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1. Explain what the importance of the Rhetorical Triangle as described in your handbook.

The Rhetorical Triangle is an important thing to remember when writing because it helps to keep you thinking of the audience and your topic.

2. Briefly describe three different prewriting techniques.

There are several different ways to pre-write your paper. One example is called free writing which is where you basically just start writing anything that comes to mind. I do this by acting as though I am writing a friend a letter about my topic. Another form of pre-writing is making your outline for your paper. This will help you find all your information before you begin writing. A third way, which is my favorite way, is called writer s notebook. Where you write small notes down somewhere, as they pop into your head, and later you can sort them out and use them to help you.

3. Describe what a writer does when revising a paper.

Before you revise your paper you should put your paper down for a day or two and come back to it later with a new set of eyes.

4. Describe the difference between revising and editing.

The difference between revising and editing your paper is, when you revise a paper you are looking at the structure of your paper. Like who you are writing your paper for, and if have you provided them with enough information. When you edit a paper you are looking at things like sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation.

5. What is a comma splice? A fused sentence? How can these errors be repaired?
A comma splice is a punctuation error that happens when you use a comma between two independent clauses but do not use the correct words to join them. Fused sentences happen when there is no comma or semicolon between two independent clauses. You fix these two things by turning your fused sentence into two separate sentences, or making one of them dependant on the other.

6. Define paraphrasing as applied to a research paper.

Paraphrasing is when you choose to rewrite information you read in a source, but in your own words.

7. In a research paper, what should be cited?

When you write a research paper you need to be sure to cite all of your sources that you used information from. This does not include another other papers, or books you read, but did not use information from.

8. Explain four reasons why plagiarism is wrong.

When you choose to plagiarize you are denying yourself an opportunity to learn something new. It also is considered unethical, and you lose your creditability as a writer. The most important thing to remember is that plagiarism can result in serious penalties and affect your career. To help you avoid plagiarism you could try starting your paper early instead of waiting until the last minute. Also be sure to cite your sources immediately after you use them to ensure proper citing. Another thing you can try is taking notes as you read, which will make it easier to paraphrase and summarize.

9. Describe the purpose of signal words and phrases in a research paper.

When you use signal phrases and words it helps because it is telling the reader what to expect, and introduce your material with a nice flow. It also helps by separating your thoughts from the sources.

10. Give three reasons for using a direct quote in a research paper
When writing a paper a few reasons for using direct quotes are when you feel the person s words are important to your discussion. Also when you think it might boggle the sentence, and become confusing if you reword it. You might also quote because the person s sentence is very well written, and you feel you couldn t say it better.

Reflective Essay - 50pts. Write an essay that considers the following: Take some time to consider your experience in ENG 101 and, using the various writings you have produced and the comments and marks made by your instructor as a guide, discuss what you have learned about academic writing, in general, and your own writing, specifically, over the course of the semester. Describe how the use of technology in the classroom has impacted your learning in this class. What do you think could have been done to enhance your experience this semester?
In English Comp 101 I was truly surprised by the amount of time and projects we did on the computer/internet. I have to say honestly I did not always enjoy the computer work, but I survived. This semester I have learned a lot about my comma splicing and run on sentences. All though I have not mastered it, I have recognized it. Also I think learning about the literary elements have helped my descriptive writing. This semester I would have liked to have done more small writing assignments.

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