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The type of person i am interested in is a woman who can laugh, be playful and

light hearted, one who is motivated and ambitious, intelligent, and self

I'm basically a very positive person who also loves humor and laughter and would
like someone with an adventurous spirit and a positive attitude who can see the
funny side of life, someone who is open and willing to learn new things.

I like to share things I learn and am open to learning new things as well. I have a
passion for music and a curiosity for life. To find a woman who loves to dance
would be a miracle, but not impossible I believe, even if rare, but definitely a
bonus, but not a requirement! lol I also love a gentle woman who knows how to treat
a man like a baby and a baby like a man.

Romance and passion are important as well. Like everyone I talk to I want the whole
enchalata, including chemistry. I have learned though that chemistry is not
everything and not the only component for building a strong relationship.

A picture is worth a thousand words yet can still tell you nothing. Lastly beauty
is in the eye of the beholder, and I would say I have more on the inside than the
outside. LOL No one is perfect including myself but I suppose if you don't put it
out there and risk, you'll never know. However I am realistic and I am by far not


For me i would like someone that will love and respect me for who I am, that likes
to hold my hand and surprise me with a little kiss when I least expect it or give
me a wink from across the room to let me know she's thinking about me or give me a
message just to let me know how much she has missed me.

Because I will be doing the same.. I would love someone who is fun to be around,
likes to laugh, joke around, enjoy being outdoors going for long romantic walks,
enjoys looking at the stars at night, and watching the sun set and rise over the

I am looking for someone that enjoys the simple things in life, just as I do. I
would like to meet someone special that I can grow old with, and that we can always
look into each other's eyes and know that the love between us is just as wonderful
and exciting as the day we met...

I want to love a woman for who she is, to spoil her, and love her, and let her know
just how much she means to me, by the little things I do or say to make her �feel
special. While at the same time she treats me in the same with love and respect I'm
really looking for Someone honest, caring, romantic, kind, posses great sense of
humor, understanding, intelligent, respectful and trust worthy

feelings about her________________

Every day I fight a battle with myself my heart says I should tell you how I feel,
but my head tells me not to be stupid that it would just cause damage to our
friendship and that you wouldn't be interested in me.

I have to let you know what i feel in my heart for you because i can't hold it

The look of your eyes and that smile that in that photo, melted my heart away. oh,
I wished I would've given you a kiss right away.

As soon as I see your photo, my knees go weak, my heart throbs hoping to feel you
around me. Your body is perfection and to me it does not matter, i will like to
meet you, thanks for the smile you gave me.

I really felt so lightened inside and i could say nothing but to just stare at your
natural awesome. I wish we could go out together one day and we could have our
nights by the day and that I could pour out my feelings to you.

You awaken me, deep inside.� I'll always wait for you to give me that good response
and no matter what time it will take, you are in my heart... no matter what
happens. I hope I'll be able to hold you in my arms and tell you that I love you.

That's all I need from you. I love you and that's a promise i will keep forever. At
first I was confused, didn't really know what I wanted, I didn't know if I would
want to take a chance and actually take me seriously.

So, I decided to come close to you as a friend and find out who you truly were and
what you were like, you seemed cool, nice and funny somethings I really liked in a
woman, so I here taking my chances with you. In the beginning, things didn't seem
that well, I actually had my doubts about you. I wasn't sure you were actually
going to take me seriously.

But, it was too late to look back; I had already fallen for you since the day I met
you on here and I wasn't really looking forward to giving up too soon. I tried so
hard to have you, I wasn't going to let you go so easily. Well, time has passed and
I have discovered new things and a new me.

You have truly changed me. Still, in a way, I'm scared 'cause I am actually growing
a true feeling inside my heart which I just can't explain, but I know it's there
waiting for you to come and uncover it.

I truly don't know what your feelings are but I don't want to force you in telling
me what you don't feel towards me. I would want to receive love and trust from you
when you truly mean it. All I ask from you is to show me you care and not hide
anything, to also have trust in me the way I do in you.

I have never had this kind of Love which i felt when i first saw you the first time
that moment was unexplainable and when you shared at me it took my heart away.
My Love there is nothing that can change my feelings for you because my heart is
already filled with wonderful memories of you, distance may be between us and
somethings i don't call you as it is suppose to be but that doesn't stop me from
loving you, you own a great portion of my heart.

