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11/28/22, 10:41 PM Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning

Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning

This talk is based on

Tom M. Mitchell. Machine Learning. [1] McGraw Hill. 1997. Chapter 12.
and his slides [2].

1 Motivation
Inductive Analytical
Learning Learning
Hypothesis fits Hypothesis fits
data domain theory
Statistical Deductive
inference Inference
Requires little
Learns from
Advantages prior
scarce data
Scarce data, Imperfect
incorrect bias domain theory

They seem very complementary.

We want something in between!
Example: If your had to review a medical database and learn
"symptoms for which drug X is
more effective than Y" you
would look at relevant attributes
(temperature, not
then refine using data.
Some domain theory (background knowledge) does squeeze
into inductive methods, e.g.,
when choosing an

1.1 What We Want

We want a learning method such that:

1. Given no domain theory it should be as good as purely

inductive methods.
2. Given a perfect domain theory it should be as good as
analytical methods.
3. Given imperfect domain theory and imperfect data it should
combine the two and do batter
than both inductive and
4. Accommodate an unknown level of error in training
5. Accommodate an unknown level of error in domain theory.

2 The Learning Problem

The learning problem:

D is the set of training examples, maybe with

B is the domain theory, maybe with errors.
H is the space of candidate hypotheses.


A hypothesis that best fits the training examples and domain theory. 1/6
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2.1 Best Fits?

So, what does "best fits" mean?

User the old $error_D(d)$ definition—the proportion

of examples from $D$ misclassified by
But, what about B?
Define $error_B(h)$ to be the probability that $h$ will
disagree with B on the classification of
a randomly drawn
instance.Then find
\[ h = \argmin_{h \in H} k_D error_D(h) + k_B
error_B(h) \]
But, what do we set $k_D$ and $k_B$ to?
Which one is more reliable, the data or the

2.2 Hypothesis Space Search

As always, we view the problem as that of search over H where

H is the hypothesis space.

O is the set of operators (search steps).
G is the search objective.

We see that we have several possible approaches:

User prior knowledge to derive an initial hypothesis from

which to begin the search.
Use prior knowledge to alter the objective of the
hypothesis space search.
User prior knowledge to alter the available search

The Knowledge-Based Artificial Neural Network (KBANN [3]) algorithm uses prior
knowledge to derive
hypothesis from which to begin search.
It first constructs a ANN that classifies every instance as the
domain theory would.
So, if B is correct then we are done!
Otherwise, we use Backpropagation to train the network.

3.1 KBANN Algorithm

KBANN(domainTheory, trainingExamples)

domainTheory: set of propositional non-recursive Horn clauses

1. for each instance attribute create a network

2. for each Horn clause in domainTheory, create a network unit
1. Connect inputs to attributes tested by
2. Each non-negated antecedent gets a weight W.
3. Each negated antecedent gets a weight -W
4. Threshold weight is -(n - .5), where n is the number of non-negated antecedents.
3. Make all other connections between layers, giving
these very low weights.
4. Apply Backpropagation using trainingExamples

3.2 KBANN Example

Domain theory

Cup ← Stable, Liftable, OpenVessel

Stable ← BottomIsFlat

Liftable ← Graspable, Light 2/6
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Graspable ← HasHandle
OpenVessel ← HasConcavity, ConcavityPointsUp

Training Examples
Cup Non-Cups
BottomIsFlat X X X X X X X X
ConcavityPointsUp X X X X X X X
Expensive X X X X
Fragile X X X X X X
HandleOnTop X X
HandleOnSide X X X
HasConcavity X X X X X X X X X
HasHandle X X X X X
Light X X X X X X X X
MadeOfCeramic X X X X
MadeOfPaper X X
MadeOfStyrofoam X X X X

3.3 KBANN Example Network

3.4 After Training

3.5 KBANN Results

In classifying promoter regions in DNA: Backpropagation

got 8/106 error rate, KBANN got
It does typically generalize more accurately than
backpropagation. 3/6
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3.6 Hypothesis Space Search

We can view it as search in H.

KBANN starts at a better stop.
As such, it likely to converge to a hypothesis that
generalizes beyond the data in a way that is similar to
theory predictions.
On the negative side, KBANN can only deal with
propositional domain theories.

4 TangentProp
The TangentProp [4] algorithm
incorporates the prior knowledge into the error criterion
minimized by gradient descent.
Specifically, the prior knowledge is in the form of known
derivatives of the target function.

4.1 TangentProp Example

$X$ are images of single handwritten characters.
Task is to correctly classify these characters.
B is "the target function is invariant to small rotations
of the character in the image". How do
we express this
Define a transformation $s(\alpha, x)$ which rotates $x$ by $\alpha$ degrees. Then say
\frac{\partial f(s(\alpha,x_i))}{\partial \alpha} = 0 \]
Then incorporate these into the error
function. How?
Add an additional term to the error function
\[ E = \sum_i \left[ (f(x_{i}) - \hat{f}
(x_{i}))^{2} + \mu_{i} \sum_{j}
\left(\frac{\partial f(s_j(\alpha, x_i))}{\partial \alpha} -
\frac{\partial \hat{f}(s_j(\alpha, x_i))}{\partial{\alpha}} \right)_{(\alpha=0)}^{2} \right] \]
then modify the gradient descent rule to use this. How? Not shown.

4.2 TangentProp Search

The value of $\mu$ must be chosen carefully by the

TangentProp is not robust to errors in the prior knowledge (it throws off Backpropagation).
TangentProp's is searching for different (maybe) hypothesis from simple Backpropagation. It
searches on a different path.

The Explanation-Based Neural Network (EBNN [5]) algorithm extends TangentProp.
It computes the derivatives itself.
The value of $\mu$ is chosen independently for each
It represents the domain theory with a collection of
neural networks.
Then, learns the target function as another network.

5.1 EBNN Example 4/6
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There is one network for each of the Horn clauses in the

domain theory.
EBNN uses the top network to calculate the partial
derivative of the prediction with respect to
feature of the instance. (i.e., how much does the
output change as I tweak
These derivatives are given to the bottom network which is
trained with a variation of

5.2 EBNN Summary

EBNN has been shown to generalize more accurately than
backpropagation, especially when
training data is
It has been used to learn to control a simulated mobile
EBNN, like Prolog-EBG, constructs explanations, but they
are based on a domain theory
consisting of neural networks
rather than Horn clauses.
EBNN accommodates imperfect domain theories.
EBNN learns a fixed size network, so it might be unable
to represent complex functions.

The FOCL [6] system is
an extension of the purely inductive FOIL.
FOIL generates each candidate specialization by adding a
new literal to the preconditions.
FOCL generates additional specializations based
on the domain theory. How?
We say that a literal is operational if it is
allowed to be used in describing an output
At each point in the search FOCL adds candidates by
1. Considering each operational literal for the
2. Creating an operational and logically sufficient
condition for the target concept
according to the
domain theory. Prune any unnecessary preconditions.

6.1 FOCL Example 5/6
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Note that in order to get the rule we had to "unfold" the

domain theory to get to operational

6.2 FOCL Search

FOCL theory-suggested specializations correspond to large

steps in FOIL.
The bias is a preference for Horn clauses most similar to
operations, sufficient conditions
entailed by the domain
Test results show that FOCL achieves a lower error than

1. Machine Learning book at Amazon,
2. Slides by Tom Mitchell on Machine Learning,
4. TangentProp paper,
6. citeseer:pazzani92utility,

This talk available at 17 April 2003, 12:26PM

Copyright © 2009 José M. Vidal
All rights reserved. 6/6

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