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There has been a lot of discussion recently about competition for young

people. A lot of benefits came up in the talk.

Competition for young people can teach you many things about life. It
teaches you critical thinking and discipline, these are benefits that you
can develop from young age because of the sport and you still need
them when you have to start searching for job. It makes you more
competitive and forces you to give your best in order to be in front of
the others.
Several people are worried that everything has now become seriously
competitive and the children should be able to enjoy sport without
competition. However, team sports build team spirit like no other.
Everybody wants to win but when you have whole team to play with
you need to not only think about yourself but for them also. If you want
to be the best you need to help your team and you need to
communicate with them in order to make the best out of this group. It
teaches you how to cope with criticism and to take it for a constructive
In my view, there is no best way than sport to teach the young people
the basics about the adult life. It not only teaches you to give your best
and when needed to work in team but also makes you feel what is like
to loose and that these things happen too. I would say that every kid
should practice a sport even just for fun.

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