On this greet day, i wish you a lovely Valentine's day from me to you. I this is
the little i could do please accept my it with your whole heart and always heart
this in your heart I love you and i will also do.

�stolen�me�from�me, alone�I�can�be�lost.�So, do not let the distance between us
become larger. Each day is more wonderful than the previous day knowing that i will
see you soon

My days and especially my nights are so empty without you! I look forward to waking
up to the softness of your skin against mine, your hair gently brushing my cheek. I
can feel you breathing as if you were a part of my own body.

Looking at you as you dream, gently "waking" you to the soft caresses of my hands
and your body yielding to me. I hope we can see ourselves soon. I can't stand
another minute without you . I miss you so much!

You would feel my love for you that burThis feeling of love that I hold within my
heart for you runs deeper than any ocean or sea; I just wish you could see how much
you mean to me. If only you could hold me, then maybe ns with a flame high enough
to last.

Honey all I want from you is show Sonia my daughter much love, since she i divorced
her mother 4yrs ago, she has been lonely, always keeping to herself and does not
have any relatives, I want you to be there for her as a friend and mother.

Honey please give her that motherly love she needs and check on her on a daily
bases to make sure she is okay because she is always complaining of her loneliness
and I don�t want her loosing focus in life, because she is a girl child and also
need to be cared for.

The miracle of love shines bright in my life every day. I've only to think about
you, and I escape to endless sunny days, happily adrift in the paradise we've made.
When I think about you, nothing but the beauty of true love sings in my heart.

I've offered you the pen, and you've drawn the chart to a happiness I never knew
existed. This miracle is something I'm unable �to understand, and could never begin
to explain.

I only know that it makes me happy to be in love with you, a feeling that I promise
will never fade, never wane. I�ve been waiting for you for so long, and now that
you are here with me in my heart, I will never ever let you go.

We both know that life is not always fair. We know that there will come a time when
we have to face trials in our relationship, but we will overcome because our love
will see us through.

They say promises are made to be broken, but I say promises is meant to be for as
long as we believe in the power of love, I know in my heart you believe it too. I
am so thankful and so very happy that I have found my destiny in you.

They say promises are made to be broken, but I say promises is meant to be for as
long as we believe in the power of love, I know in my heart you believe it too. I
am so thankful and so very happy that I have found my destiny in you.

You are my happiness, a very special blessing God has given to me. I�m so excited
to be spending my whole life with someone that I truly love and care about,
spending each special day with all the love in our heart of hearts. I love you so
much and will always love until forever.

That's a promise that I am surely going to keep forever in my heart. I can say
there is nothing more beautiful than having someone to love and the feeling of
being loved in return. I learn how to fly again, soar high and be brave not fearing
of something.

I began to see the beauty of the world, that there is so much in life unless if we
stop hoping and there is so much in love unless if we stop loving.�

As time passed by, I started to wish and hope that I can keep you forever. Don't
you know that you are someone worth keeping and never to lose in a life time,
someone worth caring and most of all someone worth loving? I want you and I need
you. I love you and I can never ask for more than you.

I asked for a beautiful flower, i got a garden, i asked for a drop, i got a sea, i
asked for love and you were sent to me by God. You are like a jewel, true love is
rare to found but i am lucky that i have found you. you have changed my life for
the better and i am instired to be different when i am with you. i will move
mountain and swim across oceans to be in your presence, You are always in my heart.

I trust you� is a better compliment than �I love you� because you may not always
trust the one you love, but believe me, you can always love the person you trust
for the rest of your life.

Our love has all the beauty of a red rose, through rain and sunshine it blooms and
grows. and though we're bound to get stuck on a few thorns along the way because of
our distance apart, the rose will grow more beautiful every day.

When I'm feeling down, lost to the blues, I only have to close my eyes and escape
to thoughts of you. I imagine your face, honey, and I remember your beautiful face,
�your voice, and all the other little things I love so much that is the reason i
said you are my heaven on earth. I can't forget your love or leave your smile
behind, because you're the romantic song that's forever on my mind. And I don't
tell you enough but I hope you know it's true that I find comfort in the very
thought of you.

