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GETTING STARTED A Work alone What can you say in cach situation? Choose a statement or question from the box a. Let's take turns asking the questions. | e, Why do you think .. 2 b. Let's compare answers. £. Who wants to go first? €. Whose turn is g: Let's work together. dd. What should we do now? h, Just a moment, please. I'm not quite ready. 41. You don't know what to do next. 2. You want to work as a group. £3. You don't know who wants to go first. L <4. You dont know whose turn it is. »__ 5. You want to see or hear your partner's answers. 6. You want to find out someone's opinion. 7. You aren't ready to begin, and you need more time. . You don't want the same person to always ask the questions. A Group work Complete this conversation with the statements and questions from activity 1 ‘Scanned with CamScanner WZ ILE ee a Lh Le etd DP PD _ VEDVTes blue | You like fresh air, the Pink You love to laugh and outdoors, and cold weather, don't take things too seriously. White You love things to be aman You care about the neat and clean, and you always plan environment and love animals, ahead. Brown _| You like to tell people what to do and be in charge. Yellow. You are happy and friendly, and you love being in the sun. Black | You love to discuss serious things and are very intelligent. Red You have a quick temper and strong feelings. purple You like to be alone and “do your own thing.” ‘Scanned with CamSeanner B Listen Fill in the blank, then translate the paragraph into Vietnamese What __ personality you have? Do you ever think about your personality? I do. [think it’s very interesting personality. My own personality has changed a lot over the years. When I was a child, I _ painfully . but now I'm brimming — with confidence. I have leamed how to be with people and let my true character shine The personalities of my friends _ rub off on me, which I'm happy about. There are parts of my personality I'm not too happy with. I'm quick to get angry with people and sometimes _ I sulk when | don't get my own way. I think overall, I have a good personality. I'm easy to get on with and I’m quite happy and cheerfill. I might take some personality tests and _ See what they say about me ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Ban cé tinh cach nhu thé nao? Ban cé bao gid nghi vé tinh cach cla minh? Tdi lam. Téi nghi rang viéc kham pha tinh cach rat thd vi. Tinh cach ctia téi da thay déi rat nhiéu trong nhitng ndm qua. Khi tdi con la méot dita tré, téi rat nhut nhat, nhung bay gid tdi tran day tu tin. Toi da hoc duoc cach hda déng véi moi ngudi va dé ban inh that cla minh tdéa sang. Tinh cach ctia ban bé da anh hudng dén tdi, diéu nay tdi rat vui. Co nhitng phan trong tinh cach cua tdi ma tdi khdng hai long lam. Téi rat nhanh néi gian véi moi ngudi va déi khi tai hon déi khi khong 6 cach riéng cua minh. Téi nghi vé téng thé tdi cé mot nhan cach tét. Tdi dé gn va téi kha vui vé va vui vé. Tdi cd thé lam mét sé bai kiém tra tinh cach va xem ho ndi gi vé tdi. ‘Scanned with CamSeanner

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