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Pasadena St., Pasay City

Paano, Ma. Kristena Cassandra N.

ABPS 2-3

Activity 2

As a student, did you encounter some dilemmas in your school? What did you do?
Cite examples of this dilemmas encountered.

- How to divide my time and effort among the numerous learning opportunities
available was a challenge I encountered. These opportunities included academic
ones, of course, but they also allowed me to develop my social skills and maturity
during my first prolonged period away from home, explore my beliefs and how they
are expressed in my actions, and develop a greater awareness of the United States
and the rest of the world as my larger community. One of my regrets is that I tried to
take advantage of these opportunities on my own rather than seeking advice and
counseling about how to do so. In life, we all have choices. Our future is predicted as
a result of these choices. The short term pleasure of spending time with friends
outweighed the long term pleasure of preparing for evaluation and achieving the
satisfaction of performing well.
- We do experience financial difficulties at home, and I was finding it difficult to
continue my studies or look for work. I find a solution that will allow me to do it
simultaneously. I'm therefore working and going to school right now. You have to
balance your time between work and school, which makes it challenging. The most
important thing is that I get enough sleep and stay optimistic so that I can carry on
with what I've started and don't give up on issues that I can easily solve.
- Bullying was one of the issues I had in the past, and it was difficult for me to continue
my studies while dealing with this. Before class, I have to deal with bullying, which is
exhausting for a kid in elementary school. It was, and I experience a lot of
discrimination due to my height. The "No Bullying" program at our school, which I
support after that, helps the school and most of all the students' individual
Pasadena St., Pasay City

April is a nurse working in a hospital. Due to an accident in the building next door, there are
deadly fumes rising up through the hospital`s ventilation system. In a certain room of the
hospital are four of her patients. In another room there is one patient. If she does nothing the
fumes will rise up into the room containing her four patients and cause their deaths. The only
way to avoid the deaths of her patients is to hit a switch that will cause the fumes to bypass
the room containing the four patients. As a result of doing this, the fumes will enter the room
containing the single patient (against her will). If she does this, one patient will die so the
other four patients will live. Should April hit the switch in order for her to save her four


- Yes, April needs to flip the switch to save the four patients, but she can get
assistance by moving one of them as quickly as possible into a different room or into
the room with the other three. After that, notify those who are able to repair the
ventilation and make an emergency kit for unforeseen changes. By doing so, she will
prevent any deaths and save every one of her patients while remaining completely
compliant with all medical ethics.

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