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Annotated Bibliography -Ashley House Timothy S., Culler, Timothy A. Becker. "Lunar Impact History." 545903 Oct 2000 1785. 16 Sep 2008 < vid=1&hid=109&sid=2be12bd9-724b-4dfd-973a-ac9910cf129e %40sessionmgr108&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d %3d#db=aph&AN=2982988>. Article talks about the returned samples from the Apollo mission, including dating spherules using the 40Ar/39Ar technique, plus creator rates on the lunar surface. Allton, J.H. J.R. Bagby, Jr.,P.D. Stabekis. "Lessons learned during Apollo Lunar Sample Quarantine and Sample Curation." Volume 22, Issue 31998 373-382. 16 Sep 2008 < _ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V3S-3TN437NC&_user=56861&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F1998&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=sear ch&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000059542&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid =56861&md5=91af8445359f945a42824c23ad0971c6>. Lessons learned during Apollo missions, such as sample curation, lack of time and management responsibilities. Papike, J.j, G.W. Fowler, C.K. Shearer. "Orthoproyxene as a recorder of lunar crust evolution." The American Mineralogist 79(1994): 796-800. Gives values for lunar volcanic picric glass beads for comparison of impact beads. Lee, Der-Chuen, Alex N. Halliday. "Age and Origin of the moon." Science 278(1997): 5340. Study of age and origin of the moon, composition of 21 lunar samples information on the poorly mixed mantle and geology of the moon. Graf, John. Lunar Soils Grain Size Catalog. Houston Tx: NASA , 1993 Reviews how the soil samples from the Apollo missions where processed, what they where documented in and what they where stored in. Wetzel, Stephen J.. Advances in Planetary Geology. Washington DC: 1982 Pg574-577 Ejecta Distribution Around a Small Lunar Crater Taylor, Stuart Ross. Lunar Science: A Post Apollo View. Elmsford N.Y.: Pergamon Press Inc, 1975. Covers in and out of the earth surface, composition, Evolution, interior exterior, etc. Also includes Glasses or impact melts and Volcanic glasses. "Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV." 2008 1-2. 14 Sep 2008 <>. Discusses two types of Impact melts in Chesapeake Bay. "Mass Spectrometry." 19 Sep 2008 < m>. A simple school website showing how a mass spectrometer works, how to use and what it is used for.

10. "Collecting Moon Rocks." Lunar and Planetary Institute. 2008. Lunar and Planetary Institute. 19 Sep 2008 < m>. This page shows the procedure, tools, and storage of moon rock. Plus this sight holds an abundant information on all types of moon rock archiving, articles, and information about the moon.

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