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Overall Objective

-Clearly write what the overall goal/objective is. Define explicitly its constraints and criteria.

To make a pen/pencil holder 5 inches tall using CAD and CAM. It must be 6 inches or less and the
smallest cut can be ¼ inch. The block of wood will be 5inch x 3inch x 3inch.

Your specific goal/objective

-Clearly write what your goal/objective is and how it fits into the larger project. This should be unique
to you. Define explicitly its constraints and criteria. If you are doing an individual project you do not
need to do this section.

To make a pen/pencil holder 5 inches tall using CAD and CAM. It must be 6 inches or less and the
smallest cut can be ¼ inch. I want to use only 1 block of wood (5inchx3inchx3inch)

Who is involved?
-People involved with the entirety of the project

Just me (Dhriti).

What resources will your team need?

-Is there additional knowledge you will need?
-What materials will you need for this project?
-Are there any special tools you will need?

I will need CAD/CAM using Fusion 360.

I will need a block of wood 5 inch x 3 inch x 3 inch.
I will just need the router to cut the design and hollow out the piece of wood.

-How long do you anticipate this project taking?
-How will you know when you are done?
-If you are unable to accomplish the entirety of your project, how can you scale it down?
-What do you expect to have accomplished before the break i.e. by 9/9?

I anticipate the CAD/CAM taking 1 – 1 ½ weeks, and the printing to take 1 day.
I will know when I am done because I will have the Gcode, and I will run the simulation, and will check
if there are any errors.
I can add less designs, decrease the size of the object, or I can just not cut out the object.
I expect to have the project completed before 9/9 (all cut out and sanded)

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