as will be described later in
the book.

The following are some additional examples that will show you how a person's
unmet needs can shape their subconscious criteria:
 Girls who need protection may become attracted to men who practice
martial arts because their subconscious minds hold the conviction that this
type of man can protect them.
 Girls who feel lost or lack a purpose in life will become attracted to
ambitious, determined men.
 A man who lacks creativity may become attracted to innovative thinkers.
 A man who lacks assertiveness may become attracted to an assertive girl,
if she treated him kindly.

Many examples can illustrate the same rule. People will always be attracted to
those who will help them compensate for their weaknesses. Investigate the
needs of your loved one and show them that you can fulfill them.

Most people make the mistake of complimenting the people they like without first
trying to understand the effect of their compliments on these particular people.
The compliments that work are the ones that touch an emotional wound the
person in question has. That’s why telling a very beautiful girl that she looks
gorgeous wouldn't prove to be of much help. In fact, it might make her mistake
you for yet another shallow admirer of physical beauty. However, if that girl was
hurt because everyone thought her merely superficially pretty, complimenting her
intelligence would work miracles.

Finally, don’t directly tell your beloved one that you have what they are looking
for; people who flaunt their virtues are usually despised. Instead, give people the
chance to discover your good traits themselves: let people see your qualities
instead of hearing you say that you are endowed with this and that.

All Human Beings Have Flaws

Everyone in this world has flaws and vices, sometimes engendered by one's
unmet needs, which one would make up for in and through one's partner. Some
people strive to formulate and protect certain identities for themselves, and thus
they look for partners who can help them sustain these personalities. For
example, a female defender of women's rights who is always attacked by a
chauvinistic society would be starving for support. Therefore, if this woman met a
man who shared her beliefs, she would think him highly likeable.

Some men like to believe that they are powerful, but not everyone gratifies their
wish. It is very easy to spot a man who wants to assume a certain identity in front
of his friends. Of course, you will find that man where you see an inflated ego. If
that man wants to goad people into believing that he is powerful and controlling,
he would certainly be attracted to a person who plays along with him when he
pretends to be Superman.

I know a girl who liked practicing manly sports like football and weight lifting. She
had innocent looks and it was clear that she was trying to make up for that
perceived weakness by taking up manly activities. However, people persisted in
treating her like the delicate flower she seemed to be and gave her stuffed
animals for gifts. Although it is some women's dream to be treated in that way,
my friend was greatly disturbed by such a misreading of her authentic identity.

The stuffed animals in this case carry an implicit message, decoded by the girl’s
subconscious mind. The message says, “I don’t acknowledge your strength. You
are as innocent and weak as a child.” For such girls the best gift would be
something like a black expensive bag. The bag and its brand will confirm her
feminine nature, whereas the black color would acknowledge the girl's strong
character, which she is trying to prove to the world.

To put it in a nutshell:

 Identify the identity your loved one is trying to show to the world.
 Learn about it through their actions.
 Help them compensate for what they are lacking.
 Give them the support that others aren’t giving them.
 They would thus think your score is higher those who don’t support them.

I Am Not Like Anyone You Have Met Before

Almost all people, and especially women who have suffered from failed
relationships, develop a strong dislike and dread of people who have traits that
are similar to the ones their ex-partners have had.

Do you remember my remark on the changeability of one's subconscious criteria
depending on one's past experiences? I hope you do, because one of these
experiences is that of a muddled relationship. For example, if a man was in an
unhappy relationship because his partner had a bad temper, then any bad
tempered woman would repel him. By the same token, a woman whose partner
had been unfaithful would always avoid womanizers. She might even settle for
an incompatible partner only to be able to guarantee that he would never cheat
on her.

Before you start interacting with the subject of your affection, gather information
about their past relationships and painful experiences. After this, you should
prove to them that you are not an embodiment of the traits they are trying to flee
from. If, for example, a man is trying to attract a woman who got divorced from a
dishonest husband, a genuine display of his honesty would attract her to him.

As you will see further on in the book, one's relationship with one's parents
governs one's preferences when choosing a partner. Interestingly enough, the
opposite-sex parent can be considered an ex-lover. If the parent was cold, for
example, then the child would try to look for a passionate partner. If the parent
was caring and loving, then the child would be attracted to similar people.

Love and Security

People can only fall in love with those they feel secure with. If, for any reason, a
man doesn’t feel secure around a woman or vice versa, love can never happen
between them. Feeling secure with one's partner is an indispensable criterion in
everybody's subconscious mind. This essential need applies to all relationships,
including friendship; you may consider a person a friend only if you feel safe and
secure with them.

That is why bullies and people who are given to asking people embarrassing
personal questions seldom have close friends; people don’t feel secure when
dealing with them, and thus choose not to get close to them.

So, how can you make someone feel secure with you?

This can be accomplished by showing how similar you are to them or to one of
their parents.

The Relationship with Parents

One can fall in love with a person who meets certain criteria that are defined in
one's subconscious mind. These criteria are based on one's background, values,
needs, past experiences and beliefs.

If you are familiar with your beloved's criteria, meeting them will certainly attract
them to you, but the question is: how can you learn about their criteria?

The first thing that can help you acquaint yourself with someone’s subconscious
criteria is to learn about their relationship with their parents.

Generally speaking, a girl will be attracted to a man who resembles her father, if
her relationship with her father is good. Likewise, a man will be attracted to a girl
who resembles his mother, if he admires her.

It won’t be long before you infer which parent your beloved prefers. People
usually talk about the parent they prefer more often and this can give you a clue
to their subconscious criteria.

Now a good question to ask is: how can you come to be similar to that dear
parent? Should you look like them? The answer is “no.” You should rather
observe the parent and commit yourself to copying the way they walk, talk or
behave. Of course, your beloved would hardly become consciously aware of your
plan, but they would become attracted to you without being able to put their
finger on the inducement.

Therefore, in order to make someone fall in love with you, you should resemble
their opposite-sex parent. After some research, it would not be difficult for you to
understand the role that this parent plays in your beloved's life and to assume it

To start your research, you have to know how the subject of your affection
perceives their opposite-gender parent.

Let’s suppose that a girl adores her father and regards him as her protector. In
this case, the man who would want this girl to fall in love with him should act like
her guardian. He should also copy the way her father talks and walks, and
adopts as many of his traits as he can to become as identical to him as possible.
If he can successfully achieve this, she will start thinking that he is irresistibly

You do not even have to meet the parent to be able to copy them. All you need to
do is to pay attention when your beloved talks about their idealized parent.

One talks frequently about the parent that one is attached to, rather than the
other one. That is to say, if a girl was attached to her father, she would often
happily mention him in her conversations.

It is worth noting that this notion is not restricted to parents alone; most people
become attracted to those who are similar to their idols or those whom they
consider their guardian-angels, be these parents, grandparents, siblings,
relatives or friends. Therefore, you should always keep a watchful, observant eye
on those whom your beloved reveres and admires.

The Relationship with Siblings

The relationship with other siblings is one of the strongest factors that shape
one's subconscious criteria, and in turn the ways one calculates the total score of

Everyone reaches adolescence with one of these two goals in mind:

1) Re-living their idyllic childhood, if it was idyllic.

2) Breaking away from their miserable childhood, if it was miserable.

For example, people who were always pampered as children would want to be
pandered to, made the center of attention and humored. If you want to attract an
only child, you should cater to them every whim, thus re-creating the treatment
they have always received during their childhood. You should also be able to
convince them that with you, they can gratify their urge to boast and be

On the other hand, children who were neglected will usually fall in love with those
who make them feel loved. You should not mistake this tendency for a lack of
subconscious criteria; it is rather that finding real love dominates their criteria.

In fact, this type of person is the easiest to attract. If your beloved such a
specimen, you should give them some attention, then draw back when they
become attached to you, as advised above. This strategy is extremely effective
with people who are thirsty for emotional fulfillment. I therefore entreat you not to
misuse it and apply it only if you are genuinely in love.

Eldest children, on the other hand, usually suffer from being dethroned by a new-
born sibling. Many of them grow up needy for love and attention as a result of
their “displacement.” I am not saying that exhibiting love and care towards them
can be enough to attract them. I am rather suggesting that such actions can have
a positive impact on your total score.

You should not, however, treat every person you meet in accordance with
predetermined, fixed rules of birth order, as this would make you a prey to the
pitfall of generalization. I am rather suggesting that you get acquainted with the
history of your loved one. How was their experience in the family home like? How
was their relationship with their siblings? What was their role in the family?

Use your answers to these questions to decide which one of the following things
to do:

1) Help them re-create their wonderful childhood life.

2) Help them break away from the past and its unpleasant memories.

I Am Just Like You

It has been found that people usually fall in love with those who have similar
personalities to their own. You need not have a similar personality to your
beloved in order to attract them to you, but what you need is to make them think
that you are similar to them in one way or another, and there are plenty of
methods to achieve that effect. These are some of them:

 Show them that you have similar morals, especially the ones they value
the most. For example, if your beloved attaches a high value to honesty,
you should manage to give the impression that you are honest.

 Show them that you share the same beliefs about major issues like
religion and gender. A good relationship doesn't by necessity require that
you share the same mind. Nevertheless, it is important that you agree on

such basic matters. On the other hand, you need not share your minor
personal preferences.

 Establish a rapport with Them. Rapport is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming

(NLP) technique you can use to make someone feel that you are similar to
Them. The advantage to using rapport is that it communicates directly with
the subconscious mind, and thus one would think that you are familiar to
them without actually knowing why. (See the next section for detailed
steps for establishing rapport.)
 Show the subject of your affection that you have similar interests. One of
the main reasons intimacy is lost after marriage is that each spouse
spends their time alone, practicing their own hobbies. The bigger your
shared ground with your beloved is, the more intimate you can grow.

 Point out to them that you are of the same social level. People usually fall
in love with those who belong to their social stratum (or to a higher one)
because they assume this guarantees that they have similar beliefs and

Again, there are hundreds of examples that can be given. All you have to do is to
send the person subtle messages that communicate the fact that you are like
them. You should take good care not to send these messages directly.
Remember, the success of the whole process depends on dazzling the subject of
your affection and making them think about you.

If they noticed that you have attempted to implicate that you are similar, they will
become certain you love them . This will dissolve all mystery from your
relationship, and thus you might not seem charming to them.

Tip: You should never show your beloved that you have the traits they dislike
about themselves. Many ask whether people who are alike attract or not. The
answer to that question is simple. People become attracted to those who have
similar traits to the ones they like about themselves and opposite qualities to the
ones they dislike about themselves.

Quick Recap: Let me remind you of what you are doing now. You are trying to
get close to your beloved, understand their unmet needs and personality traits
without explicitly signifying that you are truly in love with them.

During this time, you should be working on elevating your total score until you
reach the point where your beloved finds you very attractive. As soon as this is
accomplished, you must then start to appear and disappear in the way I
described earlier in order to intensify their attachment to you.

Establishing Rapport

Suppose you have traveled to a foreign country where no one speaks your
language. What would happen if one morning someone approached you and
said “Good morning” in your language? How would you feel if you found out that
this person was the same nationality as you? What if you also found out they
lived in the same city in your home country as you?

How are you going to feel towards that person? You'll probably feel very
delighted that you met them and you might even become close friends. Your
speculated intimacy is built on your finding someone similar to you in a country
where everyone is different from you.

What was just described is a successful establishment of rapport between you

and that person. The only difference between the rapport that you should
establish with your beloved and this kind of rapport pertains to the consciousness
factor. In this supposed scenario, you were aware that the person who spoke
your language was very similar to you because you shared the same cultural

But how can you make someone unconsciously think that you are similar to
them, without allowing their conscious mind to pin down the reason? It would be
absolutely ridiculous to approach someone and say, “Hey, I noticed you like
football. I like football too. We are so much alike!”

If they don’t already think you total score is towering, they would think that you
are annoying. In order to avoid this mistake you need to establish a rapport on
the unconscious level and not on the conscious one, so that your beloved would
suddenly feel that the two of you are similar without being able to pin down the
ways in which you resemble each other.

All you need to do is to mimic your beloved's gestures, tone of voice and the way
they speak. That should be enough to convince their subconscious minds that
you have a lot in common.

In the top left picture, two men are facing each other. The man on the right wants
to establish a rapport with the one on the left. In the second, top right picture, one
man changes his posture in order to imitate that of the man he is trying to
establish a rapport with. In the third picture, the man takes the same posture as
his friend.

Tip: It is very important you do this by many subtle moves so as not to make the
person you are copying conscious of what you are trying to do.

If your beloved changes their posture, change yours again accordingly, without
letting them notice..

So how can you tell that rapport has been established successfully? If the person
you have been copying starts unconsciously to mimic your postures, you can
assume that a rapport has been successfully established and that this person
believes that you are somehow similar to them.

Voice Matching

Copying a person's postures is enough to establish a rapport with them, but to

establish a more effective rapport you will need to match the person’s tone of
voice, pitch, tempo, pauses and even the expressions they use.

It’s very important that your beloved's conscious mind doesn’t notice you are
imitating their voice. Here are some of the speaking habits that could be

 Some people speak fast while others speak very slowly.

 Some people pause between every few words.
 Some people repeat the same expression over and over whilst talking.
 Some people use lots of hand gestures while speaking.

The rule for establishing rapport is very simple: copy whatever behavior you can
without allowing the person before you to notice what you are trying to do. A

successful establishment of rapport would make your beloved think that you two
are similar without knowing why.