I wish I could give you a castle, a strong fortress to protect you from the storm,
but I can only offer you my heart. Yet I vow that this gift will be more enduring,
than any fortress made of stone, and the love within will shelter you through all
weather, and keep you warm forever.

True love is not physical beauty, but an inner splendor that glows in the soul and
radiates through all impediments, forsaking all boundaries. True love is not

The perfection lies in the melding of two hearts, and two souls, to create a bond
that survives all imperfections and the passage of time. True love is not fire, but
the kind of warmth one feels from a golden fire's glow, an incomparable comfort in
the face of despair, an offering of hope when all is hopeless.

True Love is us with heart and soul, warm glowing light, and everlasting hope, �No
other love would ever do; no one could ever move me like you. You'll always be in
my heart's keeping, whether I'm awake or sleeping. I'll always desire you when dusk
slips away; and yearn for you when the stars melt into day.

Love is like sunshine. It brings a golden glow to its beholder's face. And a warm
feeling all over their body. It awakens souls and opens eyes. And when its over, it
leaves billions of small memories called stars.

To remind the world, that it still exists. Faith makes all things possible. Hope
makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. I want you to know that you
are the only person I ever want to be with.

I would rather cry with you than laugh with any woman else because even crying with
you makes me happy. because i know with you i find peace. You are so far way from
me, yet you are here with me in my heart, i can't see your face but i can feel you
near, i can't touch you but i hold you close deep down in my heart.

No matter where you are you are always in my heart. I have so much joy in me that
very soon the miles between us will disappear, and finally we will be together
forever because all i want is to be with you.

To propose marriage to her_______

My heart searches for you everywhere I go, hoping to see a trace of the warmth I
found in your smile. You are ever on my mind, the tide that dashes upon the shore,
keeping my heart awake and my dreams alive. And I could never still these thoughts
of you, because you turn the gray sky blue when winter calls. And when the night
falls heavy, you make the stars shine twice as bright, lighting up my world with
hope, and making me yearn for the dawn that will bring us one day closer to being

I'll cherish you the way I cherish home and hold you sacred the way I would a
creed. I'll be at your side on sunny days and on rainy days. And if you forget what
tomorrow holds, I'll dust the stars, until you can see the light again.

I'll even slip some rose petals into your dreams. I'll be your partner in all
things, and I'll hold your hope in place the way gravity keeps the earth from
drifting into space. I'll write you poetry that only the heart can speak and I'll
listen when your heart speaks in turn. And I'll give you a new list of life rules
that includes happiness and many sunny days. I'll always be your anything and
everything, because you're my anything and everything, and I love you.

I have been waiting for this wonderful moment for a very long time. Please my love
will you marry me?

After that you send her an engagement ring

About trust and sincerity__________

My love and trust is all I have to give to you, sealed with honesty throughout and
as time goes by, may it grow stronger to fulfill your heart's desire.

uch�i�really�love you.



I�i cannot do anything, but just to be with you, i want us to trust each other,
that is the pillar of every relationship.

Trust and Loyalty______________

Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness..... No matter how much
you love someone if you dont have these ingredients you will never succeed.

To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her
�first.You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only
thing that will never fade until you die, your heart.Love is like trust, when you
find your special someone it is as if you're trusting them with your heart.Trust is
what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you hold on to.

Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is
what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them in case they
need some help, Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is
special, think that you are always there for her, to be with her, �to make her
realize how much you really love her.

Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets unstable.Love is a
wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to you
to give again and again.

You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes
from your heart; it never lies trust it.There may be many people that are
trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely.To be
trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.

For you can love many, but without trust you have nothing.The heart already knows
what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance cannot,they are on the
inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in
the world.Love is patient.

Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud.......... It is
not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of
wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.

It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.Love takes many things: trust, hope,
wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going be
enough.Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple
understanding and trust between two people.

Relationships have some adjustment periods, but being hurt shouldn't be part of
being in love. Loving relationships have good qualities, such as support from your
partner, a willingness to communicate, a desire to compromise, and open an honest
communication. When you do not have these fundamental qualities in a relationship,
that relationship isn't likely to grow, and become something that you desire.

We all turn to our loved ones for support from time to time.. When your loved one
does not offer you their support it may be time to look at your relationship. As we
all want to nurture those that we love.

