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IBDP Biology IA Format

This is the format requirements from IB, documents must be one file that is submitted electronically.
● 6-12 pages with a 12-page limit
● 10-12 pt font (10 in tables, 11 or 12 for body text)
● 1.5 spacing (single ok if needed)
● Don’t insert page breaks between sections
● Use APA7 in-text citations like this: (Brown, 2020)
● 1st person is only acceptable in the Personal Engagement section. Otherwise, no pronouns.
● Always use your own words, DO NOT COPY another student’s (past or present) work.
● Use at least 5 trials, the more the better.
● Record all the raw data you can, when in doubt, record it.
● Do not record data that did not occur (or even alter the results slightly).
● Use the rubric to ensure that you have everything covered in your lab write-up.
● EDIT, EDIT, EDIT and EDIT again. It looks really bad if you have spelling or grammar mistakes.

Use the BOLD black headings for your IA and delete the instructions in RED.

The Effect of Different Ammonia Solution Concentrations on the Rate of Mung Bean Germination

Personal Engagement

Within the last decade alone, the world has had to face many complications that mostly tend to arise from the
mass industrialization of almost every industry imaginable. I have noticed that this is mostly due to the
increase in new technology being discovered and utilized to complete tasks and achieve milestones that have
never been seen before in human history. This holds many benefits that aid millions of people around the
world who would not be able to operate their businesses or jobs without this technology or the new
discoveries that are being made. However this extreme growth in industrialization has had incredibly harmful
effects on the environment. This is due to many different factors such as Carbon Dioxide Emissions, as well
as the disruption of nature itself. One environmental issue that has been discovered recently is the damage
being caused to plantlife, due to an increase in ammonia based fertilizers that have been mass produced for
the sole purpose of achieving as much plant growth as possible within the shortest amount of time possible.
This has obvious negative implications on the growth and health of many plants and shows how
industrialization is slowly and consistently damaging the agricultural industry. When I first started working
on this project, my main motivation was to discover something that could aid those who I know and love.
Whether these people are considered my friends or family, my priority was to take something away from
this, that reaches more people than just myself. Veganism is a practice that has become more popular within
recent years and certain members of my family such as my mom, sister, cousins, and aunt have started to
partake in this practice. After seeing how harmful and damaging mass industrialization of agriculture is,
knowing that I have family members who rely on this industry as their only form of nutrition, I made it my
priority to establish exactly how harmful Ammonia Based fertilizers are to the plants that they are being
applied to. Using this knowledge I will then be able to explain exactly how harmful certain plants are to
humans, when they are grown using ammonia based substances. To prove exactly what effect ammonia has
on the growth of plants, I will be utilizing mung bean seeds that will have been exposed to different levels of
ammonia solutions. Based on whether or not these beans grow properly will establish exactly how harmful
ammonia can be to plants, let alone humans.

Why did you choose this topic? / Why is it interesting to you personally? (You should use “I” in this section.
This section should be in the first person, but the rest of the lab can be in the third person.) Make sure that
you address all the points below. The evidence of personal engagement needs to be throughout your entire IA
not just in this section at the beginning.

QUALITY CHECK! Do the previous sections meet this standard?

Background Information

(Define all the vocabulary and terms)

After the recent discoveries of the harms that ammonia based fertilizers can cause towards plants, researchers
made it their priority to find out exactly how damaging these chemicals as well as the ammonia within the
fertilizer specifically can be. Many studies have been conducted to discover how ammonia affects plant
germination as well as plant growth, these studies will be used to compare this experiment in order to
discover whether or not the results are plausible. The experiment will be a form of proof in order to prove
whether or not the statements being made are false. Mung Beans ( Vigna Radiata ) are an edible form of bean
that are widely used for cooking purposes, due to their ability to fit to a variety of dishes. They are also one
of the fastest growing plants on earth, needing only 90-120 days to mature. Mung Bean Seeds work
effectively within the experiment, as their fast growth patterns will make it easy to discover when a change
in this growth rate has occurred. Ammonia ( NH3 ), is a gas produced by the combination of hydrogen and
nitrogen. It has many properties that define it, which are often recognized by its pungent smell as well as its
ability to mix with water to turn into a powerful alkaline solution. 80% of Ammonia being used worldwide is
used for the creation of fertilizer. This is due to the fact that in fertilizer, ammonia works extremely well, as it
boosts the growth of plants exponentially, yet this has lead many scientists and wildlife biologists to question
how healthy the ammonia actually is for the plants, as well as how much of it may be damaging towards
these plants. The relationship that will be portrayed between the ammonia and the Mung Beans will prove
whether or not high levels of ammonia in fertilizer may be damaging to plants such as Mung Beans.

