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Exp: 2
Aim: To design a webpage to display Various Text Effects using HTML tags
Step 1: Open notepad, type the html tags to design the web page.
Step 2: <p> used for paragraph, and <p style="color:blue"> used for adding font color.
Step 3: <i> used for italic.
Step 4: <b> used for bold.
Step 5: <u> used for underline.
Step 6: <h1> used for setting the font size
Step 7: <div> used for division.
Step 8: <pre> used for preformatted text.
Step 9: Close all opened tags. Save the file using “filename.html” extension. Open the file
using any of the browsers to view your webpage.
Step 10: Stop.
Exp : 3
Aim: To create a table to show your class time-table using HTML tags.

Step 1: Open Notepad, then open root element <html>, then element tag<head>, title
tag<title> and type in “Timetable” close the tag-</title>.
Step 2: Then open the body tag<body>, and inside that add other tags like <strong>, <b>,
<center> & <u> for making the text look more vibrant.
Step 3: To create a table open table element-<table>, add <center>tag and add attributes table
border="4" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" width="1".
Step 4: To open a row in the table, open table row tag<tr>.
Step 5: Then open the <th> tag for adding table header and <tr> tag for adding table row.
Step 6: Repeat the step 5 according to the number of rows required.
Step 7: Close all opened tags. Save the file using “filename.html” extension. Open the file
using any of the browsers to view your webpage.
Step 8: Stop
Exp : 4
Aim: To create a webpage with four frames.


Step 1: Open Notepad, open root element <html>, head element tag<head>.
Step 2: Open title tag<title> and type “HTML Frames” and close the tags </title>
Step 3: To include frames- column wise, open<frameset cols>and to divide the frames into 3
sections, specify the width (30,20,50).
Step 4: Link the web page you want to display by using the tag<frame name=filename,
src=//path.html>. Close the frameset tag and include the tag <no frame> in order to display an
alternative text, if your browser doesn't support frames.
Step 5. Close all opened tags. For frames we do not use body element. Close the root
element. Save the file using “filename.html” extension. Open the file using any of the
browsers to view your webpage.
Step 6: Stop

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