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Perhaps you have heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” If this adage is true, then
most college students are dorm-friendly fare like ramen, microwave popcorn, and
freshly delivered pizza…

Unfortunately, such foods are unlikely to help your brain. The processed foods so
commonly consumed by college students are often high in unhealthy saturated and
trans fats, salt, and preservatives. These items make it difficult for your brain to function
properly, and they can negatively impact your academic performance.

RELATED: 15 microwaveable meals to make when you have a busy week

College students should instead focus on eating fresh, healthy foods to maximize brain
function – but some of these foods have a greater positive effect than others. Read on
to learn about the top ten superfoods for test day success:


The healthy unsaturated fats in avocados improve blood flow to the brain, which can
allow brain signals to travel more effectively and efficiently. This, in turn, may make it
easier for you to recall information when taking an exam.

Try adding several slices of avocado to your usual lunch sandwich, or make a small
batch of guacamole for an afternoon snack.


The brain’s main source of energy is glucose from carbohydrates. Since your mind
cannot store glucose like other muscles in your body can, the brain requires a steady
supply of glucose from your diet.

Beans, which are slow to digest, can provide the brain with a long-lasting source of
energy. Aim to eat half a cup of beans each day – in a bowl of homemade chili, a
burrito, etc.


The antioxidants in blueberries can help sharpen your brain’s ability to send signals
quickly, as well as improve its capacity to store information. This means that the
antioxidants found in blueberries can help you both while you are taking a test and while
you are studying.
Blueberries are a wonderful addition to your morning bowl of cereal or fruit smoothie.


Yes, chocolate can be healthy! However, it must be of the dark, natural variety in order
to benefit your brain. Like blueberries, minimally processed cacao (or the main
ingredient in dark chocolate) is full of antioxidants, which can increase brain function.

Consider eating a few squares of natural dark chocolate as a sweet pick-me-up a half
hour or so before your next exam.


Eggs are an excellent memory-boosting food. Inside their yolks is the nutrient choline,
which is important in the proper functioning of a brain chemical that is involved in
memory recall.

Eating one or two scrambled eggs for breakfast on test day may help you better
remember what you studied while taking your exam.


As mentioned above, the brain relies on glucose from your diet for energy, and a steady
supply of glucose is the best type of energy for a hardworking brain. Like beans, oats
are slow to digest, and they thus provide the brain with long-lasting energy
– and vitamins for improved brain function.

Oatmeal is typically considered a breakfast food, but it can also make for a delicious
and energizing snack at any time of day.


Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is essential for
proper brain function, including memory storage and recall.

Placed inside a parchment paper pouch, salmon can be cooked quickly, easily and
without much of a fishy smell in – believe it or not – a microwave!


Eating spinach, a rich source of the vitamin folate, helps maintain proper blood flow in
the brain. Folate is also necessary for effective cognition.

Sneak spinach into your diet in green smoothies, salads, and scrambled eggs.

Walnuts are great for your brain. High in both antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids,
walnuts can boost your memory and strengthen your ability to concentrate.

Sprinkle walnuts on your morning oatmeal, or eat several as an afternoon snack.


Yogurt is full of brain-friendly B vitamins that can boost concentration, and the calcium it
contains allows signals to travel more quickly through the brain. The protein in yogurt
can also help you stay full, and eating it before an exam can both improve your test-
taking performance and prevent a growling stomach.
Erica Cirino is a contributing writer for Varsity Tutors, the leading curated marketplace
for the top private tutors in the U.S. The company also builds mobile learning apps,
online tutoring environments, and other tutoring and test prep-focused technologies.

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