Information that helps the reader understand what you want to accomplish, and why. (What do you know
about your topic…do some research.) Put all information in your own words. Reference this section when
applicable. Multiple paragraphs setting the stage for your investigation. Funnel from the broad context of
your investigation to the focus of your question.

Research Question

What is the Effect of Ammonia solutions of 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% on the rate of growth of Mung
Bean Seeds?

Null Hypothesis

If different ammonia solutions at 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% are applied to Mung bean Seeds, then no
growth or change will occur.

Alternative Hypothesis

If the amount of Ammonia within the solution that the Mung Bean Seeds will be exposed to increases ( 1%,
5%, 10%, 15%, 20%), then the rate of growth will decrease because ammonia in higher concentrations has
been reported to damage plants and the growth process of plants.

What do you predict will happen? MUST include independent and dependent variables
Should be based on the results of background research. Can be phrased as an “if hypothesis, then prediction”
statement. The hypothesis is the proposed relationship between your variables, and the prediction is what
you expect to occur based on your design. Predict the outcome of your experiment based on the background
information. The independent variable and dependent variable must be the same as your research question.
This is a possible answer to your question. Ex. When the independent variable ((increase or decreases) the
dependent variable will (increase or decrease) because…Justify your prediction by connecting the
environmental issue with the research question. The reasoning/background information that led you to your


The vast spread of the use of ammonia based fertilizers has affected plants all over the world. When taking
this information into account it is necessary to make sure that the correct sample size has been chosen to be
used for the experiment. When looking at the statistic that 80% of all ammonia is used to make fertilizers, it
is safe to assume that a lot of the earth's farms and agricultural industry is plagued by ammonia.

Explain why the sampling method(s) that you chose is appropriate and the best one for this experiment.
This can include something about there being professional instrumentation equipment that is not available in
a high school lab. >30 is considered a large sample, 15-30 a small sample and 5-14 a very small sample. <5
is usually considered too small a sample to apply tests like the t-test. We can accept samples as small as 5 for
the calculation of a statistical test. If candidates can show that they appreciate the limitations of their sample
size in the interpretation of their results then that should be a positive sign.

Safety and Ethical Concerns/Risk Assessment

When working with products such as Ammonia, it is very important to take proper safety precautions. Due to
the fact that ammonia can be very harmful when ingested, it needs to be ensured that goggles are worn and
that the ammonia will only be opened under the Fume Hood. The fume hood will ensure that the gasses that
may arise from the ammonia solution are not able to be inhaled by the individual working on the experiment.
It is also important to wash your hands before and after using the ammonia, as it is quite easy to get the
solution on your hands and subsequently touch your eyes or other orifices, where the ammonia will be
harmful. Certain ethical obligations will also arise from the experiment. The safe and ethical use of ammonia
is very important, as specifically the discarding of old ammonia solutions needs to be done responsibly. It is
important to discard the ammonia and any other items used in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. It
is also important to not waste any materials, as these could be used by other individuals in the future.

State any risks/safety concerns and the method to reduce them. (Safety goggles etc.), This section may or
may not be necessary depending on the experiment. Safety should be noted either within the steps it applies
to or in a separate section of the procedure. Ethics should be addressed even if there are no major concerns.
Need to show the awareness that ethical practices play in scientific investigations. This section would also
include a statement regarding the treatment of any animals used to show that investigation was in line with
the IB animal experimentation policy.

Independent Variable: Ammonia - Water Solution (1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%)

Dependent Variable: Rate of Growth ( Mung Beans; Vigna Radiata )

Controlled Variables: Method to control the variable:

Same type of bean Only use mung bean seeds (Vigna Radiata)

Same temperature of water Use a thermometer to ensure all the solutions have the same

Same amount of mung bean seeds per Use 5 beans per trial
petri dish

Same environmental temperature All petri dishes will be kept within the same room to ensure the
same temperature is maintained in each trial.

