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Review (The Crown)

It was always hardtop make a TV series about a real

person, especially about someone from the Royal family.
The Netflix’s TV drama about the life of Queen Elizabeth
II. It gives us a close look in the Buckingham palace and
the everyday life of their Majesties.
The series offer a different perspective on the life of her
Majesty, in the first season we see her marriage to Phillip
and her coronation. There are a lot of flashbacks giving us
a clear picture of the Queen's childhood and make the
decisions she made clearer to viewers. There are many
political problems shown in the plot of the series.
With the exceptional talented cast and the magnificent
costumes the series manage to take you back in time and
feel like a part of their life. The electrifying performance
of Claire Foy as the young Queen who has to make
important decisions for her and herself and her country.
Peter Morgan's brilliant script manages to tell the great
story of the longest reigning monarch. He makes you feel
the greatness of a young lady who begins to lead an
entire kingdom. The least we can do for this historical
figure is to know her story.

Gergana Gencheva review

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