We want the best in life for those that we care about. If your partner is unwilling
to listen to you, and to your problems, they are not meeting your needs when you
need support. Support can come in many forms, someone lending an ear, someone going
out of their way to help you, or something as simple as a phone call to cheer you
up. Make sure your partner gives you support when you need it.
When engaging in a relationship with another person there is always going to be
things that you do not agree upon. You want to have the ability to compromise so
both partners are getting their wishes met.

This may mean one night you watch football, and one night your partner watches a
movie you enjoy. It might mean that your partner can agree to try a dish that you
enjoy cooking. In any organization with more than one person in it, there will be
more than one opinion, work with your partner to see that both of you can
compromise on different subjects.

If someone isn't willing to compromise, they are not willing to acknowledge your
wants and desires. If they can not acknowledge your wants they are likely not
emotionally developed enough for you to have your needs met.

Open and honest communication is one of the more desirable qualities you want to
have in a relationship. Watch to see that your partner is not secretive, nor are
they willing to tell lies to avoid certain subjects.

For example, if a partner is married, and fails to tell you that, you can
rightfully assume if they can lie about big things, they can lie about small

While you may not like everything your partner may say, freedom to be honest should
be there in your relationship. Likewise, you need to be open and honest with your
partner; a relationship based upon false truths is not likely to be successful,
because both partners do not have the correct frame of reference in the

There are many qualities that make relationships good support, compromise, and open
and honest communication is just a few of these qualities that you may desire in a
relationship. Engage only in relationships where both partners can openly discuss
their wants and needs, this can take practice.

Remember loving relationships grow and only become better, eliminate those who do
not meet your needs when they continually fail to support you, will not compromise,
and will not be honest. These three qualities alone will help you nurture and
develop a deeper relationship with your partner.

ABOUT AGE in a relationship_________

To me my personal life has nothing to do about being selective about people,i am

not racist,i dont judge people because of their race or color or their body
appearance and age, and life has nothing about age differences or distance barrier
with people is only matters the commitment one have to offer to the other,and after
that life must go on successfully.

So far as you might count yourself older than me but the fact of the matter is
doesn't take anything from us to think about loving life and i know it's going to
be something beautiful if you can over come this age differences ,i am not
jugdemental about people status or their appearance,building happy life for my
future is what my heart always desire and i seek for the best inner qualities �that
makes someone responsible which she is ready to share with a man in any

life becomes sweetest no matter where love is finally found and which i believe
through internet that makes it easier and posible for people from far distance gets
closer knowing each other and then dream about one life,here I am to take my chance
and try to find someone with such great qualities as a man no matter the distance
or age .

Differences,once love is finally found then the two couples can plan their life to
meet in person to become finally one soulmates,babe who knows i know someday with
brilliant technology a bird could fly me to you and that would be such a biggest
dreams to be fulfiled lets see what life can bring us,is been sometime now since i
spend life as single and i cant wait for my dreams to be fulfiled to finally settle
with my soul mate and share such great time in my love partner's arms

About distance___________________

We are not too close in distance or near in miles but a text can still touch our
hearts and thoughts and bring us smiles. When we meet again, I will hold you tight
and never let you go.

Distance does not really matter as far as the heart is connected in love.

Missing her,
Text Messages for Long Distance Relationships ________

Can't wait to be in your arms again.

I�m here and you�re there. There doesn�t know how lucky it is.

Missing you so much, it breaks my heart.

So many miles away and you're still right here - in my heart.

When shall we kiss again�?

I can't stand missing you this much.

So far from my eyes, so close here in my heart � yes, that� you.

I�d walk a thousand miles to be with you tonight.

You're so hot- wish I could touch you.

When the night breeze blows my hair, I imagine they�re your kisses,

When the morning light envelopes me, I imagine they�re your embraces.

Being away from you is the hardest thing I have to do.

Your arms aren't here to hold me but your love keeps me warm.

When shall the birds sing, the flowers bloom and the stars shine.

When shall we meet again?

When I am sad, I just close my eyes. And I can feel you right here beside me.

A dream come true � waking up next to you.

Be mine today, tomorrow and forever.

I would wait till the end of time to be with you.

The best is yet to come.

Like the days of our togetherness that melted like a dream.

These days of separation too shall pass.

We cannot meet, nor see each other.

And yet I love you more every day.

