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Country :Indonesia
Topic :saving children ending child marriage
and teenage pregnancy
Name :Aleriana Telaumbanua

UNICEF stands for United Nations Children's Fund, or the United Nations Children's
Fund. The number of children whose lives have been assisted by UNICEF is the highest
compared to any other humanitarian organization.
Unicef provides basic education infrastructure in the world, improves child welfare in
developing countries, gender equality through education for girls, protects children from all
forms of violence and abuse, protects from advocacy for children's rights.
When UNICEF was formed on December 11, 1946 to help children in war-torn Europe,
China, and the Middle East, the acronym was "United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund."
In Indonesia, UNICEF started work in 1948. Our first program was to provide emergency
assistance to prevent famine on the island of Lombok.
In 1953, UNICEF's mandate was expanded to meet the needs of children in developing
countries. At that time, the words "international" and "emergency" were removed from the
organization's name, making it the United Nations Children's Fund

Child marriage is a form of violence against children and is a

practices that violate the basic rights of children as stated in the Convention on the Rights
of the Child (CRC). Child
who are married under 18 years due to certain conditions have a greater vulnerability in
access education, health, and have a great potential to experience violence. Besides
In addition, children who are married at the age of under 18 years will have access to
basic needs so that they have the potential to perpetuate intergenerational poverty and
every child has the right to grow up in a safe and inclusive environment
UNICEF works with partners around the world to promote policies and expand access to
services that protect all children. And saving children Ending child marriage and teenage
pregnancy must provide access to formal education.
educating young people about sexual reproductive health and rights.
promote gender equality at the grassroots level

The United Nations passed a resolution urging all member states to implement a ban
on child marriage to save the fate of millions of girls around the world.
The 193-member international organization says more than 15 million girls are forced to
marry each year for economic and security reasons.
"Underage marriage hinders efforts to reduce poverty, improve education, promote gender
equality and empower women. Child marriage also increases child mortality and hinders the
fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases," said Christine Kalamwina, Zambia's
representative to the United Nations. , as written by Reuters, Monday (24/11).
According to UN resolutions, underage marriage also poses a serious threat to the physical
and psychological health of immature women because it increases the risk of unwanted
pregnancies, increases newborn mortality and sexually transmitted infections.
The resolution was sponsored by 118 countries including Mali, Ethiopia and the Central
African Republic. The last two countries are among the 10 countries with the highest child
marriage rates in the world.
This resolution will be brought before the UN General Assembly for adoption in December.
Although this resolution has no legal implications, it is believed that this resolution can
increase political pressure on UN member states.
"This is a clear statement from the international community that underage marriage will not
be tolerated," said the global partnership Girls Not Brides, which oversees more than 400
civic organizations.
According to United Nations statistics, to date there are more than 700 million women who
have married before reaching the age of 18, due to compulsion, poverty and insecurity.
Child marriages are most common in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Nigeria is the
country with the highest number of underage marriages, with 77 percent of women in the
country having married before the age of 18.
The age limit for marriage is even lower in Bangladesh. Most women in this country marry
under the age of 15.
While India is home to a third of all children in the world who are forced to marry at an
early age

Children and youth must continue to be motivated to look to a bright future to make
themselves valuable to all and above all become an instrument of the state, and to take full
advantage of digital technology to assist education, increase knowledge, expand
opportunities and their empowerment in achieving quality of life. so that they can survive
marriage and teenage pregnancy

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