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Hurrikan - Electric Callboy Unofficial Music Video

The concept of my production is to stay with a similar idea to the original music
video but also make it its own thing as in the original there is a use of zombies
after the drop and i plan on a killing spree. So it keeps a similar tone of a dark
atmosphere but it is still very much its own thing.

I am producing this as we were given the task to create a music video with a dual
perspective and I feel I am doing this with the perspectives from both a happy
person and a sad person. Another reason i am making this production is because
it will be a great addition to my portfolio and showreel.

The deadline for the final production (completely edited and finished) is the
fourteenth of December. However pre-production needs to be completed for the
twenty-sixth of November and I will get this complete on time for the deadline.

My target audience is a niche 18+ audience I feel like this suits my idea well as it
helps me get across the production I want to make, both in terms of Music used
and the story I have planned for it.

They want to see a lot of violence, I know this due to research earlier on in the
research part of the project a large majority of people wanted to see a large
amount of violence and I plan on doing so. What I think would fit the production is
a dark atmosphere at the end after the drop and to keep it light-hearted at the
beginning as I think the target audience will appreciate the sudden switch up
from reality.

I'm creating a light start with a dark ending, because as I said before, the sudden
switch up from reality will make the target audience appreciate it more. The
research helped me learn what I need to include such as a somewhat dark story
and have lots of violence as my target audience will appreciate more though it
took me a while to realize that I need a way to make more niche so I decide to
add a mysterious Sci-Fi element where when the beat drops everyone involved is
teleported to a field, I feel like the nonsensical mystery would make the
production a bit more niche and therefore appeal to the niche side more, I learnt
this from the niche research.

It will be aired on Youtube as that is where a lot of music videos are shared and
gain an audience you can also say its not made for children therefore only being
shown to 18+ accounts. Also YouTube has a recommendation system which
means the video will reach people that are into these kind of music videos/music
which means my production will be shared with my target audience.

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