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Q Classroom
Teacher: Today we’ll discuss the Unit 2 question: How can colors be useful? Let’s think
about the question and clothing for a minute. Sophy, how can colors be useful
in clothing?’
Sophy: You can use colors for 1) _________________________. Like in some countries, brides
wear white dresses. Or like the school colors we wear on our
2) ___________________________.
Teacher: That’s true. How else can we use color? Yuna, I see that you have
3) _____________________________________________. How are you using color?
Yuna: To organize. Different colors for different subjects.
Teacher: So we can use colors for symbolic reasons, and we can use
4) _________________________________. How else can colors be useful? Felix?
Felix: Colors can affect people’s moods. For example, hospitals are painted colors that
5) ________________________________. And a restaurant can use colors to make people
6) ________________________________, so they’ll want to stay and eat.
Teacher: What do you think, Marcus? How else can colors be useful?
Marcus: You can use color to 7) _________________________. You know, like big red letters on
a sign, or 8) ______________________________________ like black on yellow.

Vocabulary 1

1. Animals hide when danger is near. They come out when it’s safe.
a) go to a place where no one can see them
b) come out and look around

2. Listen to that bird. I think it’s giving the other birds a warning that there’s a cat
hunting them.
a) a call that means hunger
b) a call that means danger

3. Don’t let the children touch that. It is rat poison. It can hurt them.
a) Something that is dangerous to touch or eat
b) Something that has a very bad taste

4. This hand cream makes your skin soft and beautiful.

a) outer covering of your body
b) shoes and clothing
5. Some large birds have wings that are more than six feet across.
a) body parts used to walk
b) body part used to fly

6. Most pets can’t survive in the wild. They need people to take care of them.
a) stay alive
b) find friends

7. All insects have six legs, and many have wings. Most are very small.
a) an animal like an ant or bee
b) an animal like a cat or rabbit

8. Lions are predators. Other animals stay away from lions because they are dangerous.
a) animals that live in a group
b) animals that kill and eat other animals

Listening Accuracy 1
The Colors of Nature
Speaker: The colors of nature. Aren’t they wonderful? Birds,
1) _________________________________ —so many different colors. And it’s not only
that they’re beautiful. Colors in nature have many different uses. Many animals
use color to 2) _________________________________. Today we’re going to look at two
ways that animals do this.
The first way animals use color is to protect them from danger. Color helps
animals 3) __________________________________________. Scientists refer to this as
camouflage. For instance, look at this first photo. What do you see? Some green
leaves, right? But wait! One of those leaves is actually an insect. There’s a false-
leaf katydid sitting on a leaf. Look carefully and you can see its legs and its
head. Its 4) _______________________________ just like leaves. Katydids are common
insects all over the world. Here’s a little extra information about katydids. They
got their English name—”katydid”—from the sound they make. People thought
it sounded like the 5) ____________________________ “Katy” (a girl’s name) and “did.”
Listen. It sounds like they’re saying “katydidkatydidkatydid.” You know, I
wonder who Katy is and what she did!
Anyway, back to colors. Now look at the next photo of a
6) _________________________. Can you find the frog? Look closely and you can see it
on the left. It is sitting on the leaf. It takes its colors from the brown leaves and
rocks on the 7) ____________________________. This is another example of
camouflage. It’s almost impossible to see this little guy unless he moves. Even
then it looks like the wind is blowing a brown leaf across the forest floor.
A second use for color is to 8) ____________________________. This is the opposite of
9) _____________________________. These animals want you to see them. Their bright
colors say, “Watch out! I’m dangerous. If you touch me, I’ll hurt you.” Many
predators also know from experience that a bright color means
10) _________________. Let me give you an example. This is a photo of a
11) ___________________________ dart frog. These frogs live in the rain forests of
Suriname in South America. Their 12) ___________________________ a very strong
poison. The poison in just one frog is enough to kill ten men. Its bright blue
color says to 13) _________________________, “If you eat me, you will die.” Believe me,
if I see one of these in the forest, I will give it plenty of space!
Now on next week’s show, we’re going to meet a 14) _________________________
called the bowerbird. This little bird loves the 15) ____________________. Tune in
next week to find out what he does with it

Listening Comprehension 1
1. The false-leaf katydid’s ____ look just like leaves.
a. eyes
b. wings
c. legs

2. The katydid gets its name from ____.

a. a girl named katy
b. the way it looks
c. a sound it makes

3. The colors of the cryptic frog match the leaves and ____ on the forest floor.
a. Rocks
b. Insects
c. Flowers

4. The best way to see a cryptic frog is to ___.

a. Wait for the wind to blow
b. Watch for it to move
c. Look under a rock

5. The blue poison dart frog has enough poison to kill ____.
a. One person
b. Five people
c. Ten people

6. Poison dart frogs love in the rain forests of _____.

a. South America
b. South Africa
c. North America
Vocabulary 2
1. We painted the wall a solid red.
a. The wall has only one color, red.
b. The wall has a mix of red and other colors.