Can�t get you out of my head.

The Rain falls, the Sun shines, the flowers bloom.

It all comes naturally � just like loving you.

You are the beat in my heart, the music in my laughter, the tears in my eyes.

You are my whole world.

Loving you is like breathing � so effortless, so natural. And so essential to life.

Have I told you lately that I love you.

Every night I just want to be home. Home is being in your arms.

Always on my mind and in my heart. Yep, that�s you.

LOVE doesn't even begin to describe what I feel about you.

Even though we are apart, my love for you will never abate.

Just had to let you know � loving you is the best thing that happened to me.

The sun rises and sets every day but my world has stopped.

It will move only when we meet again.

There is no long distance in LOVE. It always finds a way to bring two hearts
together, no matter how many miles are between them.

Let these words be my eyes and look at you.

Let this message be my lips and kiss you. So long honey - Till we are together

I wish I was there to hold you tight, instead of just sending you this loving �Good

I wish I was the sheet on your bed � that way I could feel you on me.

And ever has it been that love knows not its strength until the hour of separation.

I think of you before I fall asleep and then again as soon as I wake up.

You see, you're never out of my thoughts.

I may not get to see you as often as I like.

I may not get to hold you all through the night. But deep in my heart this much I
know, You�re the one for me and I'll never let you go.

As I woke up today, I touched a sunbeam with my lips. And then asked it to go and
give my kiss to you. Measure not the distance between us in miles. But in tears
shed, sighs let out and still the hopes budding forth from my heart.

Time may move us apart, that�s true. But I shall always be there for you. You are
in my heart and you�re in my dreams. How matter the miles in between us?

Missing you gets easier every day. �cause even though I am one further day from the
last time I say you, I am also one day closer to when we shall meet again.

This is not just a text message. Sending these words of love is for me the closest
thing to touching you. When I miss you, I don�t have to go far.I just have to peep
into my heart 'cause I know that�s where you are.

The thought of being with you one day is what helps me to go through today. As I
walked out of my house today, I realized that I was missing something. And that
something was you. If right now a smile appears on your face, it is because at this
very minute I am thinking of you and am smiling too.

If I were given a dollar for every time you came into my thoughts, I�d still have
only one 'cause your thoughts never left me, my love.Whether we are together or
when we are apart,

You are first in my thoughts, the first in my heart. I wish that you were here or
that I was there. I wish that we were together anywhere. As long as I have you, I
am always with you.

GENERAL LINE___________________
Firset day____________________

Hello dear my love how are you doing? how is everything over dear, i really worried
over here, i lost one of closest junior officers today.

The army general called for a meeting to tell us that the ISIS in iraq have
acquired an undisclosed chemical weapon into iraq and they are planning something
very big with it.

Now i dont know how the meeting will go, i really hope for a good result because no
one is willing to fight the ISIS with the chemical weapon because it is a gas that
can kill millions of people in a seconds.

Do you remember the war that happened in Syria 2011? and also the chemical weapon
was used again in Yemen around April this year, so many innocent children dead and
many other were taken to the hospital.
Now the ISIS in Yemen as acquired the same chemical weapon they are planning to use
it in major city Iraq and other part of the world that killed million of people and
thousand injured They are planning to use it on major cities in Yemen and other
part of the world to kill innocent person In the past few week the bombin and
killing here have really incresed so much.

I have to now and get ready for the meeting dear, i will give up more information
about our discussion in the meeting Please dear, i need your prayer more than ever
before now because all the soldiers in the camp are all worried hearing this bad

The next day___________________

Honey after the meeting with the army general, He said that a fax message will be
coming from the united state army headquarter Pentagon, that in less than ten hours
time, they will short list out names of 11 soldier in our camp that will be going
for the deadly mission into the ISIS camp to retrive the chemical weapon.

It is a very dangerous mission and no want is will to go because no one is sure of

coming back alive because the ISIS are very deadly and are will to kill anyone who
come close to their camp.

Please continue to pray for me that my name should not be on the list because i
don't want to go for the mission I do not want to go for the mission because it
very deadly and I don't want to lose you or my daughter Sonia.

Because the ISIS are ready to die at all cost just to achieve their aim and now
fight them to retrieve the chemical weapon, i this they might even use it on anyone
that come close to them I just hope my name do not come out of that list because i
have my daughter and you to return back home to, i can afford to lose my life here.

