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Subject 1: Accelerating Digital Innovation with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA):

In this workshop we will learn how to deploy OpenShift on AWS, and then deploy a standard
containerized application into OpenShift. Update the application to a native AWS service by using
AWS Service Broker.

 Create a fully managed Red Hat OpenShift cluster in minutes from the AWS console or CLI

 Easily deploy a Kubernetes application with ROSA

 Drive innovation by integrating applications with the available AWS services

Subject 2: Serverless development with AWS Lambda "Allows businesses to pay only for the
computing power their apps use":

In this workshop we take a high-level overview of Lambda, a serverless compute platform that has
changed the way that developers around the world build applications. We explore how Lambda
works under the hood, the capabilities it has, and how it is used. And by the end of this talk you'll
know how to create Lambda based applications and deploy and manage them easily.

 Lambda overview

 Learn about Lambda's features and how it is used

 Deploy Simple Web Applications in AWS Lambda


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