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Genre : struggle of bawang putih

Story tale.

Once upon a time there is a beautiful kid live in a small village of disney city. She is named bawang
putih. She live with one step sibling and step mother. Because her mother and her father have pass
away. She always got punishment from her step mother and step sister, they are very bad to bawang
putih. Name of her sister is bawang merah. Bawang merah always maked bawang putih be sad even

In the morning, bawang putih delivery of her step mother and her step sister in a river near of the
village. And sudenlly unaccidently the cloth of her step mother went with the current And bawang
putih confused and sad she went to followed the flow for get the cloth. But as long as she following
the flow she still didn’t look the cloth untill in a middle way she look glance there is a cave, with
feeling curious she go to the cave and she meet with a old grandmother that live in the cave. And
the grandmother look back to bawang putih. And she asked to bawang putih what’s happend, what
is make bawang putih until here. Bawang putih feel affraid with the grandmother but the
grandmother said ‘’ don’t be affraid’’ i’m a good grandma i will not hurt you. But i have a desire to
you. can you help me? Then the bawang putih don’t be affraid again and said ‘’i can’’ but what is
that? Then grandma said ‘’i have some homework that still not finish. And i don’t know to begin
from where’’ i think i will desire you to help me do my homework’’ then bawang putih said yes it is a
pleasure for me i have used to work in my home. And than the grandma very happy to meet with the
girl it’s bawang putih.

A few minutes later bawang putih have done with her job and bawang putih decided to back home
but the grandma forbid the bawang putih to back home before the grandma give a gift and the red
cloth that wanted of bawang putih and before bawang putih outside from the cave the grandma
called bawang putih she want give the red cloth that she wanted all the time. Than bawang putih
scared because actually the cloth there in this cave. Then grandma give two pumpkins are to be
choosen of bawang putih. Because bawang putih have beautiful soul without arrogant bawang putih
choosen the small pumpkin than the big pumpkin and bawang putih very thankful to the good
grandma who give the cloth and the pumpkin unknown inside the pumpkin there are so many
jewelry and gold.

A few minutes later she has arrive in home but she is looking for the her step mother and step sister
was furious and look at the bawang putih. And then bawang putih bow with guilt but she begin to
come up her mother and her sister that was very angry to bawang putih. The bawang putih
apologize because bawang putih has came almost one week. Bawang putih is crying a tear in her
eyes. But the othewise the step mother and bawang merah always blame bawang putih and beat
hard bawang putih until she is crying and can’t say anything again. After that her mother and the
sister look at the pumpkin that have been taken and bawang merah tell bawang merah to split the
pumpkin and so many jewerly from the pumpkin. And then their eyes shine lokk the jewerly. And tell
bawang putih for go to kitchen because they didn’t want bawang putih get allotment of the jewerly.
The actually bawang putih didn’t want part of the that because her heart is beauty never earn

Then bawang putih go to kitchen and begin to cooking same food for lunch. Bawang putih is cooking
while she is singing too because bawang putih very like to singing from when she was a child. She
always pray and hope someday her mother and bawang merah can change for to be better, very
kind and have beautyful soul, because actually bawang putih very love with her family.
Someday she back to river to wash dishes and pan in a river, sundelly she meet with a boy from the
castle he is a prince. And bawang putih asking him ‘’ why did you here? This is river so why did you
came? For what?’’ with fussy she always asking. But the prince just smile and at the and he is telling,
he came because he want to know deep about bawang putih because at first meet he has fall in love
with bawang putih, because bawang putih has beautiful soul and she is beautiful. But bawang putih
never aware about feel of prince. and now bawang putih has know. Why the prince here, b ut
bawang putih unconcerned to the prince, and it’s make prince’s heart is broke, sadness always come
di prince’s heart. But the prince keep won’t give up about it. He always thinking about anyway to get
bawang putih’s heart fall in love with the prince. but bawang putih still unconcerned with anything
that prince have done. The prince is kind but bawang putih not know it. Actually bawang putih like
with a good man.

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