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Lamongan, madarasah tsanawiyah revolution According to the KBBI revolution is a

development from something small to large within a certain period of time. The same is true of the
revolution that took place in the Madarasah Tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan. The development experienced by
the school is fairly rapid. Madarasah tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan is located in Plaosan village, Babat sub-
district, Lamongan district. Yesterday (23/1)
The revolution that took place at the Lamongan 1 madarasah Lamongan was marked by the
large number of students who were able to compete in academic and non-academic achievements at the
district and national level. Humas madarasah tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan Mr Radiim Saputro said that in
2019 madarasah tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan won 136 events. This is in accordance with the motto masaasah
tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan school that is "there are no events we did not participate in, there were no
competitions we did not win" with this motto made students in the tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan madarasah 1
Lamongan become more enthusiastic and confident in participating in events which exists.

Not only is it known as a school with a million pretsasi madarasah tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan
also has a clean and healthy school environment. In Madarasah tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan also started the
activity of "protecting the earth" by applying a ban on using plastic. This is done because plastic waste is
a type of waste that cannot be decomposed. Some plastic waste can be decomposed but requires a very
long time. In the tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan madarasah also implemented a "1 class 10 sansevieria"
program, which is that every 1 class in the tsanawiyah madarasah 1 Lamongan must plant 10 sansevieria
or what are known as tongue-in-law plants. According to the Miss Hikmawati the tongue-in-law's plant is
able to absorb pollution and absorb excess carbon dioxide so that the air quality becomes good.

With the revolution or changes and positive undertaken by the tsanawiyah madarasah
1Lamongan, the madarasah tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan school becane a reference school for outstanding
students in Lamongan and surrounding areas. Madarasah tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan is able to produce
outstanding students as proven by alumni from the madarasah tsanawiyah 1 Lamongan which are widely
acceptrd in prestigio.

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