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I have watched a video about three students, who had an opportunity to be a part of a private school for

a week. Naz, Brett and Kasim are a student in the state school - Bemrose. They joined a private school –
Warminster. The header of this school is a former army officer, so the rules in this school are like in the
army: to go to bed at 10 o’clock, to wake up at 7 o’clock, to have good behavior, etc. But on the other
hand, they have a good school order. I liked one of the rules of the school, that before the lights out
students collect phones. It's very smart and useful because students can play mobile games during the
night and will not be in a good condition to go to school in the morning. But I didn't like the uniform rule
because I'm not a fan of uniforms and everyone can wear whatever they want. In Ukraine, almost all
schools are already excluding uniforms, but it seems to me that this is because this is a private school
with a director who is a former officer. I also consider this private school to be a big advantage in that it
has connections with famous people because it implies this will be you soon. What’s more, Warminster
school will help Brett with improving his behavior, Kasim with developing his skills in subjects, and Naz
with her comfort zone, so it is a helpful to experience for these students. Also, the main difference
between private schools and state schools is that private schools have enough equipment and facilities
and outdoor activities, which are the main source of communication for students. To conclude, I think I
also want to have such experience to join a private school such as Warminster.

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