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Water O Water

1. What is the main source of water on earth?


2. How can we clean water for drinking?


3. What are the other forms of water?


4. What do we need to quench our thirst?


5. How should drinking water be stored?


6. Name four activities which we can do without water and which we cannot do without water




7. Write 3 ways by which we can save water.



8. Mark the one which do not resemble the series:

a. river,
b. pond,
c. mountain,
d. spring
9. Water in..........................bring misfortune
a. flood
b. drought
c. both of these
d. none of these
10. Water can be
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. All of these
11. Which form of water can mix easily with air?
a. Ice
b. Water vapour
c. Water
d. All of these
12. Water vapour is a:
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. All of these
13. What will happen to the ice if it is left out?
a. The ice melts to form water
b. The ice freezes to form water
c. The water freezes to form ice
d. The water melts to form ice
14. Natural source of water: _____________________________________________
15. The solid state of water: _____________________________________________
16. A source of groundwater: _____________________________________________
17. Name any 3 river flowing in India: _________________________________________________________
18. Natural source of heat that changes water in rivers, lakes and seas into water vapour. ________________
19. The only substance on earth that is present in all three states of matter- as a solid, liquid or gas: __________
20. Name the longest river on Earth. _____________________________________________
21. What are Properties of Water?
A. _______________________________________________________________________________________
22. Name some manmade Sources of water
A. _______________________________________________________________________________________
23. Name some natural sources of water
A. _______________________________________________________________________________________
24. Name the areas in India that get scanty rainfall?
A. _______________________________________________________________________________________
25. Name the areas in India that get heavy rainfall?
A. _______________________________________________________________________________________
26. Name the place in India that get heaviest rainfall?
A. _______________________________________________________________________________________
27. How can we prevent water pollution?
28. What are the causes of Water pollution?

29. What are non-perennial Rivers?

30. What are perennial rivers?


31. What is rainwater harvesting?


32. Define Water Cycle?

Foods We Eat
1. Which of these an old person can easily eat?
• chapati soaked in dal • Nuts • bhutta
2. Which of the following is made from wheat?
• Pulao • Halwa • Dosa
3. We get sugar from........ • Sugarcane
4. Pulses are rich source of........... • protein
5. Match the following :
(a) Soyabean (i) Seafood
(b) Broccoli (ii) Poultry farm
(c) Ducks (iii) Protein
(d) Lobster (iv) Flowers
6. Fill in the blanks
a. We give cows and buffaloes, grass and _________ to eat.
b. We eat the _________ of radish.
c. Food helps us grow and __________ us from disease.
d. People who only eat food obtained from plants are called _____________.
7. Define :
a. Protective foods
b. Body building foods
c. Energy giving food?
8. Answer the following Questions:
a. What is a balanced diet?

b. Give two reasons on which the kind of food we eat depends upon

9. Why do we eat food?

A. _______________________________________________________________________________________
10. What are the 2 sources of food?
B. _______________________________________________________________________________________

11. What is the stable food of North India and South India?
C. _______________________________________________________________________________________
12. Write the food items that can be eaten raw and that needs to be cooked

Food that can be eaten raw Food That needs to be cooked

13. Write the food items prepared by using the below ingredients::
a. Wheat -- ___________________________________________________________________________
b. Rice -- ___________________________________________________________________________
c. Dal -- ______________________________________________________________________________
14. What are nutrients?
15. Mention 3 good eating Habits?

16. What are the functions performed by water in our body?


17. Which are the methods of cooking food?


18. Define roughage?


19. What is a balanced diet?

20. How is cooking useful?
21. What is the main cause of obesity? Name a few food items that lead to obesity?
22. Fill in the blanks::
a. Food is one of our basic___________________.
b. Honey is made from the _____________________of flowers.
c. A balanced diet is one that contain all the ___________________.
d. All living things need food to grow, to get energy and to stay _______________________.
e. Potatoes and banana are the source of _____________________________________
f. Growing children need more ____________________________________ for their growth.
g. We can classify food into ________________ groups based on the nutrients they contain.
h. _____________________ is a complete food.
i. Good eating habits help to keep our body ______________________________________.
j. Food rich in __________________ makes our teeth strong.
23. True/ False
a. Food gives
Flying High
1. This bird moves its neck back and forth with a jerk. • Owl • Peacock • Weaver bird • Mynah
2. Birds eat......................kind of food. • same • different
3. Choose the correct answer :
a. Birds have different kinds of beaks depending on :
(a) how they drink water (b) how big the bird is
(c) where the bird lives (d) the kind of food it eats
b. Which of the following birds has webbed feet?
(a) Duck (b) Eagle
(b) Hen (d) Pigeon
4. ____________ and ___________ is the largest and smallest bird respectively:
(a) Penguin, Crow (b) Eagle, Woodpecker
(c) Flamingo, Sparrow (d) Ostrich (e) Humming Bird
5. A bird has ___________ bones.
(a) Hollow bones (b) strong bones
(c) Weak bones (d) coloured bones
6. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ :
a. There are four kinds of feathers found in birds.
b. Herons are also known as migratory birds.
c. Wading birds can move in shallow water.
d. Birds have two feet with four toes in each foot.
7. Give two examples of each:

(a) Birds having a strong chisel shaped beak –

(b) Perching birds –

(c) Birds having a strong, sharp and hooked beak –

(d) Flightless birds –

8. Answer the following questions:
(a) What are down feathers?

(b) What is migration? Give one example of a migratory bird


(c) What features help a bird to fly?


(c) Name the three types of feathers in birds?



It's Raining

1. Why rain is so important?


2. What Happens when there is little or no rainfall?

3. What Happens when there is excess of rainfall?
4. When do we see rainbow in the sky?
5. Name the colors in the rainbow?
6. How does it rain?
What is Cooking
1. What is roasting?
A • It is the method of cooking in which the food is cooked directly on fire.
2. What is boiling of food?
A• It is the method of cooking in which the food is cooked by heating with added water
3. Over cooking should be avoided as it makes the food to
A• lose some important vitamins
4. Rice is boiled before eating as
A• It cannot be eaten raw
5. ff

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