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(a) Expand the term ‘MICE’

Answer: MICE are an acronym that stands for meetings, incentives, conferences,
and exhibitions. In recent years, the terms "meetings industry" and "events
industry" have been gaining popularity as alternatives for MICE.

It makes up a big part of global business travel since every industry has regular
events of some kind. The main goal here is always to bring professionals together,
foster connections, promote new ideas, and push growth.  

Traditionally, MICE encompass mostly business events. Leisure events like

concerts or festivals fall into a different category. However, many organizers now
add leisure elements to larger events to better engage attendees and create a more
memorable experience.

(b) Describe the signification of MICE in the tourism industry?

Answer: Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) are a central

segment in the tourism and hospitality industry. MICE sales are extremely
beneficial and can generate a sizeable portion of a hotel’s revenue. By attracting
MICE tourists, you have an opportunity to boost the returns of your establishment,
as well as your reputation. Studies have shown that MICE tourism makes up over
fifty percent of business travel.

MICE tourism is constantly evolving and has significantly transformed during the
pandemic. Hotels must adapt, stay informed, and understand the marketing
environment in which MICE industry professionals and event directors currently
operate. The needs vary from market to market and it is essential to be aware of
these diversities.

2. Discuss the socio-economic importance of MICE business in Bangladesh?

Answer: The tourism sector in Bangladesh should start working towards meetings,
incentives, conventions and exhibitions, abbreviated as MICE, to give the largely
untapped market a major boost. Unfortunately in Bangladesh, the MICE market
has so far remained almost totally unexplored. Bangladesh has the workable
infrastructure and organizing capabilities to hold international conventions,
exhibitions, and sporting events.
Bangladesh is a developing economy growing with an annual growth rate of
around 6 per cent, striving to become a member of the middle income group. The
per capita income and GDP size of Bangladesh are also growing with time. The
country's economy is changing from traditionally agro-based to industry-based
entity. The country is making progress which is more or less visible. At the same
time, it is also visibly clear that the growth is not inclusive. Economists have
defined economic growth as the increase in the market value of the goods and
services produced by an economy over time.

As an industry, there are also MICE events about MICE events. Businesses are
attracted to the MICE market, as the events can generate sales and revenue,
increase knowledge, and boost employee productivity and morale. MICE
tourism also benefits the regional and national economies of the countries
hosting the event. 

3. What do you mean by conference planning? Give an appropriate example.

Answer: Conference planning and management refers to the planning and

execution of these four subcategories of events and is a highly complicated and
detail-oriented process that can take anywhere from two weeks to a year or more,
depending on the skill set of the organizer and volume/content of the conference.

An event used by any organization to meet and exchange views, convey a message,
open a debate or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specific issue. No
tradition, continuity or timing is required to convene a conference. Conferences are
usually of short duration with specific objectives and are generally on a smaller
scale than congresses or conventions.

These events are an excellent way to build up a reputation for your company or
organization and can also result in new connections, especially so as they can be
targeted towards similar businesses.

4. Discuss the concept and types of event?

Answer: Concepts are defined as abstract ideas or general notions that occur in
the mind, in speech, or in thought. They are understood to be the fundamental
building blocks of thoughts and beliefs. They play an important role in all
aspects of cognition. As such, concepts are studied by several disciplines, such
as linguistics, psychology, and philosophy, and these disciplines are interested
in the logical and psychological structure of concepts, and how they are put
together to form thoughts and sentences. The study of concepts has served as an
important flagship of an emerging interdisciplinary approach called cognitive
An Event is a meaningful change in the character's life, the thing that happens
during the story that transforms the world from one state into another. During
the story, the main character (protagonist) goes through a series of events, each
of them taking him closer to or farther away from his Goal.

Types of event

Simple Event: If the event E has only one sample point of a sample space, it is
called a simple event or an Elementary Event. It is an event that consists of exactly
one outcome.
Certain Event: Just as the name suggests, an event which is sure to occur in any
given experiment is a certain event.
Compound Event: As opposed to a simple event, if there is more than one sample
point on a sample space, such an event is called Compound Event.
Impossible Event: On the other hand, when an event cannot occur i.e. there is no
chance of the event occurring it is said to be an impossible event. 
Equally likely Event: When the outcomes of an experiment are equally likely to
happen, they are called equally likely events. 
Complimentary Event: For an event E the non-occurrence of the event is called
its complimentary event. Basically complimentary events are events that cannot
occur at the same time.
Mutually Exclusive: Two events are said to be mutually exclusive events when
both cannot occur at the same time. Mutually exclusive events always have a
different outcome.
5. What do you mean by the phase of the meeting? Explain the role of
technology in meetings.

