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Week Date Day Unit Subunit Activities Deadlines

Introduction to Forecasting Course policies and details.

3-Oct-22 L and Inventory Management Lecture
1 Course Introduction to demand forecasting

5-Oct-22 M 1. Demand forecasting Adaptive Forecasting Methods Based on Time Series: Time Series basics. Lecture / Workshop1 Hw1 release

10-Oct-22 L Holiday Workshop deadline

2 Adaptive Forecasting Methods Based on Time Series: Time Series
12-Oct-22 M Lecture
basics,stochastic processes.
Adaptive Forecasting Methods Based on Time Series: Estimate mean, covariance
17-Oct-22 L Lecture
3 and autocorrelation function, white noise test.
Categorization of demand patterns: Time series decomposition, removing
19-Oct-22 M Lecture Hw1 deadline/ Hw 2 release
trends and seasonality.
Adaptive Forecasting Methods Based on Time Series. Forecasting: Exponential
24-Oct-22 L Lecture. Forecasting Workshop
4 smoothing, Holt,Holt-Winters method.
26-Oct-22 M Lesson Lesson - Q&A Hw2 deadline

1. Demand forecasting Adaptive Forecasting Methods Based on Time Series. Forecasting: Exponential
31-Oct-22 L Lecture / Workshop 2
5 smoothing, Holt,Holt-Winters method.
Adaptive Forecasting Methods Based on Time Series. Forecasting: Exponential
2-Nov-22 M Lecture /Forecasting Workshop Workshop 2 deadline
smoothing, Holt,Holt-Winters method.
7-Nov-22 L Forecasting techniques based on linear regression (simple/multiple) Lecture /Forecasting Workshop Hw2 deadline
9-Nov-22 M Forecasting techniques based on linear regression (simple/multiple) Lecture /Forecasting Workshop

14-Nov-22 L Selection of forecasting techniques based on performance metrics Lecture /Forecasting Workshop Forecasting workshop Deadline
16-Nov-22 M Lesson Lesson - Q&A

24-Nov-22 1st. Exam

28-Nov-22 L Exam review/Selection of forecasting techniques based on performance metrics Lecture / Workshop FM
30-Nov-22 M 1. Demand forecasting Adaptive Forecasting Methods Based on Time Series: forecasting ARMA - ARIMA Lecture Project guideline release

5-Dec-22 L Adaptive Forecasting Methods Based on Time Series: forecasting ARMA - ARIMA Lecture Release Hw4

9 2.1 Introduction to inventory management: decision levels, costs y objectives. Lecture

7-Dec-22 M
2.2. Selective stock management using ABC and VED classifications.
2. Inventory management 2.3. Basic Approach to Identifying the Right Inventory Model: Internal and
12-Dec-22 L Lecture Deadline Hw4
fundamentals External Influencing Factors on Sourcing.
10 2.4. Economic order quantity model: Basic EOQ.
14-Dec-22 M Lecture
2.5. Economic Order Quantity Model Extensions: Discounted EOQ and
Independent Multiple Product EOQ
3.1. Inventory models for approximately constant demand over time. Lecture Release Hw5
19-Dec-22 L
3. Inventory replenishment 3.2. Product availability metrics: cycle service level, fill rate, out-of-stock cost per
11 Lecture
policy design occasion
21-Dec-22 M Lesson 3
26-Dec-22 L Holiday
28-Dec-22 M Holiday
3.3. Practical cases of determination of safety stock in the face of uncertain
Workshop with compulsory lecture
2-Jan-23 L demand and supply
12 3.4. Impact of Replenishment Time Uncertainty on Safety Inventory Lecture

4-Jan-23 M 3.5. Inventory model for a single replenishment period: perishable items Lecture Deadline Hw 5
3. Inventory replenishment 3.6. Inventory models for changing demand over time: periodic EOQ, lot-by-lot,
9-Jan-23 L Lecture
policy design Silver-Meal, Wagner-Whitin.
11-Jan-23 M Lesson 4 /Q &A session
3.6. Inventory models for changing demand over time: periodic EOQ, lot-by-lot,
16-Jan-23 L Lecture
14 Silver-Meal, Wagner-Whitin.
18-Jan-23 M Project presentation Project deadline

26-Jan-23 Final Exam

9-Feb-23 3rd. Exam

Note: Both the dates of lectures and the topics to be evaluated in written lessons/exams are referential and can be modified by the lecturer.

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