The chemical weapon is a gas that can kill millions of people in a seconds no one
have ever fight a chemical weapon and make it back alive.

Third Day______________________

I just came back from the meeting not long ago, my name was listed, my name came
out number 2, among the 11 soldiers �my dear i don't want to go to this deadly
mission because i can't come back alive no one has ever fight with chemical weapon
and make it back alive.

Now i need to rest my head to think of a better way on how to live the campjust
pray for me to �because i don't want to loose you and sonia I don't want my
daughter to became an orphan like me and even my investment i have planed so much
about and all we have plan together honey i have to think of a way out of this
place because i don't want to go for the mission as soon i think of a better way i
will let you know.
Fouth day_____________________

Now i have been able to come up with a way on how i will leave iraq There is a
friend of the army general i want to city, he is a very nice man and he told me to
come and see him.

After i return from my visit to see the army generals friend ______________

I have got to learn from the general's friend that the united �state army general
love children so much He said i should ask my wife to email the army general as
soon as possible and tell him there is an emergency at home and my attention is
needed back home.

He said the general will be very sad to hear that something has happened back home
and because of is good heart he will want me to return home and take care of my
family now, you have to help me email the army general to tell him that sonia our
daughter is in china in her hospital bed, that the doctor said she need blood

No, we will tell him that now sonia is in china,the doctor has tested all the blood
in the hospital, no one matches sonias blood now, my attention is needed, the
doctor said i should come back home immediatly so that i can save my daughter's
life please you have to help me email the army general now, because he is busy out
there making an arrangement for this deadly mission.

we need to be fast, before he fixed a date,because when he fixed a date, i will not
be able to leave the camp and i will go to this deadly mission no my dear,i am not
sure,because he is a very busy man he will be shocked to see an email from my wife

Please,we have much time now,when this work out, and i come to china, i will reward
you forever, and be there for you forever, my life is more important now you send
it directly to the general I have his email here with me, i want you to go to your
computer now, i want to write for you to send to him.

Dear, do not worry, if the ARMY GENERAL has to ask any question,it should be me,not
you i want to write now, please do to your computer, as soon as i write for you,
you will send to the army general this is the email of the army general.

Message to general from your wife

Letter to send to the general.

Dear sir I am, Mrs Bojing Chenghan wife, who is currently in Aden, Yemen for
peacekeeping mission. sir please, I am in a terrible situation in China, my
daughter is currently in hospital in China, now on her sick bed. The doctor said
Sonia need to get a blood transplant. chinese doctors said all the blood has been
tested, but the only blood Sonia �can match is,his father's blood.

The doctor said my husband need to �leave Yemen as soon as possible to china to
donate blood for our daughter,please sir I want you to saved our daughter on her
sick bed in the hospital,she is the only �daughter we have , I really need you to
help me let my husband leave iraq �Sir,my husband has told me alot about you,and �I
know you are a good man with a good heart, I really want you to help my husband, he
really need to come to china as soon as possible, please help him to leave iraq to
china, so that �my only daughter will not die,hope to hear from you soon,thank you
for your understanding.


Hello madam i just saw your message about your daughter Sonia,i am very sorry about
the present situation of your daughter in the hospital, i feel so much pain when i
see children in terrible situations in the hospital. i also get so much worried
because your husband �has been assign to a special assignment here in Yemen and an
official list has been brought from the united states headquarters for this
assignment, your husband is one of my best Doctor here in camp and really so
worried on how to bring him to china. i just finished speaking with your husband
�in my office and he told me about your daughter in the hospital for blood
transplant. i will do my best to bring your husband to china as soon as possible. i
will send a letter to the united state army head quarters in the united states to
ask for a letter of app-rover for his retirement for your husband.

Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Aden, Yemen mission �


Dear sir
I am Mrs Bojing Cheng Han wife,please sir,i really do not want you to send a fax
letter to army headquarter of united state,because if you do,they will not allow my
husband to leave the camp to come to china to save our daughter in sick bed in
china,please sir,you really need to try your best to let my husband leave Yemen
because the doctor said that our daughter have a few days to live,i really do not
want our only daughter to die,she is all we have in this world,i know you are a
good man,and you will not be happy if we lose our only daughter ,i really hope to
hear from you soon sir,try and help me,thanks for your co-operation.