Match the Words

You shouldn’t merely copy your beloved's body language and tone of voice. You
must also use words similar to the ones they use while talking. Some people
have the habit of repeating certain words in their talks. For example, some
people use the expression, "got it?" a lot. In addition, different people have
dissimilar ways of calling the same object. Some people use the word “cell” when
talking about a mobile phone, others use the words “cell phone,” while a third
group refers to it as a "mobile phone."

In order to establish a perfect rapport with the person you love, you should use
the same words and phrases they use. This must be done very subtly because if
your beloved became aware that you are trying to mimic them, your strategy
might have the reverse effect.

Remember not to repeat the same words with the same frequency as your
beloved. Otherwise, they might infer that you're trying to act like them. To
establish a rapport with them you should implicitly use their expressions from
time to time.

As I have mentioned before, a person will not fall in love with you unless they
feels secure with you. These feelings of security will only be engendered if the
subject of your affection enjoys feelings of empathy with you. Using the same
words and expressions that your beloved uses is one of the things that can help
make them feel secure with you.

One final fact you need to know about establishing rapport is that psychological
research has shown that people tend to choose brands and partners with names
similar to theirs.

Of course people never base their choices on that alone, but if all of their factors
for making a decision are constant, most people would prefer being with
someone having a name similar to theirs. For example, a girl called Jasmine
would like a man called Jack more than one called Peter, provided that the two
equally meet her criteria for choosing a partner.

This girl unconsciously feels that there is an affinity between her and Jack,
although she might not be able to pin it down.
If something as simple as names with common letters can attract the people of
these names to one another, those who act in a similar way can be like a magnet
and iron. That is to say, being empathetic with your beloved makes it likely that
they will fall in love with you.

It has also been found that most people tend to avoid exotic food if they have
never heard about it before; they prefer to remain in their comfort zones and
never step out.

By establishing a harmonious relationship with the subject of your affection, you

will be stepping inside their comfort zone instead of asking them to come out to

As a result, your beloved will think your total score is higher than others' who
appear to be different from them.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Representational Systems & Falling

in Love

One of the most accurate classifications of personality types is the NLP

representational systems. NLP representational systems categorize people
according to their inner representational systems. The classification includes
three major categories (there are other types but these are the ones that concern
us the most):

1) Visual Representation System

2) Auditory Representation System
3) Kinesthetic Representation System

Before reading the rest of this section, you might want to take a quick look at
'Appendix A' in order to be able to identify the representational system of your

People with a visual representation system focus on the external appearance of

objects. The phrase, “I bought it because it looked good” is often said by this type
of person. Visual people care about other qualities as well, but the outward form
of objects is what captures their attention the most.

As you may have already guessed, the subconscious criteria of a visual person
will always be pivoted on the “must be good-looking” criterion. Fortunately, as
previously mentioned, standards of beauty are relative. A visual person won’t
necessarily be looking for a model, but for someone who matches their
individualistic definitions of beauty.

Looking untidy, unhealthy and not being well-dressed may repel visual people. It
is crucial to attend to your looks when dealing with visual people.

Even the serious decisions of this type of person are based on looks.
Undoubtedly, they consider other factors as well, but they regard external
appearances as their alpha and omega.

Now, the important question that might have come to your minds is, "What if I am
not attractive according to my beloved’s beauty standards? Should I give up?” If
you decide to give up, it means that you do not know what the word “attractive”

As you will learn, your perceived attractiveness can be manipulated using such
techniques as subconscious mind programming. In other words, you can beguile
the eyes of your beloved to see you as attractive.

It’s very important that you look the visual person in the eye while talking to them.
Otherwise, they might think you are ignoring them. In other words, eye contact is
essential for attracting a visual person. If you are used to maintaining eye contact
during 60% of a conversation with anyone, you should prolong it for 75% of your
talk with a visual person.

People with auditory representation systems give higher value to sounds. They
may decide to buy a certain car, not because of its shape as visual people would
do, but because of the sound of its engine or the click of its doors. As I have said
before, your tone of voice can influence your perceived attractiveness. On an
auditory person, the tone of voice would have a greater impact. If you want to
attract an auditory person, talk to them with a clear, confident voice.

As for people with kinesthetic representation systems, they value internal feelings
and emotions above all else. Kinesthetic people are given to establishing
emotional connections with both objects and people. They may not like a car
without trying it, and may not start to feel comfortable with a person before
establishing an affinity with them. Their sense of touch is acute; therefore,
touching or hugging them can be more helpful than maintaining eye contact.

By understanding your beloved’s representational system, you will be able to

know what they need of you. It is also worth noting that although visual people
can be made to fall in love in a few weeks, kinesthetic people will become
agitated by any quick steps.

Subconscious Mind Programming

One of the most effective tactics that can make someone fall in love with you is
programming a person's subconscious mind. One's subconscious mind is like a
computer that stores all the knowledge one comes across in one's life. If you

were able to find a way to add information or to alter the already existing data,
you would, by consequence, succeed in changing a person’s beliefs.

As I have stated in the previous section, you can prevail on someone to think you
are attractive even if they used to think otherwise. Your perceived attractiveness
is constituted by an alterable belief, which you can tinker with.

Have you ever wondered why big companies like Coca-Cola spend billions on
advertising? Do you think there is any person on this planet who is not already
familiar with Coca-Cola?

Of course, such a person does not exist. So the question now is why does the
company keep advertising its product despite its worldwide renown?

It does so because it is familiar with the operations of the subconscious mind,

which are:
1) Repetition is influential in spurring obsessions. I have already told you how
being repetitively present with your beloved makes you an occupant of
their minds.
2) Eradicating the contradictions within one's mind makes it easier to
indoctrinate them with new beliefs.
3) Controlling conscious filters. Sometimes you need to distract a person’s
conscious mind in order to be able to subtly indoctrinate their
subconscious minds.

One would start to like something that is contrary to one's preferences if it was
constantly repeated. Repetitive things become likeable provided that they are not
conflicting with one's beliefs.

If we are talking about love, we can refer to it as the “why not” question.

If your relationship with your beloved does not violate any of their essential
values, they would start asking, "Why not fall in love with that person?"

You can’t shake someone’s belief about something unless your argument is
really powerful. In other cases, time acts as the great enabler of all change.

Do not become distressed if you find yourself unable to change someone's

stance. Remember that your efforts are not lost, but rather stored in their
subconscious minds. It’s like saving your game so that you can resume playing
later; the subconscious mind of your beloved acts as an auto-save feature.

Any person would probably pass through the following steps before finally
believing in something:

1) Disbelieving it.

2) Starting to doubt its truth.
3) Starting to doubt one's own beliefs.
4) Believing it to be true but not in all cases.
5) Believing it to be unquestionably true.

With every debate and instance of repetition, you would be taking your beloved
further down through these steps until you prevail over them.

What does all this have to do with making someone fall in love with you?

Trying to make someone fall in love with you is a special case of convincing
people, where you will be trying to implicitly persuade someone to love you.
Undoubtedly, you cannot tell someone to love you, because when it comes to
falling in love, anything that is explicitly done would have a negative effect.
Instead, you should indirectly imply to the subject of your affection that you are
worthy of their love.

If the nature of your job makes you unavailable most of the time, then you should
know that this may be one of the reasons you might appear less attractive as a
potential partner. The subconscious programming of your beloved may label your
unavailability a deal-breaker, and thus drive them away from you.

This is also one of the reasons why long-distance relationships fail. People who
don’t see each other frequently start to lose interest in each other because the
subconscious mind programming loses its sustaining effect on the relationship. If
you are compelled, for any reason, to have a long-distance relationship, then
make sure you make video calls as this might help you save your relationship.

Now you know that repetition can make a person like you, but what if they have
beliefs that prevent them from perceiving you as a potential partner? In such a
case you have to be able to pass through their conscious filters first.

Going back to Coca-Cola and other companies that advertise their products
during movies and exciting shows, why do you think they play the advertisements
at the most critical moments of shows? They usually do so in an attempt to
distract your conscious mind. In other words, they divert your conscious mind by
letting it think about the movie so that the road to the subconscious mind will be
clear and open to indoctrination.

Our conscious minds are like gatekeepers that prevent alternative beliefs to our
own from getting into our subconscious minds.

What these advertisements do is that they bypass the gatekeeper by keeping it

busy with something else. That’s why you might unconsciously go buy a Coke
when thirsty without knowing why you craved for that drink in particular, rather
than anything else.

You probably didn't have any rational reasons for picking Coke; you acted in
keeping with what your subconscious mind has been attuned to.

Have you ever heard a song on waking up then found yourself singing it all day
long? I bet you have. This situation happens because conscious filters take about
half an hour from the moment you wake up to start working properly. Anything
that happens during this time goes directly into the subconscious mind.

Now, back to the person whose affection you want to win. How can you get
through their conscious filters? This is not as hard as it seems. You can gain a
pass through someone's conscious filters if they hear praise of you from a trusted

In other words, if you manage to succeed in persuading people in their close

circle to help you by speaking highly of you in your absence, this will condition
your beloved's mind in your favor.

Find the people your beloved trusts the most and ask for their help. If you find
them willing to further your aim, instruct them to repeatedly mention your positive
traits to your beloved in an implicit fashion. This information will make its way into
your beloved's subconscious mind, thus spurring them to admire you.

Important Tip: Don’t make those people talk about you directly. Your goal
should be to program your beloved’s subconscious mind rather than their
conscious mind. Therefore, they should speak of you in a most subtle way.

Another Tip: I have already mentioned this tip, but I feel compelled to repeat it
due to its importance. If you recruit jealous people, your plan will be doomed to

The most powerful way to influence someone's subconscious mind is through

one's best friends. One does not doubt the words of those he trusts. In other
words, when one trusts someone, all of one's conscious filters are shut down,
thus allowing all information to reach one's subconscious mind directly.

If you want to make someone fall in love with you, you must secure the good
opinion of their best friends. Address the friends' subconscious criteria and make
them like you so that you can solicit their help when you need it.

Being liked, but not loved, by your beloved's friends will make their praise of you
reach your loved one's ears. I personally prefer this method of recruiting people
and letting them help me without their being aware of what they are doing. This
will help keep you out of embarrassing situations.

For an even more effective programming process, you should elicit the support of
more than one person. That is why it is preferable to convince three different
people to help you send the same message to you direct.

Provided that you can put this advice into action, your beloved will inevitably pass
through these stages before falling in love with you:

1) Being disinterested in you.

2) Thinking that sometimes you are a nice person.
3) Believing that you are attractive.
4) Starting to wonder whether you two have a chance of engaging in a
5) Falling in love with you.

You can, in fact, program a person's mind without even meeting them.
Let’s suppose that you added a nice picture of yourself on a social network or
that you wrote an inspiring personal message.

In such a case, the calculator of your total score, embedded in your beloved's
mind, will yield a bigger figure. That figure will increase even more if many people
start commenting on your online picture or status.

Research has found that you can appear exceedingly attractive to the subject of
your affection if they noticed that you are liked by others. If many people
compliment you then your beloved's mind will be fed with positive images of

You should employ multiple agents rather than one to influence your beloved's
mind. Seek the help of different people and use social networks and any other
bridges that can connect you with your loved one.

These strategies will allow you to occupy a big part of your beloved's mind.

Induced Addiction

What if someone became addicted to you? Would they be able to walk away
from you easily? Of course the answer is “no.” Allow me to explain why the tactic
of “induced addiction” can prove most efficient in making someone fall in love
with you.

People become addicted to any pleasant experience they are exposed to

repeatedly. Try to suddenly quit one of your habits and see what will happen.

If you are used to drinking a cup of coffee every morning, try going to work
without one and observe the consequences. One is likely to suffer from
withdrawal symptoms on quitting any habit, even if it was not an addiction.

Let me reveal to you something that most people are ignorant of. All habits are
addictive, even if they seem otherwise. The simplest blissful encounters can turn
into addictions; one can become obsessed with being cared about or feeling
loved and appreciated. If, for example, someone always praises you, you will
with time become dependent on that endearing treatment. You will also yearn for
the presence of that person if they disappear or long for their words if they cease
to praise you.

But let us take a minute to wonder why we sometimes feel indifferent to people’s
words. Unless the giver of the compliment has a high total score, his words
would not be able to string the chord of happiness in our minds.

Remember when I told you that you first must raise your total score, then work on
giving more attention to your beloved? If you reverse that order, you will be

Not everyone is addicted to the same things. Therefore, you need to do the
necessary research to discover the things that can incite your beloved's addiction
to you.

People who lack self-confidence, for example, will be mostly addicted to those
who make them feel admirable, while lonely people will become addicted to
those who can atone for this with an intimate relationship.

There is another type of addiction which a lot of relations are built on. You might
think that all relationships are induced by real love, but in some cases, it's an
addiction that engenders the relationship.

In order to make someone addicted to you, you should provide them with what
they are yearning for. Only then will they will become, by turns, attached and
addicted to you.

Important Tip: People become more vulnerable to developing addictions when

they face tribulations. That’s why some people hasten into relationships as soon
as they feel distressed. They feel attached to anyone who dotes upon them. This
can explain why women become vulnerable to love addiction during pregnancy
and after giving birth.

Furthermore, most people fall prey to love addiction after breakups; this is why
they engage in “rebound relationships.”

What would a drug addict feel as if they were deprived of their dose for a few
days? they would undeniably be seized with a frantic urge to obtain the drug.