2. The flowers in the vase are a brilliant yellow.

a. The flowers are dark yellow.
b. The flowers are a very bright yellow.

3. The brown and red colors of the houses blend in with the desert landscape.
a. The colors of the houses are similar to the colors of the desert.
b. The colors of the houses are different from the colors of the desert.

4. It is difficult to draw a straight line if you don’t have a ruler.

a. It is hard to draw a line that goes directly from one point to another.
b. It is hard to draw a perfect circle.

5. The garden is a very peaceful place to sit and relax.

a. The garden is a noisy place with a lot of activity.
b. The garden is a very calm and quiet place.

6. The design of the house is based on the shape of a triangle.

a. The house has the same form as a triangle.
b. The builder used a tool called a triangle to build the house.

7. The beauty and color of their homes give the women of Asir a sense of pride.
a. They feel pleased and satisfied with their work.
b. They can charge a lot for their work because it is good.

8. Look, the color of your scarf matches the color of my sweater.

a. Your scarf and my sweater are the same color.
b. The color of your scarf is more beautiful than the color of my sweater.

Listening Accuracy 2

Part 1:
Colorful Homes
Moderator: Today we’re doing a 1) _______________________________ on the uses of color in
homes in different parts of the world. Our first speaker is Marcos Olivera, and
he’s going to talk about the work of the Mexican architect Luis Barragán.
Marcos: Luis Barragán was a famous Mexican architect. People sometimes call him the
2) “_________________________________” because he used so many bright colors in his
buildings. Barragán got ideas for his use of color from different places. First,
Mexico is a colorful country. His buildings use the 3) _________________________,
greens, and reds of the houses in many small towns and the colors of the many
4) ___________________________________. He also got ideas from his travels to Europe
and North Africa in the 1920s and 1930s. For example, he especially admired
the architecture of North Africa. He thought that it
5) ______________________________________ with the landscape. The deep reds and
browns of the buildings 6) ________________________________ of the desert sands and
rocks. The houses were, in his words, “connected to the people who lived
For Barragán, the landscape was as important as the building itself. In this
photo, you can see how he brings the house and garden together. He believed
that the 7) ___________________________ with one strong color create a sense of
silence, making the home a 8) ____________________________.

1. Luis Barragan used the colors of __________________ in his architecture.

a. Buildings of American small towns
b. Houses in the small towns of Mexico
c. Houses in Mexico City
2. Barragan often painted the walls of his houses ___________.
a. With pictures of brightly colored flowers
b. With complicated designs
c. With strong, solid colors
3. Barragan liked the architecture of North Africa because ___________.
a. The houses were painted in bright colors
b. The buildings blended in with the colors of the desert landscape
c. The houses were large enough for many people to live in them.

Part 2
Moderator: Now, Omar Al Salem is going to tell us about some very colorful homes in the
province of Asir in Saudi Arabia.
Omar: Thanks. The people of the province of Asir have a very
9) ______________________________ for painting their homes. Every year as part of the
festival of Eid, the women of Asir paint their homes, inside and out, with bright
colors in a variety of traditional designs. The designs feature
10) _________________________________ such as diamonds, triangles, and squares. The
designs have a long history, and many have special meanings.
Moderator: Can you give us some examples?
Omar: Yes, of course. Large triangles represent mountains, and lines that go up and
down represent water or lightning. The wall paintings are called “nagash” in
Arabic. The beauty and color of their homes gives the women of Asir a
11) ______________________________________.
Recently, the people of Asir started to hold 12) ______________________________ to
celebrate this artwork. Competitions 13) _____________________________________ to
use ideas from these traditional designs and keep their history alive.
Moderator: Very interesting, Omar. It is interesting that traditional
14) __________________________________ in two different parts of the world have so
much in common. Both show that people care about their traditions and want
their homes to be 15) __________________________________________

4. In the province of Asir, it is a tradition for people to paint their homes _________________.
a. Every year
b. Every other year
c. Every five years
5. In the designs, lines going up and down are used to represent _________________.
a. Houses
b. Water or lighting
c. Children
6. Competitions encourage modern artists _______________.
a. To create completely news designs for painting the houses
b. To sell their artwork at fairs
c. To use traditional designs in their artwork

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