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The national day in Malaysia is celebrated every year on the 31st of August in

honor of the birthday of the nation. On 31st August 1957, Malaysia gained its
independence from British colonial rule and became an independent country.
The National Day in Malaysia is celebrated in a grand style at Kuala Lumpur.
This national festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm in all over the
country. The Jalur Gemilang (The Malaysian Flag) is hoisted throughout the
country. The National Day is considered as a Public Day with outings, picnics
and lots of outdoor events like parades, air shows, fireworks and musical
concerts. Parades generally occur in the morning and the fireworks occur in
the evening. The people of Malaysia proudly fly their flag, sing songs and enjoy
the day with their friends and families.
Two days ago, it was Merdeka Day, August 31st , a memorable day for
Malaysians. It was to commemorate our Independence Day. The whole city
was lit up, with coloured lights illuminating the tall buildings. Even trees were
sparkling in the darkness of the night. Red, blue, orange and green lights had
turned the city into a fairyland.
We took a drive around the city of Kuala Lumpur and watched the numerous
lights on tall buildings. Flags and bunting added gaiety and colours to the place.
Crowds of Malaysians were thronging the streets, dressed gaily in their best-
colourful “sarungs”, “bajus”, “sarees” and “cheongsams”, representing a
beautiful picture of Malaysia, the land of many races.
There were traffic jams all over the city and traffic police officers were kept
busy directing the traffic. People were swarming the Lake Gardens to watch
the fireworks display. Beautiful ‘flowers’ burst in the night sky, sending out
luminous red, blue, purple, orange, pink and yellow sprays of sparks. The
spectators were obviously enthralled, judging from their clapping and
cheering. It was a scene of gaiety and merriment.
After the celebration ended, the people dispersed and went home tired but
happy. Another Merdeka Day had come and gone and the night was one for
the national album.

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