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Nobody is a god

In this world of ours, there are people some may

call heroes. I don’t think that’s a suitable name because
they are ordinary people just like you and me.
Either way, these heroes inspire us; they make us
want to be part of something vaster than we can
imagine. Many of us want to achieve incredible heights,
make all of our dreams come true, but we cannot all
succeed in that way.
All that being said, not all of us can accomplish the
most beautiful of goals, neither can our heroes. The
thing about them is they’ve made their dreams come
true by the use of luck and really hard work.
The truth is we think our heroes can accomplish
anything they desire, but there is no such thing. We do
this because we people need hope. We get it from many
places, one of them being our idols. That’s when we
start thinking too much of them, imagining they could do
anything and inspire anyone.
Also that is the moment we start expecting too
much from our heroes; we start believing they are gods
and can do anything and we will one day too. You may
think there is nothing wrong in believing in yourself, and
there’s not, but this is not believing in yourself, this is
thinking your hero is the greatest of them all.
Also, that is the moment we start expecting too
much from our heroes; we begin believing they are gods
and can do anything, and we end up thinking that'll be
the case for us one day too. This is not good at all
because we end up soliciting our heroes too much and
putting too much pressure on them and also we believe
we have a chance at being a hero ourselves.

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