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My favorite place

This hill is the most perfect place to being relaxed. When I am on holiday I always
prefer to come to Nature while my partners prefer to travel to the beach. Enjoy nature in this
place is the ideal way to enjoy holiday for me. I love staying in Agua Santa hill because this
place is completely perfect to meditate about feelings and emotions, to enjoy alone and being
well satisfied with oneself, to forget all the problems of daily life.
First, Agua Santa hill is my favorite site to reflect about my beliefs. The endless
horizon gives me an unknown perspective of life that makes me think of all my own emotions
and perspectives. I think about my dreams while the sound of the wind tells me that I can
achieve all of them. I think about my fears but the fragrance of flowers makes me feel
comfortable with myself to face all my limitations. This place is completely perfect to
meditate about feelings and emotions because it has the greatest characteristics to do it.
Second, Agua Santa hill is the most appropriate place to enjoy alone. I walk by the
path to climb to the mountain summit, while I am walking, I can see that there are a lot of
kinds of trees, they are different in form, color and contexture, but each one of them has a
specific function to fulfil like us, that makes me feel important and special because I have a
function to fulfil too. When I am in Agua Santa hill I can notice my own importance.
Finally, walk to this hill helps to forget all your real life problems. The sound of river
flowing makes me feel so relaxed. I walk and I just can think about enjoy this paradise. The
sound of river flowing mixed with the sound of the wind whispers me to stay here. It is
impossible to recall any problem because all that I can feel is peace and calm.
To sum up Agua Santa hill is a peaceful place to stay. The peaceful environment is a
mixture of the fragrance of the flowers, the sound of the river flowing mixed with the sound
of the wind, and the beautiful colors, forms and contexture of trees. All of this aspects makes
Agua Santa hill a spectacular place of peace and calm to spend quite a bit of time with

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