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Which of the following are found in compact bone and cancellous bone
a. Haversian system
b. Haversian canals
c. Lamella
d. Lacuna

2. Kapasitas vital adalah

a. Volume cadangan ekspirasi ditambah volume residu
b. Volume cadangan inspirasi + volume tidal + volume cadangan ekspirasi
c. Kurang lebih 3000
d. Kurang 5800 cc
e. Besarnya dipengaruhi sikap badan

3. Metode resusitasi paru yang paling efektif adalah

a. Nielsen
b. Silvester
c. Mouth to mouth
d. Schaefer
e. Kombinasi metode Nielsen dan Silvester

4. Which one of the following food is best for bone health

a. Carrot
b. Liver
c. Leafy green vegetables
d. Oranges

5. Pusat pernapasan terdapat di daerah

a. Cerebellum
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Kauda equina
d. Cerebrum
e. Batang otak
Notes: pusat pernapasan tuh di pons sm medulla oblongata

6. Proses kolaps atas mengempisnya alveoli

a. Dispnea
b. Pneumonia
c. Asma
d. Atelectasis paru-paru gabisa ngembang
e. Hiperkapnia
7. Cardiac muscles differ from skeletal muscles in that they
a. Are striated
b. Utilize aerobic metabolism
c. Contain myofibrils
d. Contain intercalated discs

8. Calcium cannot be absorbed from the small intestine if …… is lacking

a. Vit D
b. Vit K
c. Calcitonin
d. Fluoride

9. Which of the following is likely to be released when blood calcium levels are elevated
a. Thyroxine
b. Calcitonin direlease sm kelenjar tiroid
c. Parathyroid hormone
d. Vit D

10. Which of the following are only found in cancellous bone?

a. Canaliculi
b. Volkmann’s canal
c. Trabekula
d. Calcium salt

11. In the step of fracture repair, fibroblasts produce ….. that connect the broken bone ends
a. Hyaline
b. Callus
c. Collagen fibers
d. Fibrocartilage

12. Kapasitas paru-paru total

a. Volume cadangan ekspirasi ditambah volume residu
b. Volume cadangan inspirasi + volume tidal + volume cadangan ekspirasi
c. Kurang lebih 3000
d. Kurang lebih 5800 cc
e. Besarnya dipengaruhi sikap badan

13. Which of the statements below are features of fast glycolytic fibers
a. Use aerobic respiration
b. Oxygen and glucose to produce ATP
c. Use anaerobic respiration
d. Fatigue more quickly than slow oxidative fibers
14. When calcium levels are too high or too low, which body system is primarily affected?
a. Skeletal system
b. Endocrine system
c. Digestive system
d. Nervous system

15. Which of the following are able of undergoing mitosis?

a. Osteoblast dan osteoklas
b. Osteosit dan osteoklas
c. Osteoblast dan osteosit
d. Osteogenic cells dan osteoklas

16. The internal and external calli are replaced by

a. Hyaline cartilage
b. Trabecular bone
c. Osteogenic cells
d. Osteoclast

17. Hypocalcemia can results in problems with (SEMUA BENAR)

a. Constipation
b. Comma
c. Bone strength
d. Lethargy

18. The process called hypertrophy

a. Added structural protein in muscle fibre
b. New cell are not formed when muscle grow
c. Structural protein loss
d. Muscle mass decrease

19. Berbicara melibatkan organ dr sistem respirasi, kecuali

a. Laring
b. Organ mulut
c. Lidah
d. Esofagus
e. Palatum

20. Abnormalities that occur in bones are due to thyroid hormone disorders
a. Rakitis
b. Dwarfisme
c. Gigantisme
d. Kretinisme

21. Volume udara yang masih bisa dikeluarkan setelah kita ekspirasi biasa disebut
a. Volume cadangan inspirasi sebanyak 3000ml (L), 1500ml (P)
b. Volume cadangan ekspirasi sebanyak 1200ml (L), 800ml (P)
c. Volume tidal 500ml (L), 350ml (P)
d. Volume total
e. Volume residu

22. A sprinter would experience muscle fatigue sooner than a marathon runner due to
a. Anaerobic metabolism in the muscles of the sprinter
b. Anaerobic metabolism in the muscles of the marathon runner
c. Aerobic metabolism in the muscles of the sprinter
d. Glycolysis in the muscles of the marathon runner

23. Keadaan paru ditandai sebagian or seluruh alveoli terisi cairan dan sel-sel darah
a. Dispnea
b. Pneumonia
c. Asma
d. Atelectasis
e. Hiperkapnia

24. The first type of bone to form during fracture repair is ….. bone
a. Compact
b. Lamellar
c. Spongy
d. Dense

25. Di bawah ini merupakan otot-otot inspirasi, kecuali

a. Interkostal eksternus
b. Sternokleidomastoideus
c. Rektus abdominis
d. Scalenus
e. Serratus anterior

