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Group 4

Leonardo Da Vinci
¿What was Lonardo da Vinci?

Had an IQ of 190 points.

Biographical Information
·He was born in Italy. He lived in Florencia (Italia). He lived in
the century 15st.

He grew up in the working –class family.

He spent his childhood the first five years in the village of

Anchiano with his mother.

He has had nine slibings your names they were Guglielmo,

Pandolfo, Giuliomo, Lorenzo, Domenico, Bernedetto, Giovanni,
Antonio y Bartolomeo. He didn’t had childrens.

His father’s name is Piero Fruosino di Antonio and his mother’s

name is Caterine di Meo Lippi.
His father used to work as a chancellor, notary and
eambassador of the Republic of Florence and his mother used to
work as a researcher.

·He started working at the age of twenty-five years old in the
1478. He worked as a part of the baptism of Christ by Verrchio
and his studnts for the first time.

He didn’t marry

He got retired painting less and less.

He his famous for painting the Mona Lisa your pose indicates
serenity and shows mastery of feelings. The expresión of woman
is enigmatic.

He pased away in the 1519 in the century 16th with sixty-seven

years old.

His birthday was on April 15th.

During his childhood painting cartoons. During his teens showed

a stong interest in painting. During his adulthood was conidered
an architect and inventor.

Let’s move on to his main achievements, is very popular ``The

Last Dinner´´, this work represented a momento of great
tensión: the exat momento in which Jesus announces that one
of his apóstoles is going to netray him.
Interesting Facts
·As for his main achievements, we should highlight what
Leonardo owes the first sketch of a bicycle or a helicopter since
he created a flying machine, which he calle dan endless screw,
and which was the precursor to themanufacture of the first
helicopter, the very popular picture the ``Mona Lisa´´ an ``The
Last Dinner´´

Pablo Picasso
What artistic moviment did Picasso create?
Describe its main characteristics.

The cubismo, the cubism places objects on the

same plane, rejecting the real appearance of
things and their depth. … Cubism is one of the
most important artistic movements of all time. Its
aesthetics are unmatched and it was an
unparalleled conceptual break.

Biographical Information
·He was born in Spain. He lived in Málaga (Spain). He lived in
the century 19st.

He grew up in a por family.

He spent his childhood at just two years old, he moved with his
family to is maternal grandmothe’s house.

He has had two siblings your names they were Lola and Conchita.

He has had four childrens your names they were Paloma, Paulo,
Maya, Claude.

His father’s name is José Ruiz y Blasco and his mother’s name is
María Picasso y López.

His father used to work as a painter, teacher and art teacher

and his mother used to work as a housewife.


·He starred working at the age of eight years old in the 1889.
He worked as a painter and picador for the first time.

He got married with Olga Jojlova and he was aslo with a woman
named Jacqueline Roque from 1961 to 1973.
He got retired painting less and less.

He his famous as one of the painters of cubism.

He passed away in the 1973 in the century 20st whith ninety-one

years old.

His birthday was on October 18th.

During his childhood he was creative, authoritative and

independent. During his teens start painting Works of
magnificent invoices. During adulthood he was a pinter,sculptor,
poet, actor, printmaker, visual artista, playwright, ceramicist and
set disegner.

Let’s move on to his main achievements, it was the founding of

many artistic movements and achieving that more tan 2.000
works are surviving in the museum. He became fanous worldwide
as one of the pioneers of cubism.

Interesting Facts
·Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso, painted in Paris between
the months of Maya n June 1937, whose title refers to the
bombing of Gernica, which ocurre don April 26 of that year,
during the Spanish civil war.

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