That is, in order to intensify your beloved's addiction for you, you must become
unavailable when you are needed the most, at least a few times. As soon as you
know that the “induced addiction” tactic has been successfully enacted, start
acting in a withdrawn manner. You will know that the subject of your affection is
addicted to you when they start striving to reach you.

You do not have to travel to another country to become unavailable. All you need
to do is to withhold your emotional support from your partner and to become
aloof. Try to become unresponsive to all of your beloved's displays of affection.

If you are normally a passionate person, adopt a frosty demeanor. Do not give an
explanation of your attitude, as this would solve the mystery and make your
beloved lose interest in you. To occupy someone’s mind you need to make them
obsessed with you; that cannot be achieved unless you provoke them with an
unsolvable equation.

X+Y= 5

They would neither be able to find “X” nor “Y,” but would keep guessing. Thus,
their interest in you would never fade. They would keep oscillating between
proofs of your love and others of your disenchantment. Your beloved would find
themselves unable to determine whether you like them or not if your actions are
unpredictable and inconsistent.

The more perplexed your beloved feels, the more addicted they will become to

Being occasionally unavailable for your partner would kindle their emotions and
spur their obsession for you.

Tip: Only become unavailable when your beloved needs you. If they are not
already attached to you, then distancing yourself will only make matters worse.

If you use the induced addiction tactic with someone, you will be putting them in
a state of utter confusion. They would be haunted with questions like:

 How come I am growing more and more attached to them, despite the fact
that there are lots of things I don’t like about them?
 Is what I am feeling genuine love or something in disguise?

In such a state of uncertainty, the conscious mind of your beloved would keep
complaining of this state of doubt, while their subconscious mind learns to
gradually accept your presence in their life until they become smitten with you.

One sign of the success of an induced addiction plan is a needy partner. If your
loved one starts calling more often and complaining that you are ignoring them,
then your scheme has achieved its desired end.

A person who is naturally insecure will become even needier after an induced
addiction plan is put into action.
Induced addiction is one of the most powerful tactics that can make someone fall
in love with you. In fact, it has proven to be so potent as to make someone fall in
love with another, despite sharing nothing with them.

Even if your approach to life is incongruous with your beloved's values and
beliefs, induced addiction can resolve this conflict. Induced addiction is a magic
wand that can make you meet most of your partner's unconscious criteria.
However, if you want to establish an enduring relationship with your beloved, you
should not depend on induced addiction alone. It is advisable to focus on raising
your total score before you employ this tactic.

Here is an example that would make things clear. Two people were engaged but
the female had no feelings whatsoever for the male and she was considering
breaking up the engagement. The man kept calling her every day at the same
specific time but she used to ignore most of his calls.

One day the man stopped calling and the woman started to wonder what
happened. Shortly she started feeling insecure and thinking that there was
something about her that he didn’t like.

Shortly she started missing him and later on she developed emotions for him.
This is a simple example that shows how induced addiction works.

Induced Excitement

Do you know why some people hate their jobs? Most people hate their jobs
because of the negative feelings they experience while working, not the tasks
they undertake.

In fact, we almost never hate the tasks themselves, but we rather hate the
feelings associated with them. For example, you may hate appointments
because of the stress you experience trying to be on time, or hate your job
because of the feelings of boredom that overtake you while doing a routine task,
or you may hate a person because of the irritability that pervades you when
you’re with them.

Thus, even feelings like love and hate may not spring from a person's evaluation,
but from the feelings one has when dealing with them.

You must be asking yourself what this has to do with love. One can easily
confuse feelings of excitement with those of infatuation. If you were with
someone during an immensely exciting situation, then they might mistakenly
think they felt excited because of your presence, not because of the situation.

An interesting experiment has been carried out to prove whether excitement

bears any influence on liking a person or not. Participants in an experiment room
were introduced to new potential partners and asked to determine their degree of
likeability. The researchers delivered mild electric shocks to the participants
when being introduced to certain partners. It was found that the participants
found the introduced partners more likeable when they were expecting an electric

Stress and fear, both aspects of excitement, draw people together and prevail
upon them to remain attached. During tough times, people seek comfort and
reassurance, which they find in their interactions with other people.

This also explains why hostages sometimes end up liking their kidnappers. They
confuse the feelings of anticipation that the presence of their detainer engenders
with their real emotions towards them, thus mistaking fear for admiration.

So how can you use this piece of information?

You should try to induce excitement in your beloved whenever you get the
chance. For example, try to embark on adventures or watch thriller movies with
them; you should be associated in their minds with a rush of adrenaline.
Eventually, they would come to believe that you are a source of excitement and
feel attached to you.

This is how induced excitement works: in the beginning, your beloved will feel
exhilarated after spending time with you. As soon as they get home, they will
start to recall the details of your meeting in order to re-create the feelings of
happiness. They may begin doubting, “This is the first time I have experienced
such feelings. Could I be falling in love?" or wondering, "I had so much fun today.
How come I have never noticed they are so nice before?”

If your beloved experiences these raptures repeatedly, they would eventually

realize that these feelings are caused by your presence.

Tip: The extent of excitement a person feels during a certain situation depends
on one's background and past experiences. This is why you should find out what
spurs your beloved's excitement.

You might be skeptical about my advice and say, “I know lots of people who
undergo exciting experiences together yet never fall in love.” This happens in

cases where the basic requirements for induced excitement are not met. These

 Being accepted (You don’t need to be liked for induced excitement to

work. You only need to be accepted)
 Your relationship cannot be incongruous with any of your beloved's major
criteria. (One of the advantages of induced excitement is that it
subconsciously prevails on one to sacrifice some of one's unconscious
criteria. However, essential criteria cannot be sacrificed.)

Changing Your Beloved's Opinion of Your Looks

Can you change someone’s opinion of your looks?

Can you make someone believe that you are attractive despite having thought
otherwise? Yes, certainly you can!

You can use subconscious-mind programming to appear more attractive to your


There are many strategies you can use to steer someone’s mind towards
believing that you are attractive. The first one is to let a trusted common friend
talk with your beloved about how attractive you are.

The second tactic is instructing your mutual friends to compliment your looks
whenever you change your profile picture on the social networking website that
you and your beloved use.

The third is a technique you can use if you are married to someone who has
started getting used to your looks. It is then that you should throw in a remark
like, "One of my colleagues at work told me that I look very nice today."

Now, it is very important that you do not lie. Tell your spouse honestly what
happened during your day, but make sure that your spouse is in a trance-like
state where the conscious filters are idle. You need not do this everyday; three or
four times a month would yield the required effect.

People go into a trance-like state when:

1) They are confusedly thinking about something.

2) Right after they wake up.
3) They are too sleepy or preparing to go to sleep.

After a few programming sessions, your beloved should ask themselves, “Why is
everyone interested in them? I guess they are more attractive than I thought.”

You can even program people by talking about yourself directly. You should
remember that most people do like to hear someone flaunting their virtues.
Nevertheless, these are some good examples you can use:

 “Hey honey, I just finished what you asked me to do yesterday. You're so

lucky to have landed someone like me!” (In a light humorous tone.)
 “People are telling me that I look great in my new dress. You'd better
watch out for yourself; it seems like everyone is giving you the green eye
for marrying me!”
 “I had my first I.Q. test today and I scored really high. I never knew I was
so smart!”

The other tactic you can use to convince someone of how good you are is to
playfully exhibit a kind of vanity before them by saying something like: “Wow, I
look great today, just like every other day!”

You should say these remarks in a light, humorous way. When your beloved
perceives that you are joking, they will deactivate their conscious filters, thus
providing you with a passage into their subconscious minds.

The previous strategies are extremely effective. In many situations that I have
witnessed myself, these tactics have proved efficient in changing one person's
view of another's looks. I have also helped many people engage in relationships
with their beloveds using that single technique alone. Nevertheless, it is worth
noting that it is preferable that you employ a combination of more than one tactic.

Give Your Beloved What they don’t give themselves

One of the things that can make someone fall in love with you is to provide them
with the things which they deprives themselves of. Some people are overly
critical of themselves, always blaming themselves for every mishap. Those
people need to be kind to themselves; they should learn to stop holding
themselves responsible for all evils and to forgive themselves.

If the subject of your affection is such a person and you show tolerance towards
their mistakes, they will probably fall in love with you. Identify the needs of your
beloved so that you can provide them with what they lack, may that be self-love,
self-acquittal or motivation.

The following are some examples of how you can use this tactic:

 If your beloved is dissatisfied with their looks, you should compliment their
 Some people get so engrossed in their work that they ignore their health
and bodily needs. If your beloved is one such person, you should look

after them. For example, you can call them to check if they have had
enough rest after a long working day.
 Some people suffer from self-loathing. If your beloved falls in that category
of people, you should make them feel loved.

Lay your finger on what your beloved lacks and compensate for their shortfalls.
Give them the love that they don’t not think they are worthy of, the approval they
need or the care that they do not give to themselves.

Didn’t you notice something?

Unmet needs are a part of the unconscious criteria that each and every person
has. If you manage to figure out a person's unmet needs, then making them fall
in love with you will only be one step away.

As soon as the subject of your affection realizes that you can provide them with
what they are in need of, they will certainly be drawn to you.

Correct Positioning

What are the ideas that come into your mind when someone says “BMW?”
You'd probably start thinking of luxury, elegance and lavishness. What about the
notions that “Volvo” stirs in your mind? I believe “safety” is dominant among

Why do you think these brand names are associated with certain concepts? This
is because the manufacturers of those brands positioned their products in a
certain part of your mind. If we speak in terms of marketing, positioning is
associating a product with a certain image, phrase or word in the mind of the

So how can this be related to making someone fall in love with you?

In fact, there's a strong relation between the two matters. Have you ever asked
yourself what is the first word that comes into people's minds when your name is
mentioned? Is it “strong,” “confident,” a “guardian,” or a “loser?”

The word that comes into their minds represents your positioning strategy and
how successful you were in positioning yourself. It’s very important to position
yourself correctly in the mind of your beloved one. They should be able to
associate you with their deepest needs as their gratifier.

If your beloved is a woman who needs security, then a “guardian” or a “keeper”

should be the words that come into her mind when she thinks of you.

Now that you know the importance of positioning, here is how you can position
yourself in others' minds:

 Hobbies and interests: What if you got to know someone who has a
black belt in kung-fu? What kind of image will that person be associated
with in your mind? It will probably be one of strength and bravery. On the
other hand, what if you know that someone’s favorite hobby is writing
poetry? You will certainly assume that they are creative and sensitive.
This is why hobbies and activities play a very important role in the
positioning process. Since they are intricately interrelated to one's
attributes, you should talk about the hobbies that appeal the most to your
beloved in such a way that allows them to believe that you are their
perfect match.

 Color psychology: Every color you wear leaves a certain impression on

the on-looker's mind. For example, wearing dark blue would be translated
into loyalty and trust, while red implies that you are confident and
energetic. Colors can be very effective in the process of positioning,
especially if you concentrate on certain colors. It is worth mentioning that it

was found that males who wear red are perceived to be more attractive by
females and contrary to common belief, red does not increase the
attractiveness of females. (See “Appendix B” for the effect of colors on
your positioning strategy.)

 Body language: Body language can help you change the impression you
give by means of changing your gestures. Since it is a very broad topic
that can't be discussed here, you can read more about it on my website
where you will find lots of free articles tackling this topic. (See the Body
Language section.)

 Your tone of voice: One important subset of body language is the tone of
voice. Your tone of voice may give the impression of wisdom, confidence,
sensitivity or energy. I have previously mentioned the effect of your voice
on the level of your attractiveness. The only point I am adding here is that
your tone of voice should not be fixed but variable; change your tone of
voice in accordance with the person you are talking to and the positioning
strategy that you are practicing on them.

 Other factors: Almost everything you do or use will affect your

positioning, from the music that you listen to and the ringtones that you
choose to use to the style of your clothes and the car you drive.

Everything you do has an effect on the image people form of you. I am not talking
about first impressions, but rather about the first thing that comes into people’s
minds when they hear your name. Your positioning strategy will be strongly
dependent on the kind of person whose love you are trying to win. Your main
goal should be to position yourself in a way that convinces your beloved that you
are capable of fulfilling their unmet needs.

Here are a few examples of correct positioning:

Narcissists: Narcissists think of themselves superior, omnipotent and

invulnerable. What lots of people don’t know is that narcissists are impressed by
those who appear to be even more powerful than they are. If you want to make a
narcissist fall in love with you, position yourself as someone who can do
everything better than them. All you have to do after that is to sit back and watch
the results.

Sensitive people: Sensitive people are always overwhelmed by misfortunes

which most people would regard as easily surmountable. Sensitive people
become very attracted to those who appear to be simultaneously strong,
persistent, caring and loving.

Shy people: They are attracted to confident, assertive people. Neither is
attraction a simple process, nor am I saying that this is the magical formula for
attracting shy people. I am trying to make it clear that you should position
yourself in a way that makes your beloved believe that they can depend on you
for fulfilling their unmet needs.

Insecure people: Insecure people can also be attracted to confident, assertive

people who make them feel protected. Most importantly, insecure people are
drawn to those who compliment them.

People who lack confidence: They are usually attracted to confident people
who are also modest. If you are confident but arrogant, then a person who lacks
confidence will be repelled by you instead of becoming attracted to you.

People with a poor self-image: They are more likely to be attracted to good-
looking people; you don’t have to be a super model to make that person fall in
love with you, but you just need to draw their attention to the fact that others think
you are attractive.

