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Research article Institute of Brewing & Distilling

Received: 16 October 2015 Revised: 3 February 2016 Accepted: 23 March 2016 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 27 April 2016

( DOI 10.1002/jib.331

A new rapid high-throughput method for

prediction of beer colloidal stability
P. Gabriel,1* P. Sladký1 and K. Sigler2
A rapid high-throughput test for prediction of beer colloidal stability has been developed and evaluated. The method is based on
the procedure of aging accelerated by high temperature (60 °C). The aging process is accelerated through decarbonization and de-
fined oxidation of the sample. A significant correlation was observed between the results of this rapid test and a standard accelerated
aging test. The method can be used as a rapid and simple test for checking the efficiency of the stabilization process. The duration
and sensitivity of the test can be modified by adjusting the test parameters. Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling

Keywords: colloidal stability; beer stabilization; forced aging test

Introduction of sensitive proteins (13,16). Nephelometric titration tests belong

to methods that measure directly the content of beer haze precur-
During storage, oxidizing and reducing reactions take place in beer sors. A specific reagent is titrated to the sample during the course
samples under the influence of several physical and chemical fac- of the test; this reacts with haze precursors, giving rise to measur-
tors including temperature, light and dissolved oxygen. Oxidation able haze. Unlike other precipitation tests, a reagent that reacts
reactions change the chemical composition of the sample and with haze-forming precursors in the same manner as individual
bring about sample aging, which influences colloidal and sensorial haze precursors react with each other during aging is dispensed
stability. The colloidal system is displaced away from the equilib- into the sample. The detection of haze-forming polyphenols is per-
rium, some compounds aggregate and haze develops. The most formed by adding polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP – protein analogue,
common reason for non-biological haze formation in beer during Chapon’s test), while the detection of haze-forming proteins
storage is aggregation of haze-forming polyphenols with makes use of tannic acid (test for sensitive proteins). Test results
haze-forming proteins (1). correlate with natural shelf-life better than the results of other pre-
Current technological procedures make it possible to limit the cipitation tests, hence they are used more and more in practice.
haze formation over time so that some produced beers can have The results of nephelometric titration tests can be used to predict
a shelf-life of one year or more. Brewery experts in quality control the colloidal stability of the sample; calculation parameters are dif-
have long been trying to find methods that will allow them to pre- ferent for different types of beer and it is necessary to evaluate
dict changes in the colloidal system of beer with high reliability them for each beer type separately (4).
even before it is shipped from the brewery (2–4). Accelerated or Here we describe an accelerated oxidative aging test as an
forced beer maturation that makes use of various methods of heat alternative or supplement to the nephelometric titration tests. Ac-
shock (5–7) is relatively reliable but time consuming. The length of celerated aging of the samples in comparison to the standard
the test for beer with a shelf-life of 9–12 months is at least 7 days. bottled forcing test is achieved by oxidation and decarbonization
The current requirements for maintaining the beer properties of defined samples. The test can be performed with part of the
unchanged for long periods of time and the commonly encoun- samples prepared for titration nephelometric assays of the con-
tered transport of beer over long distances call for methods tent of haze-forming precursors. A defined volume of the sample
useful for the fast prediction of colloidal stability. Rapid tests of (10 mL) decarbonized in the standard manner is dispensed into a
colloidal stability include, for instance, haze precipitation tests 30 mL sealable test tube, and placed in the thermostabilised wa-
in which the addition of suitable agent initiates precipitation of ter bath at 60 °C for a defined period. Accelerated aging of the
haze-forming substances, most often proteins, polyphenols or samples, which occurs at this temperature, is caused by dissolved
protein–polyphenol compounds. The resulting turbidity is mea- oxygen that enters the sample during decarbonization and dur-
sured, and the parameter for assessment is either a value of haze ing the accelerated aging process from the air above the sample.
formed or the amount of added reagents needed to reach a cer- The maximum attainable dissolved oxygen concentration at
tain turbidity (8). These tests include a sulphate test (9), a formal- room temperature is about 8 mg/L (8000 ppb). The air in the tube
dehyde test (10), precipitation with magnesium sulphate (6),
Esbach test (11), precipitation with trichloroacetic (6), Chapon’s
chill haze test (12) and others (2). Precipitation tests are very fast * Correspondence to: P. Gabriel, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles
and the results may be obtained within tens of minutes to sev- University, 121 16 Prague 2, Czech Republic. E-mail:
eral hours. The correlation of the results with practical shelf-life
is, however, significantly lower than in forcing tests. Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, 121 16 Prague 2,
Czech Republic
A special category of precipitation tests are nephelometric titra-
tion tests. These tests include a test on the content of Chapon’s 2
Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 142 20
tannoids (13,14), its modifications (15) and the test of the content Prague 4, Czech Republic

