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Computer Recreations by A. K.


Core War, the subject of my inaugural column in this magazine (May, 1984), will be fought on the U.S. eastern seaboard later this
summer. The Computer Museum in Boston plans to host the first international Core War on the last weekend in August. The cleverer
programs will render their weaker colleagues inoperable by destroying vital instructions. The (human) winner will be Core War
champion for a year.

For interested competitors a document that defines the standards for the entries and an entry form are available from Mark
Clarkson, 8619 Wassall Street, Wichita, Kans. 67210. Clarkson directs the International Core War Society, an organization of some
150 core warriors. Many of them are currently preparing their entries, but it is not too late to order the standards document and
write a program of your own. I shall have more to say about the tournament in next month's column.

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