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Assessing comprehension of the text

In complete sentences, answer each of the following questions.

1. What makes Ishindenshin as a form of communication challenging among non-Japanese?

Ishindenshin is the latest communication that is not understood by other countries

because they have different beliefs and different cultures. Being Japanese from birth can be
understand by them, but Japanese culture and way of communication can be strange to them.

2. How is the concept of Ishindenshin related to Buddhism?

Buddhism shows belief in those who believe in it. Buddhism doesn't speak anything,
but when believer saw it, they immediately worship it.

3. What examples of Ishindenshin are mentioned in the text?

"My mother often has a sore shoulder. When she does, she shakes her head and takes
a few deep breaths. At this point, all of us in the family know what she wants us to do, so she gets
a massage."

4. Although the speaker believes Ishindenshin works well, which line in the third paragraph
indicates her belief that communication without using words is vulnerable to misunderstanding
among interlocutors?

"When I came to the United States the first time when I was 13, an American family
welcomed me into their home as a family member. When I felt hungry and wanted to get
something to eat, I expressed my feelings with the words, "I am beginning to get hungry," but
my host mother did not give me anything to eat. I felt so strange." He thought Ishindenshin
was also believed in other countries so he used it. But he made a mistake and was ignored by
his host.

5. Do you think Ishindenshin is a useful concept? Why or why not?

It is useful concept but not in other countries because there are differences like culture
and beliefs that only in Japan will work.

6. What makes the concept of Ishindenshin a barrier in the development of the Japanese fluency
in English?

It is a barrier because they don't say a word when they want something or when they
need to communicate with others verbally. They only use what they feel and not their voice.
Well, it is important for them the Ishindenshin because it is their way but when they want to
travel around the globe, Ishindenshin can't be work.
7. According to the speaker, what should a Japanese living outside of his/her country do to be
able to interact well with non-Japanese?

To be able to communicate with non-Japanese, they must learn how to study other
culture and beliefs, the way how they lived and how they communicate verbally, that way they
will get along and understand each other

8. Can you cite concrete situations to illustrate good and bad effects of Ishindenshin?

Good effects are when you are in your Japan and you want to drink some fresh water, by
using some non- verbal action they will give you water without asking what do you need. Bad
effects are when you are in other country, when you want massaged and use your way of
communication, the y will not understand why you are being strange.

9. Prove that Ishindenshin is part of people’s emotional intelligence or EQ.

Ishindenshin is part of EQ because it is their way to send information without saying

anything with guide thinking and behavior.

Assessing analysis of the text structure:

1. What is the hook used in the introduction?

It describes a Japanese concept used to refer to communication without words or a

"reading of the heart." We Japanese do not always say exactly what we think or feel. People can
guess and receive what is in a sender's heart.

2. What kind of hook is used?

It is an interesting fact.

3. Why is it an effective hook?

Because when I first read the introduction, I became interested to finish the whole study.

4. What is the main idea of the essay?

Main idea is "How the Ishindenshin works in Japanese and Non-Japanese"

5. What is the topic of the essay?

The topic here is Ishindenshin. It shows different beliefs and way of communication
without saying anything that works in Japan.

6. What is the denotative meaning of the word or concept being defined?

"I am beginning to get hungry," because the narrator literally get hungry and wants to
wat some food.
7. What is the connotative meaning of the word or concept?

They can describe "World Clock" because they need to be adjusted in other country.

8. What are the topic sentences used building the main body of the essay?

"People can understand each other without words. This is not a familiar concept in
western cultures, where people are generally encouraged to state exactly what they mean. "
Because this sentence needs to be addressed and must have evidence.

9. What method was used to elaborate the topic sentences?

The method used is direct and elaborated well.

10. What method of paragraph development was mainly used in the essay?

Facts, Cause and effects, illustration, and contrast and comparison.

11. Prove that comparison as a method of development is effectively used in this essay.

Because they have some comparison in the effectivity of Ishindenshin in Japan and Non-

12. What sentence restates the thesis statement?

Ishindenshin has mostly good effects but can also have a few bad ones for Japanese
living outside of their country. Using this telepathy too much can have unfortunate
consequences, but I believe it is important to use a moderate amount. We sometimes have to
use our emotional intelligence and interpret feelings without words because there are situations
in all people's lives when there are no words to express exactly how we feel.

13. What sentence summarizes the idea of the whole essay?

There are many ways that Japanese demonstrate Ishindenshin in their daily lives. For
example, when people ride on a bus, they stand up and give their seats to someone who is old
or has a physical disability. Ishindenshin works especially well in situations like this where people
do not know one another. It is like telepathy because people do not say anything. In Japanese
culture, we seldom say negative words to other people because we are observant about hurting
someone, but non-verbal communication will often get a negative point across. For example,
my mother often has a sore shoulder. When she does, she shakes her head and takes a few
deep breaths. At this point, all of us in the family know what she wants us to do, so she gets a

14. What sentence states the final thought of the writer?

We sometimes have to use our emotional intelligence and interpret feelings without
words because there are situations in all people's lives when there are no words to express
exactly how we feel.

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