Army general reply to her

I have decided to help your husband, i will put a stop to the letter to the united
states army headquarters. i really want your husband leave Yemen in the next few
days, i have decided to take him away from Yemen by plane to Brazil and prepare all
his documents for his retirements, i will get a Doctor from another country to come
replace him here in Yemen, but this replacement process will cost some money.

I will do my best to take your husband out of Yemen but i get worried because of
the expenses involve in your husband replacement,your husband cannot contact his
bank from war zone you will give me two days to ask other countries generals of
army to ask if they can help me with any of their soldiers for your husband

Your request is as be granted by the US Commander-in-Chief (USAG) I have found a
soldier in a nearby country, for the replacement of �Doctor mark smith and his boss
is requesting for money before �he will let him go for the mission this is the only
person I have seen since I have been searching no one is will to go for the mission
except that one and his replacement will cost 6,000 USD as soon as �the payment is
made i will take him to Brazil to prepare his document for retirement.thanks you.

Gen Nicholson Roland �

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Aden mission.


Hello honey, how are you and the family doing? i hope you are all doing great?
thanks so much for the love and prayers you gave me when i was on the battle field
it rescued me from the hands of the isis terrorist.

It was not an easy mission, it was deadly i just want you to know that we succeeded
and we are back in the camp i hurry to send you this message after my medications
and treatment i was shot at my leg, a Major died and some other soldiers and many
were injured including me my love, just want to let you know am fine, missed you so
much honey. please honey i want you to remain alert for me, i am feeling drowsy
because of the medication, i will be back online as soon as i regain my strenght
because the doctor said i need rest. I love you and i miss you so much.


Hello honey, how are you doing i hope you got my message yesterday, how i am so
happy i am still alive to see you my love.

Honey, it was not an easy mission, your prayers really save and kept me alive, not
everybody made it back alive , 11 of us went for the deadly mission but 5 made it
back alive, we received heavy firing but we secured a safe position till our back
up came to our rescue, i came face to face with death but I never stop thinking
about you and my daughter Sonia.

About my injury, i had a successful surgery where 2 bullet where remove from my
leg, now i can walk around with crutches the doctors also discover some dust in my
chest because for the whole mission,we were lying on the floor fight and shooting
for good 7 hours there was a steady battle between us and the terrorists. Honey the
doctor has assured me i will be fine very soon.


I have something to tell you, �can i trust you my love will you keep the secret for
me? If you promise me you will, i will let you know about it, Honey, trust you very
much, i am not doubting you, just curious.
The general return back to the camp spoke to the troop, that went to the special
mission that the President of Yemen was highly impressed and has commended our
effort towards the invading of the hide out of the isis terrorist and for the
rescue of some high Government officials and some other citizens who where held
hostage in their camp out.

He has compensated each soldiers that went for the special mission, while the
4(four) Majors who were the head of the troops were highly compensated adequately
among them 1 died.

This money was given in cash to the General and was told to share it to us, please
my love keep this a secret to yourself for the sake of my job and my reputations no
one should know or hear about this my love, am telling you this because i love you
so much and want to start better life with you forever as my wife and be happy as
one big families.

I was among the Majors that was compensated with $4,800,000 USD ( four
million ,eight hundred thousand United State Dollars) each, for taking the bold
action toward the invading of the isis terrorist.

We were advised by our General today to dispatch the money that was given to us
from the camp on time because the United States Over viewing Security (OVS) always
check on our camp time to time, and this might be in three or four day time from
now time knowing that �we are not allowed to keep cash or run bank transaction �in
the war zone it a problem for me now.


My fear is that this money cannot be safe in this camp because we are not allowed
to keep cash. i have really been thinking about this all day, who do I send it to
and who can i trust to keep it safe for me. I could only think of one person i trut
so much, �no one came to my mind but you, fate brought us together for a purpose.

I strongly believe in my heart that we are made for each other, I keep asking
myself why now, just have less than few months to leave the Army now God has
blessed us with so much.The very moment you came to my life i new you were a
blessing to me and a wonderful gift from God to me.

My love The money is handed over to me in cash and the moment i started thinking
who will keep this for me when i have my share of the money, your thought came into
my mind, I nursed no fear, I felt no doubt.

