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Portuguese Admiral Ferdinand Magellan pioneered the circumnavigation of the globe in

search for spices. The goal of the expedition was to find a new route to Moluca Islands in

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Indonesia. Admiral Ferdinand Magellan commanded five (5) ships, which were named Trinidad,

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San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria and Santiago. Antonio Pigaffeta documented the whole

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expedition. The expedition was accompanied by Juan Sebastion Elcano, who then later on
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completed the expedition and successfully circumnavigated the globe.
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The movie entitled “Elcano and Magellan: First tri around the world” is based on Antonio

Pigafetta’s account on the expedition of Admiral Ferdinand Magellan which started on

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September 8, 1519 and was completed on Semptember 6, 1522. The films does not look to

downplay the more violent, painful and bloody aspects of the enterprise documented here.

Instead, it preserves the true sense of adventure behind the event. However, in the said film,

Ferdinand Magellan was not set to portray as the protagonist of the film, Juan Sebastian Elcano

was the one portraying the role of the protagonist in the film. It may be because, Antonio

Pigafetta’s account was only used as a base for the story and not actually portraying all the

details of each event in Antonio Pigafetta’s account. The film heavily focused on Juan Sebastian

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Elcano, while not giving much attention to Ferdinand Magellan which is a key factor of the

expedition. The events written in Antonio Pigaffeta’s account was summarized and was

portrayed in a much more adventurous theme rather than a serious, monotone documentary of

the whole expedition. The portrayal of the characters were given more depth because of how the

scenes were constructed, more playful and fun.

In the film, there were only few events that were recreated in the film, which was based

on Antonio Pigaffeta’s account. One of the few events recreated was of course “Admiral

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Ferdinand Magellan’s goal to find a new route to Moluca Islands in Indonesia from the west”, in

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which in the movie was recreated based on Antonio Pigafettas’s writing. The few seamen leaded

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by Juan Sebastian Elcano after the past Admiral then decided the circumnavigation of the globe,
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Ferdinand Magellan died on the shore of Cebu.
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The new route discovered by Ferdinand Magellan lead to the discovery of the tribe in the
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island of Cebu. In the shore of the island of Cebu lies the deathbed of the Admiral of the
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expedition. Which now then comes to the new Admiral, Juan Sebastian Elcano now then

continues the voyage to Moluca islands to find and trade spices which was very the main goal of

the expedition set by Ferdinand Magellan. However, in the recreation of the events even in

Antonio Pigaffeta’s account, the people of the island of Cebu were the ones who were portrayed

as villains. The group lead by Ferdinand Magellan were by no means had the goal to conquer any

land but to gather and trade spices on the so called Spice island. But in the film, out of no reason

were the people of the island were portrayed to be bad.

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The film based on the account of Antonio Pigaffeta were already biased because of how

events were arranged to either make Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastian Elcano a hero or to

make other people aside from their group villains in the story. In many ways, the movie may

have been recreated according to Antonio Pigaffeta’s writing, the account itself may already be

biased. The film only showed one perspective of the whole expedition so it may or may not be

true to the real history of events.

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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State College

Engineering-Architecture Department

Sorsogon City Campus

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Reaction Paper

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The Movie: Elcano and Magellan: The First

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Voyage Around the World

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Submitted by:

Marc Zyril D. Villamor

BS-Architecture 1B

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