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What is history? How is it different from historiography?

History is the study of the past – specifically the people, societies, events and
problems of the past – as well as our attempts to understand them. It is a pursuit
common to all human societies. History can take the form of a tremendous story, a
rolling narrative filled with great personalities and tales of turmoil and triumph. Each
generation adds its own chapters to history while reinterpreting and finding new things
in those chapters already written. History provides us with a sense of identity. By
understanding where we have come from, we can better understand who we are.
History provides a sense of context for our lives and our existence. It helps us
understand the way things are and how we might approach the future. On the other
hand, Historiography can very simply be defined as the history of history; meaning
historiography is the study of how history was written, by whom, and why it was
recorded as such. Moreover, it is a look at it and how historical events have been
reinterpreted by historians over time and why. historiography helps us examine not only
history itself, but also the broader overlying characteristics that shape the recording of
history itself.

What are the sources of history? Enumerate and differentiate them.

Primary sources are the historical documents used by historians as evidence.

Examples of primary sources include diaries, personal journals, government records,
court records, property records, newspaper articles, military reports, military rosters, and
many other things. In contrast, a secondary source is the typical history book which may
discuss a person, event or other historical topic. A good secondary source uses primary
sources as evidence.

Should no-one write our country's history, what do you think will happen to our
present political, cultural, and economic condition?

To sole purpose of writing history is for us in present generation to be guided on

our political, cultural, and on economic aspects. If no-one wrote our country’s history
back then, it is observed that we don’t have the same political style and government on
what we have today, we don’t have the culture we practiced because there’s no such
story of what totally our culture since then, lastly, our economic status today will be
totally different, everything is different if this situation has been practiced. The bottom
line of this is that our history tells what we have right now especially on the aspects of
political, cultural, and economic.

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