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Assignments, 2022

Instructions for Brief Case Preparation 3.

The aim of this preparation is for you to get the opportunity to practice some of what you
have learned so far. Please note. I do not expect you to make a fully-fledged analysis – we
will discuss and analyse the case further during the associated Case Analysis seminar. This
assignment is a preparation for that and part of the learning process.

Your task is to try to apply theories/models/concepts from the course on the New Year’s Eve
Crisis case. This time, I’d like you to try going more in-depth in your analysis by focusing
primarily on the framework from one article (A). I’d also like you to add some brief insights
from our previous discussion on Decision Making, Silence and Ethics (B).

1. First, make a decision! Choose 1 of the articles on Crisis Decision Making as your main
framework: Hale et al. (2005) or Hayes and Maslen (2014) or Sheffi (2019) and read it extra
carefully along with the associated slides.

2. Then, read the New Year’s Eve Crisis case!

3. Next, try to apply key theories, models and concepts from your chosen article on the New
Year’s Eve Crisis Case!

4. Finally, briefly answer 1 of the following questions:
• Can you find instances of ‘neutralization’! (Umphress & Bingham)! Why
(not), do you think?
• Reflect on whether you can find indications of ‘employee silence’ (Milliken et
al.)! Why (not), do you think?

5. Write down your analysis and conclusions (500-600 words) and up-load on Canvas by
Tuesday, November 29, 10.00 am.

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