Humidity A hygrometer will be used to ensure that humidity is stable and the
same throughout all trials


Item Quantity Size

Mung bean seeds 250 Regular mung bean seeds

Paper towels One Roll -

Petri dishes 25 Regular

Ruler 1 20 cm

Pipettes 5 10 ml

Fume Hood 1 -

Ammonia stock solution 100 ml -

Sink water 250 ml -

Graduated Cylinders 3 (10,25,50 ) ml

Pen 1 -

Computer ( MacBook Air 13 ) 1 -

Rubber Gloves 2 -

All materials used during the lab should be listed including quantities and sizes of each in SI units (after
writing your method read through it and check the items used as you go on your equipment list), Make sure
your list includes the following:
Numbers of items (e.g. 2 Petri dishes),
Volumes and concentrations of any solutions needed (e.g. 300ml of 0.5M hydrochloric acid),
Precision (and range if appropriate) of all measuring instruments. How precise do you need to be in your
Sizes of beakers or other items (e.g. 250ml beaker, 10cm length of dialysis tubing)


1. Use the 10 ml pipette to drop 9 ml of sink water into the 10 ml graduated cylinder
2. Activate the Fume Hood and put on safety goggles as well as the rubber gloves before working with
the ammonia.
3. Use the pipette to drop 1 ml of the ammonia solution into the graduated cylinder.
4. Mix the solution for 30 seconds using the pipette to stir the contents of the graduated cylinder.
5. Place one of the 25 petri dishes in front of you and fold up one paper towel into a square until it is
small enough to fill the bottom of the petri dish. (Repeat this for all available petri dishes)
6. Make sure to label all petri dishes from here out in order to maintain clarity on which trials are which.
7. Place 5 mung bean seeds (Vigna Radiata) onto the paper towel.
8. Now use the pipette to suck up some of the ammonia solution and drop it onto the paper towel with
the mung bean seeds. (The paper towel should be as wet as in the image below)
9. Close the petri dish and place it onto a shelf or location where the beans will not experience any
damage due to factors such as heat.
10. Repeat this process 4 more times in order for the 10% solution trials to be completed.
11. Once this has been completed, pour the solution into the sink and wash out any equipment that came
into contact with the ammonia solution.
12. Step 5 can now be repeated.
13. Use the pipette once more to drop 47.5 ml of sink water into the 50 ml graduated cylinder
14. Once again activate the Fume Hood and take the previously mentioned safety precautions before
using the pipette to drop 2.5 ml of ammonia into the graduated cylinder.
15. Repeat step 4 with this new graduated cylinder and solution.
16. Place 5 mung bean seeds onto the paper towel within the petri dish and use the pipette to wet the
paper towel with the newly created ammonia solution.

17. Repeat this 4 more times to complete the 5% trials.

18. Once again wash any equipment that may have come into contact with the ammonia solution and
pour out the solution into the sink.
19. You may now place the new trials with the previous ones on a shelf.
20. Repeat step 5.
21. Use the pipette to drop 42.5 ml of sink water into the 50 ml graduated cylinder
22. Once again remember to take all safety precautions before using any ammonia.
23. Use the pipette to place 7.5 ml of ammonia into the graduated cylinder with the sink water.
24. Using the pipette, mix the solution for 30 seconds.
25. Place 5 mung bean seeds into the petri dish
26. Use the pipette to drop the ammonia solution onto the paper towel until it is reasonably soaked.
27. Repeat this 4 more times to complete the 15% trials
28. Place the new trials on the same shelf as the previous trials
29. Repeat step 5.
30. Use the pipette to drop 49.5 ml of sink water into the 50 ml graduated cylinder
31. Once again remember to take all safety precautions before using any ammonia.
32. Use the pipette to place 0.5 ml of ammonia into the graduated cylinder with the sink water.
33. Using the pipette, mix the solution for 30 seconds.
34. Place 5 mung bean seeds into the petri dish
35. Use the pipette to drop the ammonia solution onto the paper towel until it is reasonably soaked.
36. Repeat this 4 more times to complete the 1% trials
37. Place the new trials on the same shelf as the previous trials
38. Repeat step 5.
39. Use the pipette to drop 40 ml of sink water into the 50 ml graduated cylinder
40. Once again remember to take all safety precautions before using any ammonia.
41. Use the pipette to place 10 ml of ammonia into the graduated cylinder with the sink water.
42. Using the pipette, mix the solution for 30 seconds.
43. Place 5 mung bean seeds into the petri dish
44. Use the pipette to drop the ammonia solution onto the paper towel until it is reasonably soaked.
45. Repeat this 4 more times to complete the 20% trials
46. Place the new trials on the same shelf as the previous trials
47. For the next 5 days, everyday at 12:00 make sure to drop enough water to soak the paper towel on top
of the mung beans in every petri dish.
48. On day 5 open the petri dishes and record how many mung bean seeds of each trial have germinated.

