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General Instruction: (a) your answer should be clear, precise and to the point.

(b) Your handwriting should be legible.

(c) Don’t copy from another group’s work; failing to observe the rules may yield


1. Explain the important of each standards of critical thinking in the evaluation of arguments and
truth claims.
2. Explain why being critical thinker is significant in your life. Discus the impact of being uncritical
thinker in socio-political life of your country using certain evidence of your experience.
3. Socrates, one of the great Greek Philosophers, stated that “The unexamined life is not worth
living.” What does he mean? Explain Socrates’s assertion referring to the traits of critical vs
uncritical thinker. Discuss the importance of examined life in your daily life.
4. In order to resolve a particular political or religious controversial issue having a peaceful
dialogue and discussion is an imperative. To ensure this, undoubtedly following certain
codes/principles of critical thinking is important. Explain the advantages of observing each
principles of critical thinking.

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