J. Inst. Brew. 2016; 122: 304–309 Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling
Method for prediction of beer colloidal stability
Institute of Brewing & Distilling

above the sample contains an amount of molecular oxygen that

exceeds by an order of magnitude the maximum attainable level
of dissolved oxygen in the sample. Although dissolved oxygen in
the sample is consumed during accelerated aging at elevated
temperature, the air above the sample acts as a reservoir suffi-
cient for its replenishment. Even with standard heat shock test
atmospheric oxygen enters the samples in bottles but only in
ppb quantities.
Following this ‘warm’ phase, the samples are transferred to 0 °C
to induce the formation of a chill haze. The chill haze is measured
after a defined period by a hazemeter. Its intensity corresponds to
the colloidal stability of the system and correlates with the size of
chill haze produced in a bottled sample during the course of the
standard accelerated aging procedure.
It is possible to adjust the duration and the sensitivity of the test
by changing the length of time the sample tubes spend in the cold
and hot bath. Even with beer stabilized to a 12 month shelf-life,
one can get a result within 36 h. Figure 1. Dual angle turbidimetric and titrimetric system (DATTS).

Materials and methods
PVP K90 and Polyclar Super R were kindly donated by ISP Global
Apparatus Technologies Deutschland GmbH. Ammonium sulphate and
tannic acid were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Beer samples
All measurements of sample haze were performed on a Dual Angle of Pilsner type with various content of haze-forming precursors
Turbidimetric and Titrimetric System (DATTS 2000) instrument in NRW 0.5 L bottles were prepared and donated by Czech
constructed at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles breweries. Some samples were purchased in retail outlets. Water
University, Prague. It represents a modular system where a wide (conductance below 0.1 μS) was obtained from a reverse osmosis
range of external modules (dosing peristaltic pumps, dosing piston purification device AQUAL 35 (Miroslav Šustr Co., Brno). A 0.4 g/L
pumps, external temperature stabilizing unit, magnetic stirrer, pH stock solution of PVP K90 was prepared for tannoid content test.
meter, ion-selective meter, etc.) can be used for different haze A 0.2 g/L solution of tannic acid (prepared fresh daily) was pre-
measurement tasks. pared for conducting the test for sensitive proteins. A sensitive
The fundamental component of the apparatus is the MZN 2009 proteins test was performed according to EBC–Analytica (16),
hazemeter (1-Cube s.r.o.), which measures scattered light intensity and a tannoid content test was performed according to a modi-
simultaneously at two angles to the incident light beam in a wide fied procedure by pre-dosing the sample with saturated ammo-
concentration range of scattering particles. The hazemeter is nium sulphate (15).
equipped with an LED light source with 650 nm medium wave-
length according to MEBAK (5). Simultaneous haze measurement
at a 90o angle (nephelometry – H90) and at a forward 12o angle Accelerated aging procedure
(forward scattering – H12) provides information about the mean Accelerated aging of beer samples in bottles was performed by
particle size or shape change during the course of the precipitation storage at elevated temperature according to MEBAK–Analytica
reaction. Samples can be measured in standard glass cuvettes (7). Haze was measured on DATTS apparatus in a nephelometric
of 150–250 mL volume, in commercially packed bottles of mode. Samples were aged in 2 day cycles. On the first day of each
0.33–0.5 L volume and, with a special adapter, also in vials of sam- cycle (24 h) the samples were placed in a water bath kept at 60
ple volume from 5 mL. The measuring chamber, which is filled with ± 0.5 °C. During the second 24 h period the samples were stored
distilled water as an immersion liquid, can be temperature stabi- at 0 ± 0.2 °C. Total haze at 0 °C was measured (H0) and the cycle
lized by an external circuit. was repeated until total haze exceeded the original haze
The hazemeter communicates with a PC via serial port RS232 measured at room temperature (H25) by 2 EBC units. The colloidal
and is controlled by the special PC software MZN Control, which lifetime T2 of the sample was defined as the number of warm days
enables the user to perform various titration tests including the (WD) necessary to reach this point. T2 was calculated by linear
‘Tannoid content test according to Chapon’. A wide variety of set- interpolation between the last cycle (denoted i) after which H0(i) is
ting parameters can be chosen and test results can be evaluated under the 2 EBC increment limit and the first cycle (denoted
automatically or semi-automatically from the curve drawn on the i + 1) in which H0(i+1) exceeds it.
display. One of DATTS 2000 possible configurations is displayed
in Fig. 1.  
T 2 ðdaysÞ ¼ i þ 2 þ H25  H0 ðiÞ = H0 ðiþ1Þ  H0 ðiÞ
A 1-Cube BT thermostat was used in the water circuit to main-
tain a temperature of 25 ± 0.2 °C in the measuring chamber. An
adapter for vials of 2 cm diameter was fitted with waterproof mag- Chill haze Hchill is calculated as a difference between total haze
netic stirrer. A software-driven piston dosing pump (accuracy measured at 0 °C (H0) and the original haze measured at room tem-
± 1%) was used for titration agent dosing. A 1-Cube Refrigerated perature (H25)
/Heating Circulator type SU12.1 was used to perform accelerated
aging procedure in bottles. Hchill ¼ H0  H25