Use your own words, including all details. A clear set of practical steps in order are necessary. Anyone
should be able to follow these directions after you have written them. The following features contribute to
writing a good method.
a. The method can be written as instructions like a recipe
b. Do not begin with “Gather all of the materials” … it is kind of a given that you will do this!!
c. Use numbered steps (rather than paragraphs).
d. Use a diagram if possible to show how to set up any equipment. Then you can say “Set up the
equipment as shown in the diagram”. This would save you writing a lot of words.
e. Specify what will be measured (and the units to be used)
f. Include details of how you will measure values
g. Include safety-related information from your risk assessment, like, goggles and gloves are required
from this point forward, or, do not put the extra reactants near a flame because they could combust…
make sure that you TIE these into the already existing procedure to give them a purpose

Can either be a narrative or step-by-step account of the procedure, in the past tense. Whenever possible
justify the choice of methods/procedures used. Include enough detail so the reader knows what was done, do
not include obvious steps such as “all materials were gathered.” Also note, a materials list should NOT be
included, it is unnecessary and not something done in real science papers. If using secondary data this is
where you describe where the data was obtained and the rationale behind using those sources. If the
simulation is used, describe the simulation and what was done to obtain data using it.

QUALITY CHECK! Do the previous sections meet this standard?

Raw Data/Qualitative Observations

Table 1: Raw Data

of Germination (+/-
.5mm) by Ammonia
Solution Level
Amount of Beans
germinated 0% 1% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Trial 1 1 5 4 2 3 3
Trial 2 1 4 5 4 2 2
Trial 3 0 5 5 5 0 1
Trial 4 4 5 5 5 5 0
Trial 5 4 1 4 5 1 3
Average 2 4 4.6 4.2 2.2 1.8
Positive 40% 80% 92% 84% 40% 26%
Total 10 20 23 21 10 9
(Table 1, Trial Results)

(Graph 1

(Graph 1, Ammonia Solution Percentage vs. Percent of Beans Germinated)


Present data tables and graphs (anytime a mean is graphed it should also have error bars representing SEM or
95% CI). All tables and graphs need a label (Figure 1, Table 1 etc.) and a caption/descriptive title. All tables
and graphs should be produced with a computer for formal reports. If raw data is a large table, include a
sample, and make it clear that it is just a sample and not the entire data set. Raw data should be listed in a
table with headings (Ex: “Table 1”) and labelled columns and rows, including units. Include columns for any
calculations you will need to do. Be aware of your SIG FIGS! (all raw data should have the same number of
decimal places). Include uncertainty (margin of error) and at the top of each column under the unit of
measurement. In IB the accuracy of a measuring instrument is equal to the smallest unit of measurement.
Plus or minus (±) this value is what you should record as your uncertainty. Avoid rounding errors.
Record any qualitative observations made during the investigation. (eg a colour change.)
Record all raw data in a table, as you collect it. The table must have a title/heading.
The independent variable should be in the left-hand column, with the dependent results to the right.
Each column must have a descriptive heading with SI units and uncertainties. This depends on the apparatus
being used. Units must only go in the heading.
Your data must be recorded to an appropriate number of decimal places based on the measuring apparatus
used, and within each column, the use of decimal places must be consistent. They must also be consistent
with the uncertainty (so you may have to add .0 to your results)
Never split a table across 2 pages.
Do not use participants’ names - assign them numbers or letters to keep track of them.
Take the time and energy to format tables.
Identify anomalous results (outliers) e.g. by highlighting them and including a key.

Impact of Uncertainty

Point out the most/least precise. Remember - more reliability means less uncertainty in your data and more
confidence in your results.
What is the impact of these uncertainties in your data? Does it reduce the confidence in your conclusion?

Processed Data
This means you have to calculate something to help you draw conclusions. Clearly state the method used to
process the data (i.e. a formula). If necessary, make another data table with your processed data. (examples:
Standard deviation, percent error, change in quantities (final-initial))

Figure 6: Processed Data 0.5M Concentration

Trial Rate (s-1)
(+/- 0.1)


Sample Calculations
Indicate how you did calculations by showing ONE example of EACH type of presentation. This includes
things like average and error propagation. Include a sample calculation of any processing of raw data. Use
actual data and indicate which sample data is used with a reference to the table in which the sample data used
can be found. Data calculations probably make the most logical sense after the sample raw data table and
before the processed data table.

