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Sabbath School Worship

Shalom, Good morning and happy Sabbath everyone. (Quinlan)

Jesus is coming, Get involved. Get involved, Jesus is coming. (Quinlan)
Praise the Lord, God has blessed us in our past week activities, and in this wonderful Sabbath,
we can gather together here to worship Him. (Aquino)
We would like to welcome all of you who are joining us today in this Sabbath service. (Aquino)
Our worship this morning will begin with: (Quinlan)
 A Sabbath school introduction. Theme Verse and Opening Prayer will be offered by Elisa
Sinaga and Solagracia Surbakti (Quinlan)
 Followed by Offertory Reading and Prayer by Gwinneth Kaawoan and Anabella Kapojos
 Special number by (from Elementary school, Junior High school, Senior High School).
 Mission Story will be delivered by Jessica Pandigian (Aquino)
 Followed by a Sabbath School Panel Discussion, with Ma’am Juniva Momongan.
 Closing Prayer will be offered by Ma’am Juniva Momongan (Aquino)
Before we start our worship, let us invite the Holy Spirit to come into our hearts and minds
through silent prayer. (Quinlan)
The chorister will lead the introduction and the opening song. (Quilan)
May we all be blessed through our worship today. (Quinlan)

Divine Worship
Before we begin the divine worship, we would like to welcome all the guests who are joining us
this Sabbath. Happy Sabbath (-)
Our sermon service will begin with: (-)
 Call to worship by Mrs. Arlyn Lengkong (-)
 Offertory Reading and Prayer by Mr. Hanny Mona. (-)
 Followed by Special song that will be offered by The Ansambel from Elementary school,
UJHS Choir, UHS Choir and UALS teachers and staff (-)
 Pastoral Prayer and Scripture Reading will be delivered by Mr. Ronald Maramis and Mrs.
Nova Aror (-)
 And the preacher on this Sabbath is Mr. Osbert Miojo with the title “…….” (-)
 Mrs. Syanne Repi Salindeho will give the introduction to the speaker (-)
Let's prepare our hearts to follow the sermon worship. God bless. (-)

Closing Program
What a beautiful messages that we can get on this beautiful Sabbath morning. Hopefully we can
practice that in our daily life. (-)
Our worship has ended. We will leave this place in an orderly manner. (-)
Please continue to follow the health protocols wherever you are and stay healthy. (-)
Happy sabbath, may God bless us all. (-)

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