I believe that it will be safe with you. There won't be any problem, all you need
to do is receive the money and safe keep it until I come over home to you after
this mission is over as soonest.

Honey i don't want you to say a word about this to anyone please am writing you
this message with so much trust, but also scared and i need to let my fears leave
me and i did is why i want you to keep this money for the betterment of our life in
the future my love.

The only problem will be when you tell people because they will want to steal the
money from you by all means.

My love, would you safe guard the money for us? i will look for a way to dispatch
the money to you We were told by the general to take the money out of camp as soon
as possible, Honey i have to figue a way out in other to send the money accros to


Now i kept my own part of the money 4.800 million dollars in the ground, i deep the
ground and bury it behind my appartment last night, i have been thinking of a way
to send the money to you in Taiwan


Today i was told the red cross team from the united states will be coming to Yemen
tomorrow to supply medical drugs here in the united states army base i will use
this oppourtunity to talk with the red cross doctor who is the pilot of the red
cross private plane flying from the united states to Yemen tomorrow to help me
transport the money out of Yemen to his next location were he will help me look for
�a currier service to send the money accross to you.

I just pray he agrees to help me i will put the money safely inside a red cross box
so he can take the money out of Yemen to is next destination country where he will
be supplying drugs, i am not going to tell him the box is containing money, i will
simply tell him, the box contain some gift and valuable i want to send to my
family. because i do not want him to know that the box is contianing money.

He will locate a currier company were he can send the money accros to you without
any problem. our medical supply team will be coming tomorrow, all I need to do is
hand over the the save box that i kept the money in to a Red Cross man i will
carefully wrap the money in an ultra violet material and safely place in a metal
box used for our medical supply by the Red Cross and i will place some chocolate on
top of it and lock it very well.

I will also plead with the flight accompanying diplomat from the Red Cross that
clears our medical supply to lift it out of our base and i will also place a
deplomatic tag on the box for safe delievery to you to know how Secretive i am
about this save box i did not tell the Red Cross man what is inside the box for
securities purpose and for my own good.

Honey please send this following information to me because going to give it to the
red croos man. Honey, this information will be needed by the shipping company to
deliver the box to you.
Full name
Full Home Address
Telephone Number
Any form of Identification

For personal information.............................

Total money � � $26m

General � � � � $5m

M generals � � �$4.8m �each by 3

Jnr officers � � � $3.3m each by 2


Honey i want to tell you something very importan Promise me that no one will hear
off this I do trust you very much, i am not doubting you, i am just curious that
all We went on a mission some few weeks ago into the ISIS camp because we had an
information �that they have acquired some chemical weapon and have brought it into
Iraq and are planing on using it in major cities in Iraq here and other part of the

11 soldier were assigned including me to go and retrieve the weapon The mission was
a success We lost some soldier on the mission, i was among the soldier that came
back alive Honey i am telling you this because i love you and i want to be with you

The President of Yemen was highly impressed and really commended our effort towards
the invading of the hide out of the ISIS terrorist and for the rescue of some high
Government officials and some other citizens who where held hostage in their camp

Honey are you here with me? The compensation was for each soldiers that went for
the special mission, while the 4(four) Majors who were the head of the troops were
highly compensated adequately and i was among the Major generals that went for the

For this reason we were highly compensated This money was given in cash to the army
General and was told to share it to us and he did just that It was cash
compensation Please my love keep this a secret to yourself for the sake of my job
and my reputations no one should know or hear about this my love, am telling you
this because i love you so much and want to start better life with you forever as
my wife and be happy as one big families.

I was among the Majors that was compensated with $4,800,000 USD ( four
million ,eight hundred thousand United State Dollars) each, for taking the bold
action toward the invading of the ISIS terrorist. want you to live happy there
with Martyna without any stress.

Honey I have to dig the ground and hide the money there in camp because we are not
allowed to hold money here because it is against our security rules Honey i have to
look for a way to the money to you so that you can keep it safe for me there and
also take some money out of it and use it to fix up whatever you want to do before
i come.

Please just promise to keep the money safe for me before i return to you Honey i
will look for a way out to send the money to you Yes honey it a lot of money Honey
once i am able to find out a way to send the money to you i will let you know about

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