Table 1: Table headings typically appear above a table and briefly describe what data is presented.
Tables are also typically centred on the page. Don’t split a table from its heading across a page break.
Headings in tables should Data tables should not be split across
contain units and page breaks if at all possible, if it is
uncertainties ex: (g ∓ 0.1) unavoidable the column headings
(such as this) should be repeated and
the table heading should read “Table
1 Continued”

Group 4.65 ← Numbers only in the data cells, no

Label units

Figure 1: Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations (ppm) from 1957-2007. Source:
Figure captions are placed below figures. They provide a brief account of what is pictured. For
graphs like the one above used as a reference, include the image source.

Figure 2: Initial reaction (0-20 seconds) rate for catalase in relation to temperature. Error bars
represent 95% confidence intervals.
For figures, you make yourself, also describe what is pictured in the graph and include what the error
bars represent.
Graphs go directly after the raw data table. DO NOT discuss results in this section, just state them. Graphs
must have titles, units, be scale, independent variable usually goes on the X-axis, dependent on Y-Axis.

Label your axes, don't just include numbers (like on the y-axis below). If drawing by hand, always use graph
paper. DO NOT GRAPH RAW DATA!!!!!!!!!! Don’t graph each trial, but instead graph the average. (unless
the graph is giving the processed data)

Figure 3:


Statistical Analysis
Outline and justify the choice of the statistical test utilized (usually t-test, ANOVA, regression, correlation, or
X2). Present results of this test. Know what the results mean, and how to interpret them. For example, what
does a p-value of 0.03 mean for your t-test? It is not required to include all tables of calculations or even all
numbers from a statistical program, just the calculated values that tell you something about your data from
these tests.

Reject or Fail to Reject the null (you do not accept the null)
Support or Fail to Support the hypothesis (you do not have to “prove” or “disprove”. It is not “correct” or
Claim: This should be an answer to your essential question. This DOES NOT have to be the same as your
hypothesis, but it should be based on your data.
Evidence: This is where you revisit the data presented in the results section but in a discussion style. What
does it mean, is it significant, etc. You should reference figures and tables and restate means etc. Don’t
simply say “group A was higher than group B” instead state “group A with a mean of __ was higher than
group B with a mean of __.” This is also where you should direct the reader to look at your tables and
figures, “As seen in Table #...” etc.
Reason: This is where you explain the science behind the results you found, most likely this will reference
information contained in the background, or if the results were unsuspected, will contain newly found
information that helps explain the results. This section should have citations and compare your results to
known scientific understandings and other investigations that are related to yours.
a) Describe what your results show in the context of your topic of investigation (conclusion)
b) Identify any trends or patterns in your results

c) Connect these trends to your conclusion

d) Compare these to literature, scientific understanding or models or class discussion. If there are
differences, identify them and suggest possible reasons
e) Identify any anomalous results and justify their exclusion from processing
f) Summarize by restating the main conclusion, commenting on the strengths of your investigation
and how the identified uncertainties have impacted the reliability and validity of your
investigation. Error and Uncertainty Link (the official IB answer to how to handle data)
g) The evidence of personal engagement needs to be throughout your entire IA not just in the section
at the beginning, so reference it again in this section.
All literature used to write your lab report should be fully referenced by using APA7 formatting.
This section can be done by stating the conclusion and then using the evidence from the lab to justify that
conclusion. The conclusion provides a thorough description of any trends or patterns.

QUALITY CHECK! Do the previous sections meet this standard?

Reflect on whether or not they are reliable/trustworthy. Was your hypothesis right nor wrong, why do you
think that is? Make sure:
a) Evaluate the conclusion, clearly related to the scientific issue.
b) Conclusions are truthful and based on the data. Don’t try and twist your results to fit a
hypothesis or expected outcome.

