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BNI Quartz opens limitless and sometimes unexpected possibilities for business growth.

If you’re in BNI for quite some time now you’ve already experienced the benefits yourself-

A larger marketing team, a continuous source of business, business exclusivity, life- long learning, and
being surrounded by a positive and supportive group of people.

We’ve seen it too. Members, one after another, getting more and more business. One after another getting
out there more to meet new people and connect one who needs the other.

But really, at Quartz, it’s always been more than that. The chapter opens limitless and sometimes unex-
pected possibilities for business growth.

(Ma’am Gilda’s case having her line of car products thru collab with Jenny)

We meet suppliers that give us the opportunity to create new products…

(Show photos here)

Ms. Gilda: I got excited when I learned Ms. Jenny’s business actually offers car products for distributors.
So I reached out to her and we had a 121. These products are now in my physical and online shop.

And new ways to do business with customers.

(Show photos here)

Ms. Dulce: A2B is the best thing that happened to me recently. The delivery service makes it so much
easier to get my cakes and other baked products to my customers fast and safely.

(Pres Maria’s referrals from Ms. Dulce and Ma’am Cynthia)

We meet people who made us realize depending on the internet for marketing and waiting for leads,
works but not to the extent a personal and trusted connection does.

(Show photos here)

Pres Maria: Tita Cynthia and Tita Dulce are such angels for me. They just don’t stop giving me referrals,
and these referrals get to know me too and what I do. Doing business this way gives me more confidence
and enthusiasm because I get to personally meet them. It’s built on trust and accountability.

(Perlie’s case meeting Erlin building the idea of new Dahon spa, Archi Jun, Joedz, and Sir Lui now
helping her realize it.)

We meet people who give us the brightest ideas for our business to grow in ways we never imagined.

(Show photos here)

Perlie: I never expected it. We met to know each other, but we ended up discussing how a I could actually
turn my regular spa into a destination spa in the south. Now, we’re in the midst of construction and ex-
pecting to open by July. I’m working with the other members in realizing this- form the construction to
the marketing. It’s just, amazing what BNI did for me to expand my business this way.

We have so much more stories to tell, and so much more to discover in the chapter. We’ve imagined suc-
cess for our businesses, but who knows in what ways this group will push our businesses to that success
we’re all dreaming and working for?

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