J. Inst. Brew. 2016; 122: 304–309 Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling
P. Gabriel et al.
Institute of Brewing & Distilling

Accelerated oxidative aging procedure 3.7 to 13.0 WD (average 6.4 WD). The dissolved oxygen content in
the samples was in the range from 30 to 80 ppb.
(1) Samples were decarbonized in a standard manner, for exam-
To determine the effect of oxidation and decarbonization of the
ple by 20 min shaking.
sample on accelerated aging, we compared the chill haze mea-
(2) A 10 mL sample was injected into a tube, which was then
sured in bottled samples during the course of standard acceler-
closed. Any tube with closure could be used for the measure-
ated aging procedure with that measured in decarbonized and
ments (we used 30 mL closed tubes with screw caps, 20 mm
oxidized samples in test tubes. Figure 2 shows a comparison of
in diameter).
chill haze measured in bottled samples after 5 WD (Hchill 5WD) with
(3) Turbidity was measured at room temperature  H25.
chill haze arising in decarbonized and oxidized samples in tubes
(4) Samples were placed for a Thot (h) time period into a liquid
after 5 h at 60 °C (Hchill OXI 5 h) in 15 batches of beer. The chill haze
thermostat at 60 °C.
values correlated, with the slope of the fitted linear line being 0.85.
(5) Samples were transferred for a Tchill (h) period into a liquid
One hour at 60 °C for decarbonized and oxidized sample in the
thermostat at 0 °C.
tube induced the formation of chill haze almost equal to that in
(6) Turbidity is measured at 0 °C  H0.
a bottled sample after 24 h at 60 °C (1 WD). Sample decarbonization
(7) Calculate chill haze Hchill = H0  H25.
plus oxidation accelerated beer aging approximately 20 times.
‘Hchill 5WD’ values can be predicted from ‘Hchill OXI 5 h’ values
using the linear relation with good accuracy (standard
deviation ± 0.5 EBC).
Results and discussion To determine the effect of time of exposure of samples to 60 °C
Basic parameters of the proposed oxidative accelerated aging test on the chill haze intensity, one sample of decarbonized beer was
were verified on 15 lager beer samples of several brands from dispensed into eight tubes. The tubes were placed for varying pe-
one brewery. Two brands of beer were divided into five batches riods (from 1 to 24 h) in a thermostat at 60 °C. They were then
(‘Brand 1’, ‘Brand 2’ in Figs 2 and 4); other brands were only divided transferred for 24 h to 0 °C and chill haze was measured. The results
into one or two batches (‘Other brands’). Samples of different are shown in Fig. 3. The chill haze intensity (Hchill) increased linearly
brands and batches differed in gravity and alcohol content. Forced with the time of sample exposure to the elevated temperature. Un-
aging of bottled samples was performed according to the MEBAK like the time course of increase of chill haze in bottled samples (4)
methodology (7) and T2 (number of warm days at 60 °C until chill there was no lag phase. A similar experiment was repeated with
haze of 2 EBC is reached), was determined and the tannoid beer samples with different contents of haze-forming precursors.
content test with addition of ammonium sulphate (TC) and a test The slope of the chill haze increase was influenced by the content
on the content of sensitive proteins (SP) were performed. of haze-forming precursors and overall colloidal stability of the
Decarbonized samples prepared for titration assays were also used sample. Extending the exposure time of the sample at 60 °C in-
to carry out the accelerated aging test in tubes. Three tubes were creased the sensitivity of the assay.
prepared from each sample. Figure 4 shows a comparison of chill haze measured in bottled
The tannoid content in tested beer samples ranged from 14.4 to samples after 5 WD (Hchill 5 WD) with chill haze arising in
27.1 mg/L (mean 22.5 mg/L); the content of sensitive proteins var- decarbonized and oxidized samples in the test tubes after 24 h at
ied from 5.2 to 10 EBC (mean EBC 7.4). Differences in contents of 60 °C (Hchill OXI 24 h). Chill haze measured in decarbonized samples
haze-forming precursors corresponded to the difference in the col- after 24 h at 60 °C was approximately 4–5 times higher than after
loidal stability measured in bottled samples (T2) in the range from 5 h at 60 °C; hence the extension of the warm phase of the cycle