Introverts: It's not a general rule that introverts become attracted to extroverts.
However, an introvert is very likely to be impressed by the manner in which an
extrovert deals with others.

Financial problems: People who were raised in families afflicted with financial
insecurities will be attracted to rich or ambitious people, as they can help them
achieve financial self-sufficiency.

Feelings of inferiority or insecurity: If your beloved entertains feelings of

inferiority, you should assume both a superior and a humble attitude. If you
exhibit only one of these attributes without the other, you might intimidate or repel

Females with absent fathers: Girls raised in families from which the father is
absent are prone to become attracted to males who exhibit a high degree of
masculinity. These girls will never fall in love with a dependent person who leans
on his family, but she will rather fall in love with an independent man who plays
an active role in supporting his family. Being idle, reliant or impotent is what will
reject this type of girls. Their dream-partner is ambitious, self-reliant and manly.
In such a case, wearing black and blue will give you bonus points when your total
score is being calculated. (See “Appendix B” for more information on color

Love and Shopping

It has been found that people look for potential partners in the same way they
look for products in the supermarket. Visual people will initially become attracted
to products that look appealing or that are nicely-packed, and then they will start
to think whether this product matches all of their other criteria. Kinesthetic people
will hold the product or try it before they buy it, while auditory people may
become attracted to the sound of the product (such as the sound of the engine of
a car, the quality of the sound of a phone, etc.)

Watching someone shopping will provide a clear insight of how they pick their
potential partner. Find out your beloved's criteria and priorities and provide them
with those things in the same order.

For example, if you discover that the subject of your affection is a practical
person who buys durable, functional products, regardless of their shape, you
should position yourself in their mind as a practical choice. This can be achieved
by exhibiting frugality, accomplishment in your career, as well as the quality of
being mindful of the utility of objects rather than their attractiveness.

Meet their Criteria

The unconscious criteria which determine the characteristics of your dream-

partner include things that are related to the person’s behavior. Being assertive,
civil or a non-smoker are examples of the traits that can constitute one's
unconscious criteria. It can thus be concluded that by adjusting your behavior,
you can be taking steps towards matching your beloved’s unconscious criteria.

What if you managed to meet some criteria, but not all of them? Does this signal
the end of the game? Fortunately, it does not. This is where induced addiction
and induced excitement come into play. Both techniques can make your beloved
compromise almost all criteria, except for the ones rendered indispensable.

Induced addiction and excitement can make a person fall in love with you despite
having initially been the host of certain criteria that you do not fulfill.

Below are some examples of criteria that can be compromised with the usage of
these two techniques:

 A man might renounce his goal of marrying a very beautiful woman.

 A person may accept his partner’s idiosyncrasies, no matter how annoying
they are.
 A person could even sacrifice some of their innate values upon loving
someone with conflicting values. (Although not all values can be
sacrificed, some of the important ones can be obliterated.)

To put it in a nutshell, all you have to do is to try to match your beloved's criteria.
If you find that they are looking for things that you lack, you may use induced
addiction and induced excitement to modify their needs.

The Criteria May Change Over Time

Some people mistakenly believe that the subconscious criteria are immutable.
The truth is that criteria can change over time, and that’s why some problems
occur only when people start to live together.

Take the example of a man who married a woman who is not mindful of how he
spends his money. Let’s suppose he was a spendthrift who hardly saves up any
money. In the beginning, her criteria will probably have nothing against his thrifty
habits, but if they face financial problems, her approval of his behavior will
change along with her altering needs.

This woman may even find herself suddenly attracted to another man who has
practical spending habits. Her unconscious criteria have thus evolved.

If your goal is a successful long-term relationship, you should keep an eye on

alterations in your partner’s criteria and change your behavior accordingly.

The subconscious criteria of your beloved can change as a result of the

occurrence of any major life event. However, the good news is that this is not
something that happens frequently. You need not run a criteria-check every few
days because change doesn’t occur as long as everything is stable in your
partner's life. Only instability can induce this kind of change in the unconscious
criteria. That’s why you should beware if your partner undergoes a life-altering

Cultural Mismatch & Criteria Manipulation

What if you are dissimilar to your partner? What if you had different backgrounds
and beliefs to the extent that it seems impossible for you to match their criteria?
Is there a solution for such a problem? Of course there is. You only have to keep
reading to find it out.

An experiment was held by some researches to figure out how a frog would
respond to a change in the temperature of its external environment. The frog was
placed in boiling water. As soon as it sensed the temperature, it jumped out of
the water.

The frog, feeling the heat, jumped to protect its body from harm. The researchers
placed the same frog in cold water that was being gradually heated. After a few
minutes, the water reached boiling point and the frog died.

As the change in the temperature of the water took place by degrees, the frog
could not feel it until it reached a degree where its body couldn’t tolerate it.

Here is the connection between this experiment and our topic. If you manage to
introduce to your partner the qualities regarding which you differ from each other
gradually, they might end up adapting and eventually accepting them.

Suppose that you are an extrovert while your beloved was an introvert. The fact
that you cannot tolerate staying at home for one day is probably going to be very
unsettling for them. The correct thing you should do here is to use induced
addiction to annul the disparity between you. As they become increasingly
attached to you, you should bit by bit reveal the differences between you. Here is
how to do it:

 Start using induced addiction.

 Tell them that you like spending time outdoors.
 Keep using induced addition.
 Tell them later on that you would rather go out than stay at home.
 Resume using induced addiction.
 Tell them after a while that you cannot stand staying at home.

People tend to reject something they are suddenly introduced to, but when
revelations are gradually made, they adapt without exerting any effort.

Note that you should not directly tell your beloved about this criteria mismatch,
but you should also take steps towards making them accept your difference.
Instead of bluntly telling your partner that you like to go out a lot, start by making
a habit of going out twice a week, and then make it three, and later on four times
until you change their behavior without them being aware of it.

Criteria Introduction

It's not advisable to tell someone directly about your virtues while trying to
convince them that you can match their criteria. It's much more effective to
employ subtle tactics to make them infer your qualities themselves.

One such tactic is to tell a story that points out your favorable attributes. For
example, if you told your partner that you had not slept for three days because
someone you knew wasn’t feeling well, you would be implicitly telling them that
you're kind and compassionate.

Such stories can easily indoctrinate one's mind:

 When a story is being told, the listener’s mind is almost hypnotized and
their conscious filters are hardly functioning.

 You will appear to be very modest rather than ostentatious or snobbish.
 Your beloved, being the one to deduce your goodness from your stories,
will ardently believe in it.

Every person trusts their own interpretations. If you keep telling people you are
nice, they may never believe you. However, if they conclude such information
themselves, they will accept their own findings as indisputable. By telling a story,
you are compelling people to discover your traits.

The more implicit you can make the display of your virtue, the more effort your
beloved will need to infer it and the more faith they will have in their conclusion.

Upgrades and Downgrades

Most of us have experienced a revelation that pertains to the value of our

relationship with a particular friend after a certain situation.

Contrary to common belief, the first, second, third and fourth impressions can
change over time. This new-found appreciation for your friendship can occur if
your friend helped you out with a big problem. That is to say, you raise the total
score of a certain person in proportion to their actions.

The opposite could happen if one of your friends betrayed you or did something
that made you lose faith in them. In such a case, you would lower your friend’s
total score.

The concept of upgrades and downgrades should give you assurance and hope
because even if the subject of your affection is not interested in you, you can
change this by means of your actions.

Below are some simple yet very effective methods that can help promote you
from a person your beloved does not think about, to a subject of interest and

 Believe in your beloved and their ideas when no one else does.
 Tell them that they are doing the right thing when everyone is against
 Allow them to discover your good personality traits one-by-one instead of
directly telling them all about yourself.
 Provide them with the help at the time they need it.

Music Preferences

One's music preferences can reveal a lot about them. No one listens to the same
kind of music all the time; people's tastes change in accordance with the phases
they go through in life.

People also change the music they listen to depending on their moods. The
same person could one day want to listen to rock music and on another crave
listening to romantic songs.

This proves that what we listen to reflects our current emotions and thoughts,
and since these are always changing, our music preferences will keep becoming

The following are types of music and the respective feelings people experience
while listening to them:

 People listen to rock music when they feel angry, frustrated or

 People listen to romantic songs when they are in love or when they
miss the feeling of being in love.
 People listen to techno when they feel energetic, excited or happy.

By knowing the current music preferences of your beloved, you will be able to
conclude their emotional state.

Borrow your beloved's music player if you can. Listen to all the songs that they
listen to. Read the lyrics carefully. Try to understand the emotional struggles they
are going through as well as their unmet emotional needs.

Accumulated Guilt

Love is often confused with feelings of guilt or pity towards someone who is in
need of help. The accumulation of this guilt may result in your falling in love with
someone who does not match your criteria, or whose total score is lower than

For example, if a man used to be very rude to his mother and then she died, he
would live all his life with a tremendous amount of guilt. If he then met a woman
who in one way or another resembled his deceased mother, he would do his best
to win her approval in an attempt to get rid of the feelings of guilt that haunt him.

Your subconscious mind believes you can erase your mistreatment of certain
people in the past by being nice to others who resemble them. Yes, it does
sound illogical, but this is how your subconscious mind works.

If you can manage to position yourself in such a way so as to appear similar to

the person towards whom your beloved feels guilty, they will undoubtedly
become attached to you.

For example, if your beloved is a man who was never supportive to his younger
sister, his guilt towards her would motivate him to help anyone in any way similar
to her.

You might be wondering how love is related to guilt.

In order to get rid of feelings of guilt, one's subconscious mind would prompt one
to fall in love with a person similar to the one has offended in order to be able to
comfort itself with the thought that the same mistake would not be made again.

In order to successfully use this technique, you should try and collect as much
information as you can about your beloved's relationships with their families. As
soon as you find traces of accumulated guilt, step into the shoes of the person
whom your beloved feels guilty towards.

It is advantageous that the subject of your affection is unaware that their feelings
of guilt are the reason behind their attraction to you.

You should not underestimate the power of guilt in relationships and in affecting
people’s behavior. These feelings can become so torturous to their entertainer, to
the extent that they might change their life-path only to outrun and escape them.

Some therapists have been encouraged to choose this career because of the
guilty feelings they experienced after failing to help a close family member who
had needed them. Another case in point is the physicians who were compelled to
join medical school by the feelings of helplessness that overwhelmed them when
a relative of theirs got sick and passed away.

You should also subtly imply to your beloved that they are treating you in the way
they should have treated the person who incites all their guilt.

What Do You Remind Your Beloved Of?

If the title of this book was “How to make someone hate you in a few days,” the
only advice I would have given would be the following: find a topic that can
distress your beloved or trigger negative emotions in them and fixate on it.

People usually associate certain topics with certain emotions; one could, for
example, feel distressed when talking about one's job. If one of your friends was
going through a rough time at work, try talking with them about your job everyday
and see how they will begin to dislike you.

Talking about how nice your job is will certainly remind them of their own
problem, and thus they will associate you with the negative emotions you stir up
in them.

So the question you should be asking yourself is: what are the topics I should
constantly bring up when talking to my beloved? You should always avoid
reminding them of their failures and losses. More importantly, you should beware
not to unintentionally provoke any unpleasant feelings in them.

For example, if a woman whose husband wrote a book that was a failure kept
telling him about how great Farouk’s book was the man would certainly despise
that topic, as it would be a constant reminder of his failure. If you talked about my
book every time you met that man, he might be repelled by you too.

The opposite is also true; the more you talk about something that can engender
positive emotions in your beloved, the more they will like talking to you.

I am sure you have a friend whom you sometimes avoid because of the hurtful
chords they string in you with the subjects they bring up. How do you expect the
subject of your affection to fall in love with you if you make them as
uncomfortable as this friend sometimes makes you?

If your beloved has started a business that has poignantly failed, talking about
how successful your friend’s business is would certainly cause them great
anxiety. On the other hand, talking about how one surmounted a similar problem
would lend your beloved much comfort.

You should be careful when choosing the subject of your conversation with your
beloved so as not to agitate them with what they do not want to hear and so let
them dislike you. If you have to discuss something unpleasant, do not bring it up

If they did something that annoys or upsets you, you should not remind them of it
every few hours. Make sure there are always at least five positive topics for every

two negative ones, so that your partner will not associate being with you with
distressful emotions.

Unfinished Business and Parents

When someone keeps dwelling on past misfortunes until their current behavior is
affected, they are said to be struggling with unfinished business.

The guilt accumulation concept, which I have talked about earlier, is a perfect
example of unfinished business, where accumulated emotions from the past
affect one's present behavior.

Unfinished business is most evident where one goes looking for a partner who
has the same abusive behavior as one's parents. For example, if a father was
always too busy to take care of his daughter, then there's a probability that the
daughter will look for a busy partner only to prove to herself that she can engage
his attention.

A reader once sent me a message telling me that she has an obsessive need to
be in physical proximity to her partner to the extent that she cannot tolerate it
when he goes to work. It is here evident that unfinished business from the past is
operating on her current needs. It’s as if her subconscious mind is setting the
same rules, prompting her to play the same game in order to give her another
chance to win. The subconscious mind does not pay attention to the fact that
people change. Its only concern is that the rules of the game are the same. In
this case, the rules are:

 A busy man.
 He doesn’t seem to have enough time for his family.
 I want this man to give me his full attention even when he is very busy.

I don’t recommend employing the concept of unfinished business to make

someone fall in love with you, because if it wasn’t applied correctly, it could have
the opposite effect. However, it is very important you understand this concept so
that you would know what can kindle your beloved's admiration.

