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National Council of Student's Research Societies

H-1077 Budapest, 1 Kéthly Anna Sq.


The National Council of Student's Research Societies certifies that Mr Tornyi, Tamás
(date of birth 09/05/2000) participated in the 35. OTDK (The National Conference of
Students' Research Societies, 6-9 April 2021, University of Szeged, Hungary) in the Earth
Science, Physics and Mathematics Section.

The title of his thesis presented:

Examination of convexity in metric spaces with Voronoi partitions

Consultants: Mr Schipp, Ferenc PhD professor emeritus

Ms Eisner, Tímea PhD senior lecturer

The National Council of Students' Research Societies organizes every two years the
National Conference of Students' Research Societies for all the talented students who are
active in their university's research societies. This conference is the most illustrious
students' conference in Hungary where the jury composed by highly recognized professors
and researchers, who judge the studies of different fields of earth science, physics and

19th May 2021, Budapest

Mr Szendrő, Péter DSc

Full Professor
President of The National Council of
Students’ Research Societies

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