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A remedy to the thirst for curiosity we feel is using social media in many different ways.

In today’s
generation, almost all of us use social media. We see a lot of different posts from other people even if
we know them or not. When we see their posts, we have each other's insights and thoughts. Well,
some of you might have different insights about a post, but sometimes we agree but also disagree
with that specific post. Take this as an example, someone posts about something and someone. Well
if it is a person, our curiosity will focus on it. We will stalk that one person so that we can find or
know whom that person was talking about in that post. In social media, you can find someone so fast
just by clicking. It is also an advantage of using social media, especially Facebook because even with
a few taps and clicks, you can already find someone whom he was talking about in the post. In that
way, your thirst for curiosity is solved.
Social Media influences our insights into other people. We see a lot of different posts from other
people whether we know them or not. Sometimes, people post about their personal lives. I think,
“How can they post something so personal?” well, I realized that we have different insights from
other people. Some people tend to post on social media because they don’t have someone to talk to.
Sometimes, other people post to get attention from other people. These people are what we call
“attention seekers”. Our problem is that we think we are free to just comment anything on other
people’s posts without even realizing that we are hurting their feelings. Others see social media as
their “safe space” because they can release their emotions by posting it. Little do they know, social
media has many eyes. Every post they share, they are judged by people who do not even know
anything about their personal life. Whatever it is that we think about other people, we have no right
to judge them. Reevaluate yourself before you start judging someone whom you know nothing about.
The different thoughts that we think make us who we are, can have an impact on either side, whether
it can connect us or it can destroy the connection between people. We are free to think about other
people through social media. Having a different insight about a person is normal. Before we post or
comment on something, we should make sure that we are not hurting anybody. We have the freedom
to post or comment on what we want, but sometimes it can destroy someone. We should be minding
our own business instead of minding other people. We never know that we are already destroying
someone just because of the way we see them. Social media is a place for either comfort or chaos,
use it well to thrive as a person throughout the life you have chosen.

dara shannn, grammatical errors lang gi change nako

dira, nice nman sha. ;>

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