Dealing with Extremely Good-looking People

All of the strategies in this book can be used with all types of people. However,
exceedingly attractive or vain people require a special tactic to attract them.

These types of people are accustomed to being admired. That is why needy,
doting people can repel them.

Firstly, these people would not respond to any doting treatment. If your beloved
is one such person, you should first impress them and then pull back without
showing much of your emotions.

Secondly, they are probably proud people who would only fall in love with people
with total scores higher than their own. If your beloved belongs to that category of
people, you can use social proof, love economics and mystery to attract them to

If your beloved can easily make you fall in love with them, they will become
disinterested in you just as quickly. This is why you should not show your deep
emotions fast.

You should be able to oscillate between flaunting your virtues and assuming a
cold demeanor. This is the only way to win their heart without being considered

I Am Hard To Get But Not For You

Lots of people play the hard-to-get “game” wrongly. They either become so
desperate and needy, thus repelling their beloveds, or they adopt an aloof
exterior for too long until their partners become disenchanted.

People love those who have a higher total score than themselves. Thus, being
needy will certainly disinterest your beloved. On the other hand, playing hard to
get might have negative consequences. Thus, the question is how one should be
able to establish a balance between the two attitudes.

The right thing to do is to prove to your beloved that you are hard to get by
showing them how you ignore other people, but not them.

It’s as if you are telling them, "Yes, everyone admires me, but I can see no one
but you."

Attracting Realists and Yes, There Are Lots of Them Out There

Realists let their brains make their choices and chose their partners for them.
They use pen and paper and devote to each potential partner two columns, one
for advantages and the other for disadvantages.

These people do not get engaged in relationships because they have fallen in
love, but only when they find that they can fulfill certain goals through their

Examples of these goals could be showing off for having an attractive spouse or
attaining the nationality of a certain country to be able to emigrate.

I know a lot of people who did that and the reason you might not have noticed
their existence is that they never allow their intentions to become known.

Imagine a man telling his wife, “You know what, my love, I married you because
you are so beautiful and so a lot of people would say that I am smart because I
managed to make you love me.”

Some women would be shocked reading the previous lines because they can
never believe that men think in this way. Most men, on the other hand, are
familiar with such reasoning even if they do not agree with it.

But how do I attract a pragmatic person?

It’s as simple as showing them that your being with them would serve their
purposes and is in keeping with their best interests.

Your beloved should be able to see you as their ticket into their dream world.
They would go home, do their calculations and then realize that you are the best
person for them.

Part IV
Raising attachment

Love Economics

If you've studied economics, you may be familiar with the concept of supply and
demand. This concept is very simple: if there's a lack of supply of a particular
product, then its price will go up, but if the product is widely available, the price
will go down. Thus, the higher the demand on a product, the more unavailable it
becomes and the higher its price. But what does this have to do with love?

You must always remember that your goal is to raise your total score as much as
you can so that the subject of your affection can consider you a potential partner.

It has been found that economics can be applied to love. Researchers were able
to conclude that one would grant a much higher total score to someone who is
desired by many others than to someone who isn’t. In other words, if your
beloved knows that there are many partners contesting for your love, you will
appear much more attractive to them.

If you manage to find a way to make the subject of your affection think that many
partners are infatuated with you, then you'll definitely appear more enchanting to
them. Personally, I consider this one of the most important tactics you should
employ when trying to attract someone to you.

Some celebrities are neither physically attractive nor endowed with any favorable
distinctions. Nevertheless, they appear more attractive because millions of
admirers are obsessed with them. That is why they become love-magnets.

If you can find a way to show your beloved that many people are captivated by
you, your total score would soar in their minds. This can be achieved by doing
the following:

 Ask an opposite-sex mutual friend whom you trust to praise and applaud
you in your absence in front of your beloved. Remember, this must
happen in a subtle way because as soon as the conscious mind of your
beloved discovers your tricks, your game will be over.
 Implicitly tell your beloved about the people who are infatuated with you.
For example, you can say, “I had an interview yesterday and guess what, I
discovered I got the job because the interviewer liked me."
 Mention all the compliments you have received before from opposite-sex
people during any casual conversation. You might be wondering how to
talk about yourself subtly. You may refer to the technique called “network
of thoughts” that is explained in detail later in the book and will help you
flaunt your virtues while making people believe you are only answering
their questions.
 Even if your beloved doesn’t think that you are attractive, you can still
sway their mind to believe that you are by using “subconscious mind
programming.” In the next few chapters of this book, you will find a

detailed explanation of how you can use it to increase your total score in
the eyes of your beloved.
 One mistake many people make is not caring about their shape after
getting married, although this is crucial for the long-term survival of any
relationship. If you want your relationship to last, avoid ignoring your looks
even if you've been married for 10 years or more. You must also let your
spouse know when someone compliments you in order to rejuvenate their
love for you. Yes, this may trigger some jealousy, but on the other hand, it
will prove to your significant other that many people would feel lucky to be
with you.

Subtly showing the person you like how interested others are in you would make
you appear highly desirable to them. However, there is a common misconception
among people who employ this tactic, which is the belief that being loved by
anyone will make them appear worthy. This is not correct. Being loved and being
worthy are two completely different concepts. Being worthy is an innate attribute
that comes from within each person, whereas being loved comes from without;
one might not feel loved by others, but still believe oneself to be worthy.

If your beloved does not think highly of the people who are infatuated with you,
they might stop regarding you as a potential partner. The infatuation of others
with you affects your image positively only when it involves people whom your
loved one commends.

For example, if your beloved admires a particular friend, then this friend's liking
for you will give your perceived status a huge boost. You should thus look among
the people whom your beloved esteems for admirers of yourself and subtly point
out their interest in you to your loved one. Any person of the same type as those
in your beloved's circle of cherished people would serve the desired purpose if
they like you.

Additionally, if according to your beloved’s perception being seen with the elite
makes you one of them, then being liked by the elite makes you sophisticated.
On the other hand, being seen with humble people, at least from the beloved's
point of view, might make you appear banal. By the same token, being admired
by lowly people will make you lose your likeability.

There are millions of cases of people who started chasing after particular
partners in whom they were never interested, only after these partners had been
applauded in their absence. Few people would not want to find Mr./Mrs. Perfect,
which is why almost everyone would be enticed by having the partner that so
many people are fond of.

The good news is that you don’t have to impress the whole world in order to
make someone believe that you are likeable; you should only care about your
beloved's little world. What I mean by the “little world” is the most significant

people your loved one comes in contact with, for example their best friends and
relatives. If you managed to impress these people, you can rest assured that
your total score will immediately spiral upwards.

Remember not to mention your intentions of making someone fall in love with
you to untrustworthy people. I know a man who announced his plan to make a
particular woman fall in love with him. However, her jealous friend succeeded in
instigating her hatred against him, and thus he was never able to win her heart.

When a man tries to make a woman fall in love with him, both her male and
female friends might become jealous. The male friends will become jealous if
they like her, and likewise, the female friends will become jealous if they like the
man. In such a case, they will try to prevent him from winning her heart and they
will certainly succeed because at this point they will be closer to her than he is.

In short, you should tell your intentions only to your secret keepers. However, it is
more advisable to keep your lips sealed and treat everybody nicely in order to
attract attention to your likeability. This will make everyone talk about you, which
in turn will make your total score escalate rapidly.

Raising Attachment Levels

Some people fail to make their beloveds fall in love with them because their
levels of attachment falter. One might be able to impress one's beloved, raise
their total score, but then fail to keep one's subject of affection attached to them.

If you want your beloved to be irreversibly attached to you, work on raising your
attachment levels every day. For example, after you've demonstrated to your
beloved that you are ambitious, wait some time before proving to them that you
are also intelligent. If you reveal one of your virtues every few days, you will keep
your significant other devoted to you.

Do not play all your good cards at the beginning of the game. Mystery plays a
very important role in attachment. The more mysterious you become, the more
captivating your beloved will think you are.

One of the reasons couples may grow weary of each other is that as the years go
by, they become accustomed to each other in a way that leaves no room for any
spark or passionate emotional excitement.

In order to prevent this from happening, you should always have an inventory of
positive traits to reveal to your partner, one after the other. The question here is:
how can you keep things hidden from one who is intimate with you?

The answer is as simple as realizing that you will not be hiding anything. What
you can do is to keep matching your beloved's evolving criteria, so that they
notice how you are always changing for the better.

We Are Destined To Be Together

One's subconscious mind will always be looking for a loving partner if one is
single or in an emotionally abusive relationship. One thing you could do to
prevent your partner's subconscious from yearning for someone else is to
indoctrinate their mind with the belief that you are destined to be together.

If this thought was instilled in your beloved’s mind, they would not be able to think
of anyone but you.

Imprinting this belief in your partner's mind is much easier than you think: all you
have to do is to repeatedly point out the similarities between you.

Fixating on sentences like the following ones can help you inculcate the belief
that your relationship is preordained in your beloved's mind.

 Everyday, I come to realize more and more that we are exact replicas of
one another.
 You are exactly like me.
 I keep on wondering how it is possible for two people to share all these
 I think we are a match made in heaven.
 Have you noticed how similar we are to each other?

Whenever you find something in common between you and your partner, point it
out and keep reminding them of it until you find another similarity.

You should not allow your beloved to notice that your words are chosen to incite
their affection; deal with their subconscious mind by subtly telling stories rather
than talking in a direct manner.

A person who believes in destiny, fate or the “soul-mate” notion can be easily
indoctrinated. If you can manage to make them believe that you are their soul-
mate, they will be full of admiration for you.

Ego Involvement

In order to feed their egos, people become entrepreneurs, build empires and go
to wars.

What is it that makes one strive one's whole life to collect billions and billions of
dollars? Is it an instinct for self-preservation or a desire for a lavish lifestyle?
Some billionaires can buy cities if they want to. Why then do they still want to
make more money? To put it simply, they are striving to create a reality that
matches their inflated egos.

Why do people seek revenge? I am not talking about mere antipathy. I am rather
talking about the obsessive urge to see someone suffer as payback for an injury
they have inflicted. This kind of revenge is instigated by the ego's desire to repay

What if you can connect your partner’s ego with your relationship in such a way
that the loss of the latter would entail the deflation of the former?

It cannot be doubted that in this case your partner would go to extremes to

preserve your relationship.

It remains to know the method by means of which you can make a relationship
and an ego interdependent. This can be as simple as telling your partner the

 You will not believe what Joe told me the other day. He actually thinks that
our relationship won't work
 Everyone seems to think that our relationship won't survive because we
are different.

It is in this way that you can make your partner's ego reliant on your relationship.

Note that you should never lie. You should not build stories on these examples
and use them to deceive your partner. You should be able to use your current
circumstances to convince your partner of their dependence on you.

Threat Induction

A sub-technique of ego involvement is threat induction. This signifies your ability

to make your partner aware of the consequences of losing you. By doing so you
are actually stirring all the insecurities buried deep within your partner and
compelling them to hold on to you

In your conversations with your partner, you should throw in remarks like:

 I think that person likes me. They keep trying to talk to me.
 Yesterday, this person offered me their help and was extremely nice to

By saying so, you would be drawing your partner's attention to the fact that they
might be jilted for another. Their threatened ego would be motivated to preserve
the relationship.

Notice that by doing so, you're also indoctrinating their subconscious mind. When
you repeatedly tell your partner that you are enchanting to many, they will be
more charmed by you.

You need not fear that the love that is engendered by threats will be false
because when your partner takes the decision to maintain the relationship, loving
feelings towards you would undoubtedly develop in them.

The threat induction tactic is actually a combination of three ones, namely ego
involvement, subconscious mind programming and love economics.

Reverse Psychology

Reverse psychology is the manipulative art of using words to prompt someone to

do the exact opposite of what you say. When a parent tells a child, “I am sure
you can’t finish your plate,” They are employing reverse psychology to induce the

child to eat their meal. The child will try to prove the parent wrong by eating all
the food, which is precisely the desired action. Below are some examples of
phrases that demonstrate the reverse psychology tactic:

 It doesn’t matter how much you try, you will never be able to do it.
 German is too hard for you to learn.
 If you were someone else, I would have said it’s a simple task, but I know
you well.
 You are exerting your efforts in the wrong direction.
 You are a hard worker, but you cannot employ your potential well.
 No one has ever done that. Will you be able to do it? I doubt that.

On reading these phrases, you may think any person with average intelligence
would realize that the speaker is trying to goad them and thus would become
unresponsive. This is true only to a certain extent because reverse psychology
has the power to annul one's logical capabilities.

Normal people might ignore such provocative remarks, but narcissists, snobs,
hard-heads and people with inflated egos are easy prey for reverse psychology.
That is why they can be easily manipulated by this tactic.

Tell a narcissist that he cannot learn a new language and watch his response. It
is probable that they will hasten to a learning center and acquire another
language only to prove you wrong.

While narcissists will try to prove you wrong to preserve their image, stubborn
people will do it only because they hate being confined within demarcated limits.

A stubborn person hates to have something imposed on them and prefers to

have a range of choices before them. That’s why reverse psychology always
works with stubborn people.

The following paragraph will explain a tactic called “induced stubbornness,”

which you can use to take advantage of this weakness in a stubborn person and
make them fall in love with you.

Triggering Stubbornness

If a robot isn’t interested in another robot, then there is nothing to be done about
it, but since we are humans our feelings are liable to change.

