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Trivethra 2k21

short film

Team trishulas

-screenplay and shoot plan

Scene 1 :
No of characters : 4
Tea master
Common public 1
Beggar girl
Beggar 1
Place : platform near railway station
Time zone : twilight
{A nice twilight time }
{Showing the lifestyle of bahujans beggars
andcorporation workers etc.}
Tea master hurry up for his work and
walking briskly towards the station who
stays in the outskirts of the city
Walking towards the step crossing and
waving his hand to a guy he used to
And walking in the platform and used to
give some money to a beggar girl[ kid]
Beggar girl used to wave a board saying
that [ homeless hungry and illiterate]
After paying he used to hurry up to train
and goes to his shop in the city

Scene 2:
Characters : public/coustomers
Mid aged couple
Tea master
Place : tea shop
Time zone : dawn to dusk trans
Act :
the tea master opens the shop and he
goes in and does rituals to a karl marx /
Ambedkar photo and starts his work
Does his work regularly
A couple used to come in the morning
and used to have tea wait for a while
and suddenly runs to railway station after
a while
Goes to train searches in opp direction
with a girl name tara and returns to the
tea shop
The tea master doesn’t pay attention to
them does his work
After in night he closes the shop and get
some food to the beggar girl

Scene 3:
Characters : tea master
Beggar girl
Mid aged couple
Time zone : all
Place: railway stations , tea shop , train
Act : want to show time transitions like he
is running his shop for years he used to
pay in the morning to beggar girl and
feed her in the night and the couple used
to come there regularly

Scene 4 :
Characters : tea master
Mid aged couple
Place : railway station and and tea shop
Time zone : dawn to dusk
As usual he hurrying up for train running
to platform to search for the beggar girl
but he couldn’t find her then he
continued with his train and went back to
his work
But this time he was confused and can’t
concentrate in his work he just noticed the
couple and his he cant control his curiosity
Then he went and asked why are u sitting
here and searching somebody in a
concentrated tone
They just cried loudly and replied we left
our daughter 7 yrs ago in the railways
station in a train because we cant feed
her then they said some identification of
the girl then the tea master reallised that
the girl who used to pay and feeds
matches it then he asked the couple can
they do a favour for him they replied yes
then he asked did u helped the beggar
kids around they replied not much
Then he bought a ticket to the outskirts
where he come from and said to help the
beggar kid they when to the railway
station and searched for the girl
surprisingly she was in school uniform the
tea master is surprised seeing her and he
asked the couple to give her some food
they went and gave some food she
greeted her with amma they got a
emotional connect but the thing is she
never admitted that she is their daughter
Then they went away satisfyingly
Then tea master went and asked why
you didn’t say them .
She replied this is not the first time I seen
them but I am happy with what I have if
incase they are poor again they can leave
Tea master convinced with het reply

Title card with banners .

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