Figure 2. Comparison of chill haze measured in bottled samples after five warm days (H 5WD) with chill haze arising in decarbonized and oxidized samples in tubes after 5 h at

60 °C (H OXI 5 h). Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling J. Inst. Brew. 2016; 122: 304–309
Method for prediction of beer colloidal stability
Institute of Brewing & Distilling

Figure 3. Effect of exposure time of a decarbonized and oxidized sample to 60 °C on the formation of chill haze (H ).

Figure 4. Comparison of chill haze measured in bottled samples after five warm days (H 5WD) with chill haze arising in decarbonized samples in the test tubes
after 24 h at 60 °C (H OXI 24 h).

from 5 to 24 h increased the sensitivity of the test. The chill haze content of haze-forming precursors. According to Vaag (4) we used
values in Fig. 4 correlate with the correlation factor 0.89, which is the product of tannoid content (TC) and sensitive proteins (SP) for
higher than the correlation factor in Fig. 2. ‘Hchill 5WD’ values can the prediction of colloidal stability from haze-forming precursors
again be predicted from ‘Hchill OXI 24 h’ values using the linear rela- content. The results correlate with a much lower coefficient than
tion with good accuracy (standard deviation ± 0.5 EBC). The chill in Fig. 5. The correlation with T2 results did not increase even when
haze values for beer samples of one brand (marked ‘Brand 1’, ‘Brand using a different formula for predicting the colloidal stability from
2’ in Fig. 4) correlate with an even higher correlation factor (>0.91). the results of haze-forming precursor test. The content of haze-
Figure 5 compares the colloidal stability of bottled samples mea- forming precursors is not sufficient to predict colloidal stability
sured by the standard accelerated aging procedure (T2) with the with an accuracy better than ±1.5 WD. This is due to the fact that
chill haze arising in decarbonized samples in the test tubes after the experiment was conducted with beer samples of different
24 h at 60 °C (Hchill OXI 24 h). The results closely correlate and the brands, which varied in their composition and original gravity
colloidal stability can thus be predicted from the chill haze of values (9.5–12°) and the alcohol content (3.0–4.5).
decarbonized samples using the fitting of a power law curve with With the majority of accelerated aging procedures a sufficient
an accuracy of ±0.62 WD. formation of chill haze in bottled samples was achieved by exposing
Figure 6 compares the colloidal stability of bottled samples mea- them to 0 °C for 24 h. In the present method, we used small-volume
sured by the standard accelerated aging procedure (T2) with the samples in tubes that experienced a much faster heat transfer and

J. Inst. Brew. 2016; 122: 304–309 Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling
P. Gabriel et al.
Institute of Brewing & Distilling

Figure 5. Correlation of shelf-lifetime prediction by accelerated aging [T2 (WD)] with the chill haze arising in decarbonized samples in the test tubes after 24 h at 60 °C (H OXI 24 h).

Figure 6. Correlation of the content of haze-forming precursors (TC*SP; tannoid content * sensitive proteins) with shelf-life prediction by accelerated aging (T2).

Figure 7. Effect of exposure time of a decarbonized and oxidized sample to 0 °C on chill haze (H ) formation (after 24 h at 60 °C).

temperature change during cooling and heating. We measured (Hchill) initially sharply increased but the increase gradually slowed
the time course of increase of chill haze in a decarbonized oxidized down. After 10 h at 0 °C, the haze increase was very slow, 1–2%/h.
sample in the tube (after 24 h at 60 °C) depending on the time of A 12 h exposure to 0 °C is sufficient to reach 85% of the value
exposure to 0 °C. Figure 7 shows a typical time course. Chill haze achieved after 24 h. The exposure of samples to 0 °C can thus be
308 Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling J. Inst. Brew. 2016; 122: 304–309
Method for prediction of beer colloidal stability
Institute of Brewing & Distilling