One technique you can use to change someone’s emotions towards you is
triggering their stubbornness. Some people are more stubborn than others and
the more stubborn the person is, the more effective this tactic can be.

In order to keep a stubborn person attached to you, show them how others want
your relationship to end:

 I'm surprised at how many people are trying to convince me to break up

with you.
 John doesn’t think we should be together. He keeps telling me that we are
not the perfect match.
 You won't believe what Sarah told me yesterday. She said she is not
surprised we had a fight because we are so different and our relationship
won't last for long.
 Paul bets our relationship will only last for five months.

In this way, you trigger your partner’s stubbornness; they will become more
attached to you to prove these people wrong. Whenever they think that the
relationship might end, they will remember these comments and insist on
undermining them. Thus, they will feel compelled to hold on to your relationship.

It begins with stubbornness and ends with love; your beloved's attachment to you
may at first be incited by their stubbornness, but mere obduracy will soon be
transformed into genuine love.

Reverse Psychology and the Ego

In the section entitled “Ego involvement,” I have explained how you can control
the behavior of a narcissist, egotistic or an arrogant person to make them fall in
love with you by using their exaggerated sense of self-worth against them.

This tactic follows the same course as reverse psychology. By saying, “everyone
says our relationship won't work,” you incite your partner's self-love and their
unwillingness to sabotage their charming image.

Reverse psychology works like magic with stubborn and arrogant people. Keep
in mind that you should never allow your beloved to become aware of your
manipulations because it is then that your plans will be ruined.

Network of Thoughts

Throughout this book I have been telling you that you must communicate certain
information to your beloved in a subtle fashion.

You might be wondering how you can convey these messages implicitly. As I
have said earlier, the subject of your affection should not get the slightest
impression that you are manipulative, but should rather analyze the signals you
send and formulate their own conclusions.

The following dialogue will introduce to you a tactic called the “network of
thoughts,” which will help you speak to your partner tacitly.

Friend: Good morning Farouk, how are you?

Farouk: I'm fine but my eyes are hurting.
Friend: What's wrong with them?
Farouk: Typing for sixteen hours a day can make your eyes hurt. Sixteen
hours… I can't imagine I am doing that!
Friend: Why are you spending so much typing?
Farouk: I'm working on my book “How to make someone fall in love with you.” I
am selling lots of copies everyday and that’s why I have to put all my effort into
making it better.
Friend: Wow, tell me more about your book.
Farouk: Blah-blah-blah!

As you have seen, I was able to tell my friend about my book and the number of
copies I sell everyday without it being obvious that I had planned the whole
conversation. If my friend decides to buy the book, he will never think even for a
minute that I had goaded him into it, because he is the one who asked all the

The advantage of the network of thoughts tactic is that it can make your beloved
think that they are the one seeking the information that you want to convey.

The following dialogue illustrates how you can use the network of thoughts tactic
to indoctrinate someone’s subconscious mind:

Your beloved: Good morning. How are you doing?

You: I'm fine, just feeling a little guilty.
Your beloved: What? Why?
You: You know when you hurt a lot of people, it feels like…never mind!
Your beloved: Come on, this sounds serious. Talk to me!
You: Well, there are five people who are in love with me and I really don’t know
how to tell them that I am disinterested! It just seems heartless to be hurting all
these people.
Why me? Why me? I really want to know why I am that unlucky. Why do I have
to attract people everywhere I go?

There Is No One Like Me

I have written a book on breakups entitled, “How To Get Over Anyone In a Few
Days.” I have always been interested in the psychology of people who
strenuously try to get over their ex-partners. Most of them have the same false
belief in the impossibility of finding someone better than their ex-partners.

If they can manage to have assurance that their perfect match is someone they
have not met yet, the problem will be solved.

If you want your relationship to last forever, you should be able to indoctrinate
your partner’s mind with the belief that you are one of a kind, and that finding
someone like you is irrevocably impossible.

Please do not use this tactic if you are not planning on spending the rest of your
life with your beloved.

As I have previously mentioned, people will normally be repelled if you flaunt

your virtues. Therefore, you should use the tactics described before to tacitly
convince your partner of your admirability.

If your partner comes to believe that you are the best, he will never consider
leaving you for another.

Don’t Be 100% Human Even After Love Happens

As I have previously argued, appearing heroic and undefeatable would certainly

incite people to fall in love with you.

Some people commit the mistake of sabotaging the image they have constructed
for themselves as soon as their beloveds exhibit an interest in them.

I know it is difficult to maintain that image after you engage in a relationship,

because we are, after all, fallible human beings. However, you should try to keep
it intact for a while.

You may not be able to appear Herculean in all situations, but there are many
cases where you can. These situations will be enough to remind your significant
other of your exceptional nature and will make them overlook your liability to

Create Enduring Memories

Sometimes people find it difficult to get over their ex-partners because of the
good memories they share. In fact, attachment to the person themselves is
hardly ever the reason behind the complication. The point here is that if you're
always busy at work, your partner would grow less attached to you because you
will not be creating any enduring memories.

The more good memories you can make, the more difficult it will be for your
beloved to forget about you, and thus the more likely your relationship is to last.

These memories don’t have to be of a trip to Hawaii or Bali. They could be the
simplest yet most intimate of gestures like text messages, long talks or endearing
words. The following are a few guidelines that can help you create lasting

 If your beloved has a visual representation system, then you should create
memories in fascinating landscapes.
 If your partner has an auditory representation system, then you can use
words to engrave your relationship in their mind.
 If the subject of your affection has a kinesthetic representation system,
then make sure that there is physical interaction between you.
 Combining all of the previous elements will surely make the memories
even stronger.
 Induced excitement, which has been explained earlier, can also be the
base upon which to build a lasting memory.

Traveling together or visiting exotic places can also help you create lasting
memories. If you are a workaholic, then you're probably endangering your

It is preferable to create memories in as many places as you can. For example, if

you and your partner live near each other and are used to going to the same
places all the time, try going somewhere different every once in a while. This
way, you will be anchoring your relationship in more than place, allowing your
partner to associate a multiplicity of places with your relationship. The more
foundations for your relationship you can create, the more stable it will become.

Based on this fact, your mission is to create as many associations as you can.

The other important point to consider is that you should create associations with
places that your partner passes by daily. For example, if there is a cafeteria on
the road they take to work, make sure you go there together as much as you can
so that they would remember you on their way to work everyday. In case you
break up, you will have made certain that you remain bound in your partner's

The more memories you create and the stronger their intensity, the more likely
your beloved is to fall in love with you and the less likely it is that they would jilt

Why Did they Stop Loving Me?

Sometimes a person may stop loving you after a long, loving relationship and for
no apparent reason. But after you have learned so much about the psychology of
love, the reason might make its appearance to you.

A person may stop loving you if one of the following two things happened:

 You no longer match their subconscious criteria because you have

 Their own criteria have changed and you are no longer their best match.

In the first case, the person may have discovered something new about you that
conflicted with their criteria. What if a girl who valued honesty suddenly
discovered that her partner is a liar? No change would occur in their relationship
if she did not attach importance to honesty, but since this was not the case, she
would probably fall out of love.

In the second case, your partner's criteria may have changed because of a life-
altering event, and thus their perception of you as the perfect match alters as
well. Suppose that a woman who did not cherish honesty was married to a
dishonest man. If, one day, deceit caused this woman any harm, her
subconscious criteria would expand to include honesty. As a result, she might
stop loving her partner if he didn't change as well.

The solution to both problems is simple but requisite of some hard work. You
must keep an eye on your partner's subconscious criteria lest they should
change. Of course, these changes don’t often happen often. Nevertheless, these
alternations are what you would want to keep under your radar.

You must make sure you are constantly matching your partner’s major criteria.
Otherwise, they may start feeling disenchanted. The other thing you should do is
to make sure they don't find out that any of your qualities conflict with one of their
most important criteria.

You Don’t Love Me

When I talked about repetition and its effect on the subconscious mind, I said that
you could prevail on someone to believe in something only by fixating on it.

What a lot of people inadvertently do is that they convince their partners they no
longer love them by repeating certain messages and phrases:

 You didn’t come on time. You obviously don’t love me!

 If you cared about me, you wouldn’t have done this.
 You no longer love me. You used to be kinder to me.
 I am not important to you.
 You always ignore me. It's like you don’t love me at all.

These phrases are commonly used, and the problem is that all of them can
indoctrinate your partner's mind with the belief that you do not love you.

After hearing these phrases hundreds of times, your partner will start asking
themselves, “Do I really love them? Did I make the correct choice?"

If you are currently in a relationship, you should know these phrases are
detrimental to it. Avoid claiming that your partner does not love you. Instead of
saying, "You don’t love me,” you should say, "If you want to show me how much
you love me, you should come on time."

Use positive statements even when the meaning you want to convey is a
negative one. You should use rhetoric that guarantees that your partner remains
attached to you. Beware of your words: they can be more powerful than you

Secret Relationships Ignite Passion

Research has shown that the brain has a propensity to think about what it is
trying to forget. Just try not to think of a green cow with black spots and you will
know what I mean.

When we try to check certain thoughts, two processes are activated in the brain:
the conscious mind tries to augment your efforts, while the subconscious mind
will try to find justification for countering its action, and thus you end up thinking
about the thing you are trying to avoid.

So the more your partner tries to repress thoughts of you, the more you will
occupy their mind.

Based on these facts, it has also been found that couples who are having a
secret relationship are intensely attached to one another as they think about
each other more often. Of course, both your families should be told that you are
engaged in a relationship, but it is preferable if no one else knows. This way, you
are more likely to retain your passion for each other.

Of course, being secretive is not normally commendable behavior, but if too

many people around you are envious or ill-willed, keeping your relationship a
secret will be the best course of action to follow.

Part V
Additional tips

Giving Up Too Early

Most people make the mistake of giving up right after one or two failed trials to
win their beloveds' hearts. Some men despair right away if the people they love
exhibit the slightest lack of interest in them, and some women lose hope of
making their loved ones fall in love with them if they do not receive any calls from
them for a few days.

People who lose hope quickly are ignorant of these facts:

 Love can happen over time: Those people usually have false beliefs
about love, thinking that it must occur soon after one person meets
another, although lots of people fall in love years after they have known
each other.
 People can change their minds: I once spoke with an attractive woman
who told me that she is happily married, but if she hadn’t met the people
she had all her life, she would have never been able to appreciate his
virtues. In short, people change their minds all the time, and certain events
in life, be they positive or negative, prompt people to change their criteria.
 Subconscious programming can work miracles: You still have a
chance even if someone was slightly interested in you. Subconscious
mind programming can help you change people’s minds as the time
passes and so the person can end up being really attached to you even if
they weren’t that interested before.

You should fight passionately to win your prize. Nevertheless, you should keep
your struggle divested of all ridiculous and needy acts.

Nothing in this world can be achieved without trials and error. That is why you
should not get discouraged if you tried but did not succeed at the first attempt.

If you really love someone, you should never give up.

How to Walk

Not only does the way you walk reflect aspects of your personality, but it also
reflects your current mood. If you felt happy, then you would most probably find
yourself walking energetically and your speed would be faster than usual. When
people feel confident and courageous they walk with long strides and might even
beat anyone in a marathon.

Some people tread heavily on the ground; that's not because of their heavy
weight, but rather their persistence. Although persistence is a positive trait, such
a walking style can indicate a lack of flexibility.

Some people walk slowly, dragging their legs behind them as if they lack the
energy to move. This lack of energy is usually associated with negative feelings
or depression, but it could also reflect fear or uncertainty about what is lying

A cat-like walk sends the message, “Look at me!” The same applies for men who
walk as if they were models in a fashion show. Another example is walking with
your hands in your pockets. This can imply that you are not satisfied with your
current self-image or the way you are dressed. In order to send a message of
confidence, energy and happiness to all those around you, walk with long steps,
keep your back straight and your head up!

Another method that can make you appear very confident is walking with a
certain destination in mind and carrying yourself like you're heading somewhere.
Even if you are not heading to a particular place, decide on any distant one and
make it your target. Subconsciously, onlookers would believe you are a person
who leads a purposeful life and this again will make you appear more attractive.

Stand Tall (For males)

When a group of women were asked to describe their dream partners, most of
them said that height is one of their most crucial criteria. Women prefer men who
are tall or at least as tall as themselves.

You might be thinking this section won’t be of any help if you are not a tall man,
but that’s incorrect. ''Being tall'' is not what women want. It is rather a man's
''standing tall'' that they think indispensable. For example, walking with a
hunched back, you lose much of your power of attraction. Unfortunately, most
people do not know how to move or sit with straight backs.

According to body language, a straight back is an indication of confidence which,

in turn, raises your level of attraction. Research has found that people become
more attracted to confident and assertive people, rather than shy and anxious
ones. A straight back would do you the favor of giving the impression that you
are self-possessed.

When something - no matter how diminutive - is constantly repeated, it starts to

have a powerful effect. Many married couples who used to be madly in love with
each other get divorced for insignificant but repetitive reasons.

A woman who doesn’t like the way her husband eats would find him less
attractive every time she sees him eating. Lack of self-confidence can also make
you appear much less attractive. The more you are seen with a hunched back,
the less your total score is going to be.

Any person's subconscious mind can identify confident people in just a few
seconds. The only difference between myself, the body language expert, and any
non-expert is not the ability to detect human emotions, but the ability to tell why a
person is experiencing a particular emotion.

For example, I can judge whether a person feels confident by a posture that they
take. People who have not studied body language would just feel that a person
exudes confidence without knowing how they were able to infer this.

