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* Use short sized-bond paper for your answer.

1. Observe children at play for an hour. Monitor how they interact and co-construct knowledge. Make a
brief report on how your observations relate to the major concepts of Vygotsky’s theory of sociocultural

According to my observations, she is quite brilliant and speaks English effectively since she is
always watching television, which is a technical instrument. As we play the game of ball and cup, she
converses with me, shares knowledge with me, and asks me questions about her academic subjects. In
conclusion, she is growing both intellectually and personally through social interaction and technology

2. Recall one difficult lesson you were taught in the past. If you were the teacher then, what scaffolds
should you have used to facilitate learning?

I remember when I was in Highschool I was assigned to be a leader in our group, and the teacher
ask me a question but I forgot my answer because I feel nervous, If I am a teacher, I will scaffold my
students by assisting her and guiding him buy giving her examples about the topic for her to remember.

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