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Be happy to change your goals, but never change your values

Values represent life’s signposts, things we care about so much and we put
them above everything. Significantly , our morals are important because they help
us grow and develop. Likewise , we can create the future we want to experience.

To begin with, our goals represent our standards. By the same token, they guide
our beliefs, attitudes and behavior. Obviously, our ideals define our personality,
provide us with great life opportunities and make us stronger and more self
confident . As an illustration, Coco Chanel was a pioneer in the world of fashion
and became one of the most influential styled personalities of the 1920s.
Chanel’s wisdom, trust and humanity could make people understand the value
of beauty and being stylish.

I consider admirable to expend our virtues. So, you can tell what you actually
value by your actions. Muhatma Gandi led India to independence, creating
movements for civil rights and freedom. Alongside, his work has been applied
worldwide for its universality.

All in all, values help you to be accepted and respected by a social group.
Regardless the goals, ethics highlight the way to a happy future. Consequently,
aims are guided by our virtues. With this in mind, open your arms to change aim,
and never let go off your morals.

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