shortened to 12 h without a significant decrease in the sensitivity References

of the method.
1. Bamforth, C. W. (1999) Beer haze, J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. 57, 81–90.
2. Dienstbier, M., Janková, L., Sladký, P., and Dostálek, P. (2010) Metody
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principle of accelerated aging of samples at elevated temperature 4. Vaag, P. (2007) Rapid prediction of beer colloidal stability, in Proceed-
ings of the European Brewers Convention Congress, Venice, pp.
(accelerated aging test). Compared with standard methods of 914–927, Fachverlag Hans Carl, Nürnberg.
forced aging, the process is accelerated by defined decarbonization 5. European Brewery Convention (1998) Analytica–EBC, 5th ed., Section 9
and oxidation of the sample. – Beer Method 9.30 – Prediction of Shelf-Life of Beer, Fachverlag Hans
Using this procedure, decarbonized and oxidized samples after Carl, Nürnberg.
6. Moll, M. (1987) Brewing Science, Academic Press, London.
5 h at 60 °C reached the same chill haze as standard bottled sam- 7. MEBAK (2002) Method 2.15.2. Forciermethode, in Mitteleuropäische
ples after 5 days at 60 °C (Fig. 2). Extension of the exposure of Brautechnische Analysen Methoden, Band II, 4. Aufgabe (H. Pfenninger
decarbonized samples to 60 °C for from 5 to 24 h increased the Ed.),Selbstverlag der MEBAK, Freising-Weihenstephan.
chill haze 4–5 times (Fig. 4) whereas shortening of the exposure 8. European Brewery Convention (1998) Analytica–EBC, 5th ed., Section 9
to 0 °C to 12 h did not significantly reduce the chill haze intensity – Beer Method 9.29 – Haze in Beer: Calibration of Haze Meters,
Fachverlag Hans Carl, Nürnberg.
(Fig. 7). The duration and sensitivity of the test can be set by 9. MEBAK (2002) Method Ammoniumsulfatfällungsgrenze, in
adjusting the parameters. It is possible to obtain the result within Mitteleuropäische Brautechnische Analysen Methoden, Band II, 4.
36 h even for the most stabilized beer. Aufgabe (H. Pfenninger Ed.),Selbstverlag der MEBAK, Freising-
The chill haze intensity generated in decarbonized samples in Weihenstephan.
test tubes after 24 h at 60 °C correlates with the results of the col- 10. MEBAK (2002) Method Formaldehyde test, in Mitteleuropäische
Brautechnische Analysen Methoden, Band II, 4. Aufgabe (H. Pfenninger
loidal stability of bottled samples measured by the standard forc- Ed.),Selbstverlag der MEBAK, Freising-Weihenstephan.
ing procedure (Fig. 5). Their relationship can be fitted by a power 11. MEBAK (2002) Method Esbach-Reaktiontest, in
curve that can be used for prediction of the colloidal stability with Mitteleuropäische Brautechnische Analysen Methoden, Band II, 4.
an accuracy of ±0.62 WD in the range of 3-13 WD. Aufgabe (H. Pfenninger Ed.),Selbstverlag der MEBAK, Freising-
According to our results, the proposed method is more accurate
12. European Brewery Convention (1998) Analytica–EBC, 5th ed., Section 9
than the methods measuring the content of haze-forming precur- – Beer Method 9.41 – Alcohol Chill Haze in Beer, Fachverlag Hans Carl,
sors and the formula can be used to calculate and predict colloidal Nürnberg.
stability for different brands of beers. 13. Chapon, L. (1993) Nephelometry as a method for studying the relations
The proposed test requires no excessive time, labour, material between polyphenols and proteins, J. Inst. Brew. 99, 49–56.
equipment and laboratory instrumentation. It allows the parallel 14. MEBAK (1998) Method 2.17.3 (1998) Tannoide, in Mitteleuropäische
Brautechnische Analysen Methoden, Band II, 4. Aufgabe (H. Pfenninger
preparation and measurement of large numbers of samples. When Ed.),Selbstverlag der MEBAK, Freising-Weihenstephan.
multiple (3–5) tubes are prepared from one sample, it is possible to 15. Dienstbier, M., Gabriel, P., Sladkỳ, P., and Sigler, K. (2011) Prediction of
increase the measurement accuracy and reduce the standard error colloidal stability of highly stabilized beers by a modified Chapon
of the result. Owing to its velocity and ease of use, the method can tannoid content test, J. Inst. Brew. 117, 329–334.
16. European Brewery Convention (1998) Analytica–EBC, 5th ed., Section 9
be used to control the operation and function of the stabilization
– Beer Method 9.40 – Sensitive Proteins in Beer by Nephelometry,
process before shipment of the product from the brewery. Fachverlag Hans Carl, Nürnberg.
Another possibility is to use the method for laboratory testing of
the efficiency of stabilizing agents and evaluation of the relation-
ship between the content of haze-forming precursors and colloidal
stability of the final beer species.


J. Inst. Brew. 2016; 122: 304–309 Copyright © 2016 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling

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