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Importance of Science in our Daily Lives

As we said, science is a systematic study that is concerned with facts, principles, and
methods that could be observed in our natural or physical and social environment. It is both a
body of knowledge and a process – a way of thinking and a way of solving problems. If you look
around and scrutinize every object that surrounds you, it is mostly because of the existence of
science as it has led us to finding out things that give us what we have today.
The generation we have today particularly utilizes applied science or what we call
technology or inventions. Cellphones, computers, and other related gadgets help us
communicate with our friends and family without having to drop a piece of paper in the
mailbox and wait for a couple of days for them to receive our message in which urgency is not
taken into account. It is also possible to see our loved one’s face even though a thousand miles
disrupts our physical interaction. All vehicles are also an invention of science, providing us
various modes of transportation to reach our destinations in a reduced amount of time. We can
now travel from Manila to Antipolo in just a few hours and plan a daytrip if you are feeling
adventurous enough. Given the situation of our world today, medicine plays a big role in
flattening down the curve that COVID-19 has brought across the globe. Even though there is no
official vaccine for the said disease yet, there are still medications that ease the symptoms and
provide supportive care for those who are infected.
Thus, science does not only revolve around cooking and boiling in our kitchen as it takes
up a vast total of commodities we use in our everyday lives. We see science everywhere and we
can’t deny the fact that we are living in it. Pointing out the convenience science has given to us,
I cannot imagine a world without it as we have lived our lives with comfort, having science
reduce human effort.

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