26. Which of the following muscle proteins plays an important role in contraction of both
smooth and striated muscle
a. Calmodulin
b. Troponin
c. Tropomyosin
d. Actin
e. Myosin light chains

27. Ditandai dengan kontraksi spastic dari otot bronkiolus yang menyebabkan kesukaran bernapas
a. Dispnea
b. Pneumonia
c. Asma
d. Atelectasis
e. Hiperkapnia

28. Disebut juga air hunger

a. Dispnea
b. Pneumonia
c. Asma
d. Atelectasis
e. Hiperkapnia

29. The membrane potential will depolarize by the greatest amount if the membrane
permeability increases for
a. Potassium
b. Sodium and potassium
c. Chloride
d. Potassium and chloride
e. Sodium

30. Volume udara yang masih tetap berada dalam paru setelah ekspirasi kuat adalah
a. Volume cadangan inspirasi
b. Kapasitas residu fungsional
c. Kapasitas vital
d. Volume residu
e. Kapasitas paru total

31. The fibrous membrane covering the outer surface of the bone is the
a. Periosteum
b. Epiphysis
c. Endosteum
d. Diaphysis

32. Kontraksi otot diafragma pada saat inspirasi mengakibatkan pembesaran rongga dada ke
a. Anterior
b. Lateral
c. Vertical
d. Horizontal
e. Posterior

33. If cardiac muscle cells were prevented from undergoing aerobic metabolism, they
ultimately would
a. Undergo glycolysis
b. Synthesize ATP
c. Stop contracting
d. Start contracting

34. Which of the following statements describes smooth muscle cells

a. They are resistant to fatigue
b. They have a rapid onset of contractions
c. They cannot exhibit tetanus
d. They primarily use anaerobic metabolism

35. Disebut air conditioning function yaitu alat pernapasan

a. Hidung
b. Laring
c. Faring
d. Paru
e. Alveoli

36. The diaphysis contains

a. The metaphysis
b. Fat stores
c. Spongy bone di epifisis proximal
d. Compact bone

37. Sistem pernapasan

a. Udara masuk paru-paru sebanyak 500ml
b. Fungsi sistem pernapasan antara lain untuk metabolism
c. Paru merupakan bagian untuk memindahkan oksigen-karbondioksida
d. Sebelum masuk paru, udara melalui bronkus
e. Semua benar

38. Pada proses pernapasan transport oksigen ke dalam darah berlangsung secara
a. Transport aktif
b. Transport pasif
c. Difusi
d. Osmosis
e. Transport aktif terfasilitasi
39. Smooth muscle differ from skeletal and cardiac muscles in that they
a. Lack myofibrils
b. Are under voluntary control
c. Lack myosin
d. Lack actin

40. Which of the following occurs in the spongy bone of the epiphysis
a. Bone growth
b. Bone remodelling
c. Hematopoiesis
d. Shock absorption

41. Tekanan parsial oksigen dalam alveolus adalah

a. 149,3
b. 159 dalam atmosfer
c. 104
d. 120
e. 569

42. Factor yang memengaruhi difusi gas, yaitu

a. Tekanan partial gas
b. Ketebalan membrane respirasi
c. Kelarutan gas dalam membrane respirasi
d. Area permukaan membrane respirasi
e. Semua benar

43. All of the following play a role in calcium homeostasis, except

a. Thyroxine
b. Calcitonin
c. Parathyroid hormone
d. Vitamin D

44. Which of the following will be less during the overshoot of an action potential than
during the resting state
a. Membrane conductance for sodium
b. Membrane conductance for potassium
c. Transference for sodium
d. Transference for potassium
e. Total membrane conductance
45. Hypercalcemia can results in
a. Muscle contraction
b. Confusion
c. Blood coagulation
d. Bone strength
Alat ukur kapasitas paru : SPIROMETER

Kelainan tulang hormon tiroid : KRETINISME

A sprinter would experience muscle fatigue sooner than a marathon runner due to :

Which of the following will be less during the overshoot of an action potential than during the


The characteristic of a water-insoluble substance most important in governing its diffusibility

through a cell membrane : LIPID SOLUBILITY

Which of the following occurs in the spongy bone of the epiphysis? : HEMATOPOIESIS

How can a fractured diaphysis release fat globules into the bloodstream? : THE YELLOW

Which of the following are found in compact bone and cancellous bone? : LAMELLAE

Fracture can be both : OPEN AND TRANSVERSE

In a compound fracture : BROKEN BONE PIERCES THE SKIN

The internal and external calli are replaced by : TRABECULAR BONE

Which of the following are incapable of undergoing mitosis? : OSTEOBLASTS AND

If cardiac muscle cells were prevented from undergoing aerobic metabolism, they ultimately

Yang berperan dalam homeostasis : KALSIUM PTH, KALSITONIN, VITAMIN D

increased ca2+ level: KELENJAR TIROID, KALSITONIN


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