The advantage of understanding body language is that it allows you to send

signals or messages even to those who do not understand body language. Why
not send confidence signals to the person that you love then?

As you will soon learn in this book, self-confidence will not only make you
physically attractive, but it will increase the chance of making the subject of your
affection fall in love with you.

I have never so far found a book that makes reference to the importance of self-
confidence in making someone fall in love with you, nor have I found anything
written on how to appear confident. Below are a few practical things you need to
do in order to appear confident in front of your beloved:

 Never cross your arms or your legs as this will only show that you are
uncomfortable or even afraid.
 Clasp your hands in front of your stomach as often as possible, but not
most of the time.
 Put your hands behind your back as often as possible, but avoid over-
doing this. (See the picture below.)
 Keep your back straight.
 Walk fast with wide steps.
 Let your fingertips touch each other once or twice during any conversation
(See the picture below).
 Don’t panic when you make a mistake or drop something because
everybody makes mistakes. Confident people accept this fact, while those
who lack confidence consider it humiliating.
 Never put both hands in your pockets. This shows, in most cases, that you
are dissatisfied with your image.

Important Tip: A curved back doesn’t always mean that you aren’t feeling
confident; it could be an indication of exhaustion or sadness. Be that as it may,
you should try to keep your back straight in order to give a good impression.
Wear Clothes That Appeal To Your Beloved, Not To You

In the battle for your beloved's attention, all weapons must be used. This includes
focusing on the slightest details that can prove effective in attracting your loved
one to you.

If, for instance, you noticed that your beloved wears black most of the time, you
can infer that they have some kind of psychological attachment to the color. Lots
of people become attached to certain objects and people in order to meet
particular psychological needs. In that case, you need to wear black often, not
because it reflects power or mystery, but rather because this would make your
beloved unconsciously perceive that you are similar to one another.

When trying to impress someone, you don’t have to change your taste to match
theirs. You can merely modify tiny particulars to create a sense of similarity.

Attracting Someone Online

How can you attract someone online? I have mentioned before that attractive
pictures of yourself can increase your total score.

You can also try retouching some of your pictures before posting them on a
social network like Facebook.

A subconscious mind can become attracted to a person in a picture even if the

image in the photo is not identical to the real-life one. This method, combined
with "love economics," which I have spoken of earlier, is an effective formula for
attracting someone to you.

If you are engaged in a long-distance relationship, or if you rarely see your

partner, beware that your loving feelings for one another will soon be exhausted.

The best thing you can do to overcome this problem is to combine both
subconscious mind programming with induced addiction tactics so that your
partner can remain attached to you even when you're not physically present with

You should also keep them accustomed to your daily phone calls. Should you cut
off these calls, you will be alienating them from you. Your partner may be loyal,
but you should always imagine a worst-case scenario.

Worthy of consideration is whether your romantic partner exhibits a visual

representation system. If that is the case, voice calls may not be enough to keep
them attached; you might need to use video calls as well.

Most Females Want Security

Although I am against overgeneralization, I can confidently contend that most

females have a need for protection and security. The majority of females want a
man who, being endowed with certain traits, is capable of protecting a family.

Some of these traits are self-confidence, courage, charisma, physical strength

and ambition. If you are trying to attract a female to you, exhibiting these traits
will certainly give you a strong advantage over others.

Love & the Immune System

This subtitle is not designed merely to catch your attention. A study has found
that the male immune system plays an important role in making a man more or
less attractive to women. The study didn’t mention if the same applies to women,
but since there are no obvious restrictions, we can assume that the rule can
transcend gender boundaries.

Through olfaction, the human body can obtain information about another
person’s immune system. It’s been found that women are more attracted to men
with an immune system whose database of diseases is different from their own.

The more dissimilar a man's immune system is from that of his partner, the more
likely she is to become full of admiration for him. It is evident that human beings
are inclined to choose mates with a variable database of diseases so that their
offspring can benefit from this diversity in their immune systems.

From the above, it becomes clear how marvelous our Creator is. His aim is to
guarantee that each generation will be healthier than the one before it.

Some research contends that women are attracted to men's fragrances, more
than their appearances. But how can this fact be used to restore lost love to your

Another interesting piece of information is that women on contraceptive pills are

attracted to men with similar immune systems. That is to say, contraception can
reverse the rule. This can be used to explain the high divorce rate; women
sometimes lose interest in their partners when under the effect of certain drugs.

How to Make People Love You

All the previous rules cross gender boundaries; they are applicable to the
relationship between any two human beings even if they are of the same gender.
If you are a man and you want your friends of the same gender to like you, try
using the tactics described above. Start by researching your friends' needs,
values and beliefs. Then position yourself as previously advised.

Let’s suppose you have a friend who is physically weak and suffered from
bullying in their childhood. This person is most likely to be friends with these two
types of men:

 Docile or weak men with whom he does not feel threatened.

 Men who are at once strong, assertive and modest. He would not be able
to call a man who lacks the attribute of modesty his friend.

By finding out people’s needs and positioning yourself as someone who can fulfill
them, you would become their intimate and trustworthy friend. Does your friend
need a keeper? Do they need a wise advisor? Are they looking for a brave
friend? Do they need a problem-solver? You should be able to infer the kind of
person that your friend needs and to become that person.

Intellectual Level Matching

People usually fall in love with those who are on the same intellectual level as
themselves. If one believes that he is dealing with an immature person, one
might be repelled.

In order for this section to be clear, we need an exact definition of the word
“mature.” There is no universal meaning inherent in the word; its denotation
depends on individualistic standards and perspectives.

Generally speaking, if you want to convince someone of your maturity, match

their intellectual level, be it high or low. There are people who would be
impressed if you prove to be more intellectual than them. On the other hand,
insecure people would feel threatened if you outshine them. A case in point is
men who are intolerant of intelligent women. The woman in such a scenario must
not flaunt her intelligence lest she should repel her partner.

Love and Cleanliness

Cleanliness is known to be one of the things that make men more attractive. The
word cleanliness does not signify the frequency of bathing but is the sense of
cleanliness that can be felt to exude from one's overall appearance. It’s been
found that men with stained shirts or ill-shaven beards repel women.

If you are a married man and your wife kept repeatedly seeing you dirty, you will
no longer be perceived as attractive. Even seemingly trivial matters, like the
shape of your fingernails, can affect your image. That is why you should not
underestimate them.

As irrelevant or insignificant as it may appear, cleanliness has been ranked top in

most women’s subconscious criteria. The more disheveled a man, the more
repellent he becomes.

Love and Physical Attraction

Research claims that love is based on physical attraction in most cases (at least
at the beginning of the relationship), and some people even think that love
cannot happen without an initial physical attraction.

If, for example, your beloved mentioned that they don't like overweight people,
then you should always remain in good shape. The other important factor that
plays a big role in attraction is your health. It was found that both men and
women are more attracted to those who have a healthy appearance.

You can become more attractive by following a healthy lifestyle that involves
sleeping well, eating healthy food and avoiding drinking alcohol. Physical
attractiveness is not only based on good looks, but it also extends to including
being fit and healthy.

Your Tone of Voice

Slight changes in your tone of voice can also make you accordingly appear more
or less attractive. It has been found that women are attracted to men with deep
voices, whereas men are attracted to women with feminine, delicate voices.

I have carried out various tests by monitoring the change in subjects' body
language upon their hearing a member of the opposite sex speaking. It was then
that I discovered that people exhibited attraction signals when the tone of voice
was changed. This means that a person who was considered a little attractive
was found to be more attractive as soon as they changed their tone of voice.

Making your voice sound more masculine or more feminine is not difficult
provided that you are aware of the effect your tone of voice can have on the
degree of your attractiveness.

In addition to training yourself to develop an attractive voice, bear in mind that

your beloved will always find attractive a voice that is similar to that of their
opposite-sex parent (provided that they don’t hate that parent). Although it might
seem impossible to imitate someone's tone of voice, these guidelines can help
you a lot:

 Mimic the parent's tempo and pitch.

 Use the same words they use as much as you can.
 Talk at the same speed as them.
 Use the same gestures they use while talking.

Do I Have To Live With A Mask On?

A friend told me once that she has to tell many lies in order to make someone fall
in love with her and thus, she fears that she will have to live with a mask on for
the rest of her life.

Before I tell you how I answered her, let me first make the following remark.
When you position yourself as a charming person, you should not lie or claim that
you do what you do not; you should simply display your virtues.

Each one of us has many qualities - both positive and negative - but in order to
attract someone, one has to thrust one's virtues into attention and make them

This can be achieved by revealing your virtues before the rest of your qualities. In
this way, you will eventually be able to be your authentic self in dealing with your

You should not reveal all your qualities all at once. Furthermore, you should not
make your conversation with your partner assume the manner of a confession.
You should make all revelations happen gradually, smoothly and unnoticeably.

When you reach the stage where you can be your real self with your partner,
they will be attached to you in a way that doesn't allow them to jilt you, even if
you do not seem to them as enchanting as you did at the beginning.

Final Words

Making someone fall in love with you is not as hard as it may seem. If you follow
the steps I have been describing throughout this book, you should be able to
surmount any obstacles. To recap these few steps:

1) Research your beloved's needs and desires.

2) Know their method for calculating people's total scores.
3) Raise your total score accordingly.
4) Use the emotional hit and run tactic; make a move that will prompt your
beloved to get attached to you, then disappear for a while.

The information that you can gather from your research will allow you to convince
the subject of your affection that you can satisfy their unmet needs. It’s a matter
of finding the right combination of personality traits required for their needs and
then using a positioning strategy to show them that you are its embodiment.

Appendix A

Determining Representational System

You can easily know if someone is a visual, auditory or kinesthetic person by

being watchful of their behavior:

The Behavior of People with a Visual Representation System:

 They talk very fast.

 They formulate mental images of their thoughts.
 They tend to use hand gestures and their body language is expressive.
 They may not eat certain types of food if they don’t like how it looks.
 They judge things by their physical appearance.
 They take hasty decisions.
 They remember faces better than names.

The Behavior of People with an Auditory Representation System:

 They have clear voices and they articulate all words with precision.
 They are easily distracted by noises.
 They do not necessarily maintain eye contact during conversations.
 They find it very easy to remember phone numbers and names.

The Behavior of People with a Kinesthetic Representation System:

 They speak slowly as though they need to feel the words before uttering
 They hardly ever use hand gestures or change their posture while talking.
 They take lots of time to make a decision.
 They take a lot of time to develop an intimate relationship with someone.

Appendix B

The Effect of Colors on Your Positioning Strategy

Black: It reflects authority and power. It would particularly attract those

who need protection.

Blue: It makes one look loyal. It would appeal to people who find it
difficult to trust others.

Red: It makes one look energetic. It would allure people seeking an

outgoing and lively partner.

White: It makes you look innocent and pure. It would enchant people
looking for virtuous, wholesome partners.

Purple: It is a mixture of red and blue. Purple combines the strength of the
red color and the calming effect of the blue color. Purple could
reflect elegance, wealth, mystery and authority. Some people are
dazzled by enigma and luxury.

Pink: It reflects innocence and kindness. People who have been hurt
would be captivated by it.

You can even use different color combinations to achieve the effect of two or
more colors at once. It is also advisable to wear the color that your beloved
prefers most. When they see you, the color will make them feel relaxed and they
will think that it is you who is causing them to have these positive emotions.

Appendix C

Collecting information

Every action one takes, every single word one says and everything that is related
to one in a direct or indirect way reveals some information about one's
personality. The aim of this Appendix is to draw your attention to the small clues
that can provide you with information about a person.

These are only a few examples of the correct approaches you can adopt when
collecting information about somebody. Since there are millions of specific cases,
it’s very important that you understand the approaches rather than the examples.
The approaches are applicable to all possible situations. These examples will
simply orient your mind in a way that will allow you to decide what kind of
information you should look for and the clues that can lead you to it.

 A girl who talks a lot about her father is probably strongly attached to him,
and thus will be looking for a partner who can play a similar fatherly role.
The same is applicable for a man who talks a lot about his mother.
 A person who doesn’t like to display their picture on social networking
websites may have a poor self-image complex. In this case, you can use
the “provide them with what they need” tactic.
 People who take long steps in their manner of walking are confident.
 People who step heavily on the ground are persistent.
 Those who drag their feet behind them may be depressed. These people
are vulnerable to induced addiction.
 A cat-like walk is usually associated with a showy personality. You just
need to impress that person in order to make them admire you.
 Those who always cross their arms are shy people. They are easily
attracted to confident people.
 Those who are always busy, doing more than one thing at a time, are type
A personalities. They may become attracted to determined and ambitious
 Those who have a very long friend list on social networking websites are
prey to feelings of loneliness. They try to compensate for this by knowing
lots of people.
 Visual people speak fast, auditory people speak clearly and kinesthetic
people speak slowly. Check “Appendix B” if you haven’t already done so.
 Those who drive fast are risk-takers. They may find thrill and excitement
 People who look both ways many times before crossing the street are
cautious people. Don’t expect one such person to fall in love with you
without first feeling secure with you.
 Slim people are emotionally sensitive. You should never shout at a
delicate person. You have to be romantic when dealing with them.

