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1. The case addresses 7 P's in terms of delivering quality service: 

I. Product
 The team's purpose is to "deliver exceptional dentistry in an efficient,
lucrative manner within the limits of a caring, quality environment," as
stated in their internal mission statement. They provide comprehensive
dental care, ranging from simple teeth cleaning to complex dental surgery
and implants.
II. Place
 We hired a San Francisco architect to create a modern office building with
enough of light and space. This increased building costs by $100,000, but
it was vital for her to
III. Promotion
 Personal recommendation
IV. Price
 She rejected to just be an HMO provider because she believes it would
limit her ability to provide the quality she desires; instead, she charges
greater prices than competitors for higher quality.
V. Process
 Another key goal is to standardise some of the processes in order to
eliminate errors and uniform the level of service delivered. Employees
frequently call patients in advance if they anticipate a delay. In order to
maximise office capacity, they also fill in for cancellations. To make things
run more smoothly, employees could cover for one another and assist
with tasks that are not part of their job description. D. Beckett requires all
new patients to have an initial check-up so that he may analyse their
needs and educate them about the programme. Because she was
unfamiliar with the business side of dentistry, hiring a consultant to
handle the work for her was a wise decision.
VI. Physical evidence
 Elements in the environment, music the colours pink, purple, and blue
were used to represent feelings of relaxation, peace, and loyalty, while

background classical music was played. Patients may browse the wide
selection of publications and newspapers while drinking coffee or tea in
the room's considerable space and illumination, modern furnishings, and
living plants and flowers. conference rooms, DVD players Soft leather
chairs, portable headphones that can play a range of music, and modern
furniture and equipment that are constantly spotless are all available.
VII. People- Selection
 Reducing "Prima donnas" will help you create a team of workers with a

pleasant attitude, Motivation, bonuses, and the sharing of financial data

gave an additional motivation to improve service performance. Training -
Classes and workshops to upgrade their abilities.
2. I) People dislike going to dentist because of:
 Fear
 Anxiety
 Sight of dental chair/instruments makes the feeling of nervousness
 Pain
 The lectures for bad Habits

II) Addressing the problem: 

 Headphones Attractive mobiles suspended from the ceiling to divert
patients' attention from any strange sounds or feelings they may be
experiencing Buckwheat pillows and blankets to keep patients comfortable
throughout lengthy operations
 The dentist overcame the most unfavourable preconceived notions about
visiting the dentist by informing patients about her high-quality service and
the positive difference that would benefit them in the long run, customising
her interactions with patients of all ages, and directing a team of closely-knit
professionals who worked under the guidance of a clear, shared mission

3. How do DR. Beckett and her staff educate patients about the service they are
receiving? What else could they do?
 Literature was available to explain what patients needed to do to maximise the
benefits of the treatment, and a VCR was also used to show patients educational
films about various dental procedures. This indoor marketing strategy benefits
the clinic by allowing customers to see what treatments are available.
 Cards of gratitude are provided to patients who recommended other patients.
 This is a small way to express your gratitude to your patients for their assistance
in the company's expansion.
 Patients received a goodie box included with a toothbrush, toothpaste,
mouthwash, and floss.
 The credentials also assist in lowering the danger for patients, who would feel
safer if they were aware of all the background information regarding DR. Beckett
and her staff's training.
4. What supplementary service are offered? How do they enhance service delivery?
A. Information
• By offering top level treatments, DR. Beckett Dental offers high quality
dental care.
There is a waiting space with entertainment, and the ambient
architecture is good.
• Her objective is to provide exceptional dentistry in a caring and high-
quality setting while operating efficiently and profitably.
B. Order-taking
 Patients should not be kept waiting for more than 20 minutes without
being given the option to reschedule. These practises improve the
service quality of her business by lowering the likelihood that clients
will become dissatisfied as a result of a lengthy wait period.
C. Consultation
 Since this is a care service, too much crowding will give the customers
the impression that they will not be given enough attention because
there are many patients. Therefore, the patient must schedule an

appointment prior to consultation in order to maximise the office

capacity and avoid customer traffic.
D. Billing
 Billing and operation budgets are handled by a different person.

E. Payment
 Although it isn't explicitly stated in the case, we infer that the person
in charge of billing is also the one who is really billing.
 This arrangement gives customers the appearance that Beckett's
business operations are well-run, allowing the
5. Contrast your own dental care experience with those offered by DR. Beckett’s
practice. What difference do you see? Base on your review of this case, what
advice would you give to
 My experience receiving dental care differs greatly from Beckett's office. My
dentist's office is ill-designed, and there is no way to reschedule. She never
lets me go under 30 minutes. No headphones, classical music, or an
abundance of flowers are present. What she requires is with her. But her
dental office is excellent; I experience no pain during procedures.
 *However, I would be delighted if she redesigned her workplace and offered
more facilitating and boosting supplemental services. It is obvious that there
is a compromise between inexpensive and expensive costs. You should spend
more money if you want to be in a comfortable setting.
 In my opinion, DR. Beckett offers her services in a professional setting. If any
patients have pets, she might be able to provide pet care. A parking space
can also be a smart idea.
 Patients who recommended additional patients can receive thank-you cards
from the practise.
 A "goodie box" for patients with toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, and
floss; buckwheat pillows and blankets for patient comfort during lengthy
procedures; coffee and tea in the waiting area; follow-up calls to patients
following significant surgeries.

6. Evaluate DR. Beckett’s website ( What strengths do

you think the website has? What improvements would you suggest?
 According to my opinion, the website delivers all of the information in a
straightforward and understandable manner. There are no changes required.

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