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0:10Skip to 0 minutes and 10 secondsAlright, I’m done. Is
everybody else done alright, so let’s let’s share what we’ve built
and the words that came to mind. So for example. For me, my
playful childhood experiences building sandcastles with my dad
on summer holiday and when we build sandcastles, we used to
come together with the plan. So used to plan. We used to try
things out together. We used to have some failures, we would
have to figure out together without getting upset. How do we
make things better? And really, it was all about problem solving
together. So interacting socially together and that was one of
my favorite childhood memories. Carly, you had some
awesome stuff that you picked out. What were your childhood
0:58Skip to 0 minutes and 58 secondsOK, I built the memory of
playing farm with my sisters and my brother in our backyard.
We had all this onion grass. This really tall smelly grass. That
would grow everywhere and we had this game where we would
collect all the grass and then bring it up into our swing set and
then organize it high up in the swing set and we would play for
so long and we took it so seriously that we would forget about
time we would forget to eat. My parents would have to call us in
when it got dark. We were just so invested and so engaged in
the act of farming that we forgot about the world around us.
1:38Skip to 1 minute and 38 secondsAlso I actually come from a
family of farmers but. We’re mushroom farmers, so we always
felt like this was our version of what my dad did every day, so it
was it was meaningful to us to be able to play at something
similar to what my dad was doing when he was at work, but it
was like our own cool version of it. And obviously, as you can
see, it was really fun things. Carly, Bo… What about you? What
do you have there? I build a tree because I grew up in a forest
and one of the fantastic things I really enjoyed doing was to
explore the forest and environment around me. And I remember
particular one thing.
2:17Skip to 2 minutes and 17 secondsIt was a huge tree with a
really wanted to climb. So you know I was making my way up to
the tree here, but then suddenly it began to rain so the tree
becomes completely slippery and I couldn’t get down. But I
actually would became a little darker and so forth. I have to find
a way down so I gradually just began climbing down, finding my
feeds, and testing out how I could get down and got back home.
What I learned is you know, next time I brought a friend.
2:49Skip to 2 minutes and 49 secondsSo as Bo and Paul and I
were describing our childhood memories, you may have noticed
that some of the same words came up for us as we were
describing these moments of play. You’re going to have a
chance to describe and share your moment of play and see if
there are similar words within our learning community that come
up for all of us.

Childhood play experiences - Take


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