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Task for Preliminary round of Ada Lovelace day hackathon on AI

based Poetry (Sonnet) generation

The hackathon is to develop solution to generate Poetry

(Sonnet).Sonnet is a fourteen-line poem with a fixed rhyme scheme.
Dataset 1 was released on 14th Sep, Dataset 2 will be released on 17th

Submission Guidelines
 The participating teams need to submit all the below mentioned
artifacts on in a public GITHUB repositorywith
appropriate details mentioned in the README file of the
repository to ensure that your submission is complete.
 Presentation: Upload the presentation about the solution
developed with following details:
 Team size and name of team members with pictures
 Role of team members in the project and their expertise
 Technologies/Platform/APIs (IBM Cloud Services)
 Solution Architecture
 Elaborate various phases Data Exploration, Modelling,
 Elaborate the frameworks/tools used for UI/UX design
 Video: Upload a 2-minute video of the working solution,
navigating through various steps of the solution that you have
 README file: Upload a Readme document with step wise
instructions to run the code from the scratch including
environment setup (installation packages).
 Code: Upload the code of the solution with proper comments
and appropriate naming convention followed in the code.
 Please include “attributions” whenever you have sourced codes
or routines from a particular source – you can just write the link
to the codesource within comments above the code snippet
along with the name of the author,
 Undertaking Document: Upload an undertaking document in a
.doc/.pdf format stating the originality of the submitted work.

Important Note: Only upon submitting all the above-mentioned

collaterals in the GITHUB repository link, your project will be
considered for evaluation.

Submission deadline:20th September 2020

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