Strengths and Weaknesses

a) Discuss specific strengths in the design and carrying out of the procedure. You could look at
i. procedures,
ii. limitations of equipment,
iii. use of equipment,
iv. management of time,
v. investigation timing,
vi. data quality (accuracy and precision) and relevance of data.
b) Do the same for weaknesses
c) For each strength or weakness discuss its significance i.e. its effect on your results e.g. values too
high/low, data values less reliable (large uncertainty/error/S.D. would indicate this),
measurements less accurate or precise, trend/pattern incorrect or unclear etc **Careless or poor
performance does not make for a valid weakness

d) Suggest improvements to the experiment, For each improvement ensure that:

i. Modifications are specific (numerical if possible). “Next time we should work more
carefully” is not acceptable.
ii. Modifications are realistic – they can be achieved within the constraints of the timetable,
school setting and budget.
iii. Improvements are not overly simplistic or superficial – you need to demonstrate that you
are a student at a Diploma level!
e) Answer other questions such as: What errors did you find or perform during the experiment? How
reliable and true are your data? Are they accurate (close to the true values) and precise
(measurements taken to the proper significant digits)? Are there further experiments that can be
performed or did the data suggest other avenues to explore? What anomalies (unusual findings)
were there and where were the errors? How did those affect the data?

Parts b-d can be done in the format of the table below:

Limitation/Sources of Error Description/Manipulated Suggested/Realistic


Environmental Change

Different Bean Sizes

Different Positioning on the

Paper Towel

Different evaporation rates

Different Petri Dish Sizes

Sources of error
These are variables that in hindsight could have been controlled that might have affected results. “Human
error” is not a good enough evaluation of the factors that could have affected the results seen. Also don’t
include things that are not reasonable sources of error or actually suspected (ex: don’t say, “some of the
samples could have dried up during the experiment, therefore, leading to incorrect results” if none of the
samples ever did).


These are variables that you knew you wanted to control but couldn’t due to financial constraints or reality.

Suggestions for Improvements

For each source of error or limitation, provide a suggestion on how this could be improved (this could follow
each source of error and not be a separate heading here).


Due to the small scale that the experiment was performed on, one way in which the experiment could be
extended and improved is by using a larger scale of trials in order to get more accurate results. Using
different plants and different levels of ammonia solutions would also greatly improve the amount of
knowledge that can be acquired from such a process.

How could you expand this study or what would be the next logical step to continue inquiry into the topic of
your investigation?

QUALITY CHECK! Do the previous sections meet this standard?

List alphabetically of works actually cited within the paper using APA7. Must be consistent throughout the
paper with a choice of format. A MINIMUM of five sources is required for all formal investigations.

If needed to add extra raw data tables, etc.

Checklist to ensure a high communication grade:

IA is well presented and coherent

Well-structured with clear headings/ page numbers included

IA pages: 6-12 pages

Proper scientific language is used

Proper citation of background information/graphs/diagrams/conclusion/ others.

Correct use of units (SI units)

Tables must:

- Have a number and a title

- appropriate headings for each row and column
- Columns and rows must have borders.
- The headings (IV and DV) of data recorded must have the correct SI units.
- Decimal points are consistent throughout.
- Decimal points are consistent with the uncertainties listed.

Graphs must:
- An appropriate title is stated for each graph (include units).
- The appropriate type of graph (bar, line..) is chosen.
- Graphs must be coloured and clear.
- Axes are labelled clearly (IV on X-axis/DV on Y-axis), including SI units and
- Axes are scaled appropriately.

Clear presentation: effective use of spaces, tables and graphs don’t break across pages.

QUALITY CHECK! Does the ENTIRE REPORT meet this standard?

Common IA Mistakes:

● Incomplete Research Question (IV, DV, subject population)

● Incomplete background. You must provide scientific context from existing research.
● Failure to state both the (alternate) hypothesis and null hypothesis
● Failure to identify more than 3 control variables and put them in a table
● Methods that are incomplete (a 7th grader should be able to run your study and collect accurate data
simply by following your instructions without you there.)
● Failure to gather enough data (minimum 5 levels of the IV with a minimum of 5 trials per level)
● Failure to state the reasons for selecting the data analysis method
● Failure to employ sufficient appropriate data analysis:
○ Means
○ Standard Deviation
○ Percent Change
○ Effect Size (when appropriate)
○ Correlation (when appropriate)
○ Test of Significance (T-test, ANOVA, Chi-Square)
● Failure to include measurement error

● Failure to fully label charts, tables and graphs

● Failure to draw correct conclusions
○ Reject or Fail to Reject the null (you do not accept the null)
○ Support or Fail to Support the hypothesis (you do not have to “prove” or “disprove”. It is not
“correct” or “incorrect”.
● Failure to discuss the strengths and weaknesses (table)
● Failure to extend to new research ideas

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