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A Book Can Change You

Man has always been an intelligent species in his right, reading is just one of his way to learn
and earn knowledge. As man progress and advance it all comes to the basic way of learning, and that is
to read. With all the ways of reading books and such things as literature, how could man change his life
just by reading?

It is known for a fact that education is a fundamental part of one’s life, so in an early age of man
they are taught to read and write. As we grow, reading is just one of our ability to do in our daily life, so
as to say that just by reading we can know many things since life is full of knowledge and mysteries. A
man can be a wise man if it were to read many books in proportional to his age. With books we are
ought to learn many valuable learning and understanding about our surroundings. It can raise
awareness for you to be aware of your vast surroundings, like an example for this are pamphlets and
fliers or even a pocket book that are categorized to certain topics for people to read. There are several
theories for literary which are used for different kinds of literature. Example of a theory for literary is the
theory of psychology where it can immensely help change a man especially his characteristics and
behavior or either of the two where after he reads the passage is where the realization or
enlightenment for him differentiates his understanding before.

Like so, reading of texts can change a man of his characteristics and his behaviors as said before.
Though it is not just limited for a man to just change his behavior and characteristics it can also change
his life. The knowledge and deep comprehensions that he obtained will forever stay in him and it will
also assist him in the progression of his existence. With the aid of his wisdom he can climb the ranks of
man where he can choose to relay all his understanding and deepen the education for man or either
contribute to mankind where he uses his wisdom to work to the society of mankind.

With this, reading is a way for a man to change characteristically or behaviorally with the help of
just reading books or other literatures. With the aid of knowledge where he learned from just by reading
he can also climb the ranks of man to either help develop or work for the society of mankind. More so,
you can gain wisdom and knowledge by reading.


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