 Those who spend the whole day on Facebook or other social networking
websites are craving intimacy. If you can establish an affinity with one
such person, they will most probably fall in love with you.
 If your partner calls you more than once in less than 5 minutes, they are
impatient. You’d better be an energetic person or else they will get bored.
 Those who make lots of typing mistakes on instant messengers are
impatient too. They can't wait to revise what they have written before
sending it.
 Those who sleep for long periods of time may be depressed or
 Just as you can use colors for positioning yourself, you can use them to
determine someone’s personality. Check “Appendix B” for more
information on this topic.
 Those who sleep face down have an obsessive need to be in control and
they may be feeling insecure.
 Those who sleep on their backs fear nothing. All techniques that play on
insecurities may not work with them.

Now, after you've seen how tiny particulars can lead you to understanding
someone’s personality, here are detailed guides that explain elaborately how you
can find out a lot about someone’s character by detecting the smallest clues. In
case you have been wondering where I got all the information that has led me to
associate certain actions with particular types of people, it is from the guides

 You can tell a lot about a person's personality from their doodles. Check
out this link:

 You can tell a lot about a person's personality from their facial features.
Check out the following link:

 You can tell a lot about a person's personality from their body language.
Check out this link:

 You can tell a lot about a person's personality from their music
preferences. Check out the following link:

 You can find out more about the different personality types using this link:

 You can find out a lot about people from their handwriting. Make sure you
check this link:

 You can find out more about people’s personalities from their body types.
Check out this link:

Check out 2knowmyself other books…

How to get over anyone in few days

About the book

This book is a 100 percent guarantee that you will get over any person; if the
book doesn’t work, you will be fully refunded. All you have to do is read the book
well and apply what’s written exactly. If nothing has changed for you, I will gladly
refund you. Again, I am proudly repeating this; it’s a 100% guarantee that you will
recover, not 99 nor 98 nor 97.

This book is by far the most powerful guide in the world to getting over someone.
The book is not just different from other books that tackle the same subject, but
it’s not even comparable to them.

The book will make the worst breakup become a simple state that you can
recover from in few weeks, if not days. Personally, I get over the worst breakup

ever in three days, but this is not how I used to be, I used to feel broken, and
remained depressed for months until I grasped extensive knowledge about the
psychology of love. This book intends to transfer to you this knowledge that can
make you forget about anyone in few days.

Even if you were very deeply in love, after reading the book and applying the
techniques, you will have no emotion towards the particular person you once
loved. If you feel that the person you love is your soul mate and simply can't get
over them, after reading this book and applying the techniques, they will become
to you just like a brother or a sister. Furthermore, breakups will never affect you
the same way they used to affect you after this book.

After a few days, you will start to feel better! By the second week, you will
recover by up to 50%, which will lift your mood and you will start feeling better
everyday. The only thing you have to do is to stick to what’s written.

The other thing that makes this book different is that it’s a 100% guarantee that
you will recover! Unlike other books which promise you to feel better. I have
helped thousands of people to completely forget about the people they were in
love with by applying the techniques in this book. Again, I am repeating it strongly
and clearly, it’s a 100% guarantee that you will recover!

This book is not about intuitive tricks or logical ideas that can be easily guessed
containing "be strong,” "stop thinking of her" or "focus on other things"
statements, it is one based on complex psychological principles, simplified
enough to be understood by all. All of the techniques in this book are backed by
psychological and scientific research. The techniques in the book are derived
from Love Psychology, Friendship Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(NLP), Subconscious Mind Programming, Behavioral Psychology, Hypnosis,
Physiology, all backed up by scientific research.

If you think falling in love should involve suffering, pain, feeling bad or becoming
depressed, I urge you to read this book, as the techniques described will
permanently change your breakup habits. I am not responsible if you have never
felt bad when breaking up with someone, or if you become insensitive when you
apply the techniques in the book during your breakup. Don’t worry, the book
won’t affect your ability to love and to be loved, it will just change your beliefs
when it comes to breakups.

How I did it

About this book

November 2, 2006 is making 0.8 USD, dollars/day.

August 2, 2008 is making thousands of dollars each month.

Today, you can make the same amount of money from your home and even
without leaving your bed, just by following what’s written in the book. This book
will definitely allow you to make the same amount of money if you apply what’s
written in it exactly. This book does not contain information that I have read about
elsewhere, nor does it contain advice I believe might work. Instead, it contains
the approach I followed to develop a website from scratch which generates
thousands of dollars each month.

The book explains every single small detail about what I did in order to make a money-making machine. I did not spend money advertising
for my website nor have I spent hundreds of hours marketing it, I just followed an

approach which, if anyone follows, will make the same amount of money from a

Not only do I hold a Masters in Business Administration and a few respectable

computer certificates, I also have the practical experience of creating a
successful E-Business. In less than 1.5 years, I created a website which contains
no more than free articles, which is now generating money that a well-respected
employee won’t earn even after years of experience.

Why should you buy this book?

You will get your money back in the first month if you are not entirely satisfied. By
just applying the techniques in the book, you will be able to generate and earn
yourself good money in just a very short period of time. What a successful
investment it is to pay a small amount of money then get a lifetime source of

The book contains all the discoveries I made regarding what works and what
doesn't work in the E-business world. It could take you years to reach the same
findings, and I am informing you of the same techniques I used in one book.

This book will not discuss 2knowmyself as a money-making website because it’s
intended for anyone who wants to start a successful money-making website that
doesn’t have to be related to my website at all. I only took from
universal concepts that can be applied in any kind of online business. You don’t
have to have any background in making money online, as the book will give you
every small detail that you need to make money from a website, starting by
marketing concepts up to the HTML code you should use. The book contains
information that has roots in many sciences and sources including Marketing,
Management, Psychology, Selling Skills, Website Optimization, Customer
Service, E-Commerce, Research Methodology, as well as incorporating my
practical experience.

The approach explained in the book is very simple, straight to the point and very
practical. The implementation of the ideas inside the book is going to be a very
easy task, since every small detail is explained and supported with graphic
illustrations. This is not the kind of book where you will find information or
techniques that cannot be applied or are not practical enough to use.

Unlike all other books, the money you pay is going to be returned back to you if
you follow what’s written in the book, in addition to profit. The money you are
paying for the book is an investment, and the return on investment is going to be
much bigger than the initial amount you will pay. The least this book can do for
you is reimburse your money in a short period of time, in addition to profit.

The ultimate guide to maintaining a healthy relationship

Do you always find yourself fighting with your relationship partner?
Are you unhappy or dissatisfied with your relationship?
Do you fear breakups?
Do you wish that you’d had more understanding of your partner and yourself?
Do you wish to have a happy and stable relationship?

This book is not an ordinary relationships book that gives advice that is known to
everyone like “Be nice to him” or “buy her gifts,” but instead it gives you
numerous methods that are based on psychology which can help you have a
healthy relationship that has fewer fights and that keeps both of you happy and

If you’ve got a simple understanding of human nature from a psychological

perspective you will understand that invoking emotions in other people is a very
simple task, whether they are bad or good emotions; just by following simple

actions you can completely change the mood of the person you love and so the
result will be sustaining the relationship.

The book will give you all the information you need to control someone’s mood,
to calm him down, to reduce fights with him, to deal with him even if he has a
difficult personality type and to avoid breaking up with him.

What is different about the book?

This book is not about intuitive tricks or logical ideas that can be easily guessed
such as "be nice to him" or "buy her gifts." It is one that is based on complex
psychological principles simplified enough to be understood by all. All of the
techniques in this book are backed by psychology. The techniques in the book
are derived from Love Psychology, Friendship Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP), Subconscious Mind Programming, Behavioral Psychology,
Hypnosis, and Personality Types Psychology, in addition to the Psychology of
Anger, i.e. guilt, fear, sarcasm, managing change and relationship dissatisfaction.

What can this book do for you?

You are getting the following benefits out of the book:

 Maintaining a healthy relationship.

 Dramatically reducing fights.
 Dealing with difficult people who are sarcastic, over-sensitive, arrogant,
Type A personalities, stubborn, narcissistic personalities and others.
 Maintaining love in your relationship, instead of letting time erode it.
 Avoiding breakups.
 Getting more understanding of you, your partner and others.
 Learning how to handle anger, sadness, frustration and disappointment
with your partner and with everyone else.
 Knowing how to change something you don’t like about your partner.
 Preventing yourself and your partners from being programmed by friends,
relatives, media or any other source that can negatively impact your
 Learning how to express your needs, wants and desires without being
aggressive and without letting go of any of your rights.
 And lots more!

The Ultimate guide to weight loss

About the book

I guarantee applying the techniques in this book will result in losing your
unwanted extra pounds and having a great body without a lot of effort.
This book will allow you to permanently lose weight and to have an ideal body
shape without preventing yourself from eating your favorite food or undergoing a
diet. The reason this book can help you lose weight in such an easy way is that it
doesn’t contain simple techniques that are based on motivational advice or
logical tips. Instead it contains effective techniques that are based on
Psychology, Physiology, NLP, Hypnosis and other Sciences. The techniques in
this book were followed by some people before it was published, and the result
was a dramatic change in their weight and looks. All of them were successful in
losing their desired weight and most of them developed an athletic body shape!

Depending on a diet to change your body shape may be a successful short-term

solution, but in the long run you may return back to where you started and will
regain your lost pounds. I am not stating here that dieting is useless or all those
who start a diet will eventually fail to lose weight, but what I'm saying here is that
in order to lose weight, you are in need of much more powerful techniques for
weight loss other than the simple ones already known to everyone and proved
not be effective.

If you follow the techniques found in this book, I guarantee you will lose all of
your unwanted extra pounds and the results will be to have the body you always
dreamed of. Losing weight is much simpler than what you could have imagined;
all you need to know about how to do it the right way is what this book aims to

I Saw God

About the book

This book provides scientific evidence that proves the existence of God, with
levels of probabilities that are not subject to debate or revision. The facts are
crystal clear and 100% scientific. After knowing these facts, you'll come to the
conclusion that there is no other possibility than the presence of a mighty creator
who planned this all.

This book does not prove that God exists through philosophies or emotional
arguments, because they can be easily refuted, but instead it provides crystal
clear evidence on God’s existence through scientific facts.

What can this book do for you?

This book is intended for those who doubt God’s existence and for those with
shaken beliefs about God. Whether you are a believer or not, sometimes you
may find yourself asking questions like:

Why did God leave me?

Why is God doing this to me?
Why do humans suffer?

The book will not only directly answer these questions, but will provide you with
solid clues that prevent the shaking of your belief in God’s existence ever again,
no matter what happens. The facts found in this book will have you reach the
conclusion that there are no other possibilities except the existence of a mighty

This book is for those who wish to see God.

What's different about the book?

Unlike most other books, the book doesn't use philosophy, logical arguments or
emotions in proving God's existence. The book only uses scientific facts that can
be easily understood by everyone, yet very powerfully convince the reader
nothing occurred by chance. This book is for those who want to have faith and

The Ultimate Guide to getting over depression

About the book

 Be a positive thinker.
 Become more optimistic.
 Do something new or travel somewhere.
 Talk to a close friend.

You may have heard them all and applied the techniques and they all didn’t work.

If this book doesn’t help you feel better, ask for your money back! By buying it
now, you will either feel an improvement in your mood or your money back! I
personally believe this is the only book about depression on sale that offers a full
money back guarantee!

The title “The Ultimate Guide to getting over depression” was not selected for
nothing or by chance. This book WILL, without doubt, help you feel much better,
get rid of your depression, have a more stable mood, understand your bad
feelings deeply, learn how to deal with them and live a much happier life.

Depression and other bad moods are nothing more than messages sent to you
by your mind in order to take some kind of action. If you manage to take action
as soon as the message is received, the message will disappear. However, if you
fail to interpret the message, you might live with this bad mood for a long period
of time.

This book will give you a very deep understanding of your emotions and tell you
the best way to respond to them in order to let the bad feelings disappear in no

What’s different about the book

This book does not contain traditional advice like "be a positive thinker,” "learn to
love life" or "be optimistic.” Instead it contains direct and practical advice based
on Psychology, Subconscious Mind Programming, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,
Gestalt Therapy, Expressive Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy and
Interpersonal Therapy, all of which will help you feel much better as soon as you
start applying the techniques.

This book doesn’t offer quick fixes that last for a few days then lose their effect
later on like “you need to travel,” “take few days off” or “talk to a friend,” but
instead it provides permanent solutions to depression, mood swings and

The book will not only help you understand these emotions and their root causes,
it will also give you practical and effective steps that will help you get rid of them,
reduce the bad effect they are having on your life and prevent them from visiting
you again.

The book offers a money back guarantee in case it doesn’t help you feel better.
Since I know the book is effective and different, I am offering you a 100% money
back guarantee!

How effective is it

I am sure you have read more than a dozen self-help books that talk about
depression, as well as trying various kinds of medication. Or you may have
asked everyone you know for advice, without finding any signs of relief.

I really despise marketing hype, those who overly hype their inferior products and
those who fool people into buying things they don’t need. But, for the sake of
letting you know the truth, I have to say that this book will be the end of your
suffering and generate a turning point in your life and a permanent change in the
way you perceive life and bad events.

This book guarantees your mood will change and your life will become happier
as soon as you start applying the techniques. The book will not only tell you how
to get over depression, it will also tell you how to get over mood swings, how to
deal with suppressed emotions, how to control your emotions, how to prevent
bad moods, how to become emotionally resilient, how to eliminate stress from
your life, how to channel your anger correctly and how to live a happier life.

This book will definitely give you a strong permanent lift to your mood that will
last forever. In short, this is the best depression book you are ever going to read.
If after reading it you find something different, please let me know and I will
remove this statement from this page.

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