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Topic: Draft of the final project

Course: English
Teacher: Seiny Sarahi Cerros Navarrete
   Katerin Yaneth Santos – 121270025 – 94862857
Alejandro José Molina Murillo – 222020001 – 32533914
Danny Mauricio Chinchilla Henrriquez – 122270028 – 95219227
Denilson Yahir Chinchilla Henrriquez – 122270027 – 3237-6620
Gabriel Ramon Lemus Perdomo – 122450033 – 97964982

Section: 99962

Date of delivery: Sunday 23 of October of 2022



We present the first advances of what would become the English conversation 2 of the
final project but at the same time demonstrate the level obtained during the course.

- Alejandro: Hello colleagues, my name is Alejandro and I will be the leader of the group,
let's get to know each other a little before getting down to work.
- Katerin: Hi, my name is Katerin
- Gabriel: My name is Gabriel
- Danny: My name is Danny
- Denilson: Hi, my name is Denilson
- Alejandro: What do you do at the moment and what do you do on a daily basis?
- Danny: Actually I do homework and go for a daily walk.
- Katerin: What do you do in your free time?
- Katerin: I go for walks
- Alejandro: I listen to music
- Danny: I do my homework
- Denilson: I play basketball
- Alejandro: What do you study?
- Katerin: Administration and business development.
- Gabriel: psychology
- Danny: Administration and business development
- Alejandro: Systems engineering
- Katerin: Denilson what do you study?
- Denilson: Administration and business development.
- Danny: Why did you choose to study your careers?
- Alejandro: I decided to study systems engineering because it seemed easier than
- Katerin: I study Administration and business development because I like
- Gabriel: I like all the others.
- Denilson: I was attracted to this degree.
- Alejandro: Why did you choose your career?
- Danny: I thought it was a little better than the others.
- Denilson: Where did you all study before entering college?

- Danny: I studied at the governmental institute for Honduran youth in Ocotepeque.

- Katerin: I studied at the governmental institute for Honduran youth in Ocotepeque.
- Gabriel: I studied at the institute Coronel Calidonio.
- Alejandro: I studied at the Felipe Enrique Augustinus high school.
- Alejandro: In which school did you study?
- Denilson: I studied at the governmental institute for Honduran youth in Ocotepeque.
- Gabriel: Have you played any sports?
- Denilson: I have played soccer, basketball and volleyball.
- Katerin: I have played soccer.
- Alejandro: I haven't played any sports.
- Alejandro: What sport did you play before, Gabriel?
- Gabriel: I played soccer 2 months ago.
- Danny: What was it like to play before at your high school?
- Gabriel: It was a lot of fun to play back then and it was very competitive in my
- Katerin: It was very nice and fun and Danny was in the same class as me last year.
- Alejandro: I didn't feel in a nice environment on the contrary it was unsatisfactory.
- Denilson: It was unsatisfactory because there was no camaraderie.
- Alejandro: What was it like to play in your high school before?
- Danny: I didn't like playing with my former teammates.
- Dennison: Were you part of any sports teams?
- Katerin: I was not part of any team.
- Alejandro: I was never interested in sports so I never joined any sports teams.
- Gabriel: I joined a few teams
- Alejandro: Were you Danny part of any sports teams?
- Danny: I was never interested in being part of a team; I was more interested in my
- Alejandro: What were you like before in your high school?
- Gabriel: I used to learn quickly and understand the theory.

- Danny: I always paid attention, that's why I was never scolded.

- Katerin: I was a good student, I got good grades and behaved well.
- Denilson: I was quite absent-minded, anything different would get my attention.
- Katerin: What were you like in high school before?
- Alejandro: I was a good student but I had a lot of problems because I had a habit of
getting into fights.
- Denilson: What did you learn from your behavior?
- Alejandro: I didn't learn anything.
- Danny: What things distracted you?
- Denilson: I was distracted by conversations of my classmates, things going on outside
the classroom, and my own thoughts.
- Katerin: How were you doing in your classes in terms of being quite distracted?
- Denilson: I was doing, between good and bad because it affected me a lot, but I was
able to handle it well.
- Danny: And Gabriel wasn't distracted like Denilson?
- Gabriel: I was very distracted but I was doing very well in my subjects.
- Danny: Good thing he didn't do badly because of that.
- Katerin: Great! And, currently with the virtual classes, how are you doing?
- Denilson: I'm doing better since I've improved a lot over time.
- Alejandro Good but with some complications
- Alejandro: Katerin, how are you doing in the virtual classes?
- Katerin: fine, but looking at the computer for a long time has brought me visual
- Alejandro: I see that they are very good people, I really like them a lot.
- Katerin: Thank you, you are a good person and a very good colleague, the same goes for
the others.
- Gabriel: I have really learned a lot with you.
- Denilson: Thank you very much for the compliment, everyone is very nice
- Alejandro: Thank you very much Katerin, the truth is that you are very nice people.

- Danny: Thank you very much, I think the same of you.

- Katerin: We should take more classes together! We do good teamwork
- Alejandro: I hope and things go well for us this university year
- Denilson: I agree with you.
- Gabriel: Thank you, you are great people and you will be great professional colleagues,
tell me how you are doing, are you working at the moment?
- Alejandro: No, but I'm looking for one
- Katerin: So am I, I'm looking for a job!
- Denilson: In my case, I do temporary jobs, but at the moment I haven't found any.
- Danny: I quit my job a few months ago. I am currently looking for a new job. And how
did you find out about UCENM?
- Alejandro: I found out because some guys from the university recommended it to me.
- Denilson: It was recommended to me by my previous high school teachers.
- Alexander: Great.
- Katerin: I found out through social networks and it caught my attention
- Gabriel: I found out from an aunt who studied the same career that I want to profess
- Alejandro: And how do you feel at the university?
- Denilson: Very well, the truth is comfortable
- Gabriel: Well, so far so good, but I'll feel better when I graduate.
- Alejandro: We are now two colleagues, yes, the engineers and the graduate are very
- Katerin: It's very good, the teachers teach very well.
- Danny: It's time for me to say goodbye folks, it was a pleasure socializing with you.
- Katerin: Well, we'll talk another day.
- Gabriel: It was a pleasure talking to you. We'll see you soon.
- Denilson: It was nice talking to you, see you.
- Alejandro: It was a pleasure, companions. I wish you luck in college.

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