Answer: Although most meetings follow a natural progression from beginning to

end, still need to maximize time during each phase to meet the objectives of the
meeting. Most of the time scheduled for each meeting so should go on during the
three phases of a meeting. The three phases are the beginning, the middle, and the

The beginning: The bulk of your time should be spent carrying out the meeting
objectives, so keep time spent on the beginning phase to a minimum.

The middle: This forms the main bulk of the meeting and is when the objectives of
the meeting are met.

The end: During this phase of a meeting, you resolve all the final details and
reinforce that the meeting objective has been met.

Meeting technologies typically refer to end-user computer-based communication

tools used by groups as they conduct, participate in, and coordinate meetings.
Historically, they are used for more formal/planned, same-time meetings with
participants either collocated or dispersed across multiple locations.

The importance of technology in the meeting cannot be understated; after all, it has

become a core component of any modern-day organization’s success. There are
numerous benefits of technology in the workplace. Continue reading to learn some
of the reasons business owners want to ensure they are keeping up with the latest
IT trends and have a plan to implement innovative technology solutions. 

Technology can help with everything from making the booking process easier to making
meetings more engaging.
Whether a room is used for a large corporate meeting or a one-to-one, with calendar
sync users can access the real-time availability of meeting rooms and book the room
they need.
Meeting rooms themselves can be set up to detect movement and automatically switch
resources on or off based on if anyone is in the room. This not only benefits the users,
but also saves the company money on its overheads and is an eco-friendlier way of
6. Define Incentive. What are the different types of incentives?
Answer: Incentive in simple terms is something that encourages a person or
organization to do or achieve something. It is something that incites or has a
tendency to incite a determination. This is usually given in cash or in kind.

In business, the objective of incentive is to increase employee productivity,

improve industrial and interpersonal relations, and as result increase the overall
profit of the organization.

Incentives can be generally classified as financial (monetary) incentives and non-

financial (non-monetary) incentives.

Financial: Financial incentive pertains to those incentives which are in the form of

money or can be measured in monetary terms.

Non-financial: These are types of rewards that do not form part of an employee’s
pay or cannot be measured in terms of money. While the monetary and future
security needs are important, the fulfillment of an individual’s social,
psychological, and emotional needs also plays an important role.

Different types

Tax Incentives: Tax incentives also called “tax benefits” are reductions in tax that
the government makes in order to encourage spending on certain items or

Subsidies: Subsidies are government incentive programs that provide set amounts
of money to businesses in order to help them grow.

Tax rebates: Tax rebates are incentives to take certain actions, like investing in
solar energy.

Negative incentives: Negative economic incentives, or disincentives, punish

people financially for taking certain actions.
7. Discuss the role of advertising for the promotion of event?

Answer: Event advertising is exactly what its name implies, the practice of
advertising your event. It means exploiting every channel possible to maximize
coverage, spread the word and make sure your event is a sellout.

The Role of Advertising in Promotion of event is:

Awareness: One of the important roles of advertising is to create awareness of the

product or services such as brand name and price. The awareness of the product or
services can be created through highlighting the unique features of the brand. 

Information: Advertising helps to inform the target audience about the product.
Providing information is closely related to creating awareness of the product.
Potential customers must know about a product, such as product features and uses.

Persuasion: When business firms offer similar products, the firm must not only
inform the customers about the product’s availability, but also persuade them to
buy it. 

Attitudes: Promotion is required to build or reinforce attitudes in the minds of

target audience. The marketers expect the target audience to develop a favorable
attitude towards their brands.

Reminder: If target customers already have a positive attitude towards a firm’s

product or service, then a reminder objective may be necessary. 

Brand Loyalty: Advertising helps to develop brand loyalty. Brand loyalty results in
repeat purchases and favorable recommendations to others by existing customers.

Brand Image: An advertiser helps to develop a good image of the brand in the
minds of target audience. There are several factors that can be of help to audience.

Counter Competitor’s Clams: The marketer may counter the claims made by the
major competitors. For instance, competitive advertising is undertaken to counter
the claims made by competitors either directly or indirectly
Expansion of Markets: Successful ads results in expansion of the markets. A
marketer may intend to expand markets from the local level to the regional level,
from the regional level to the national level, and from the national level to the
international level. For this purpose, the marketer may undertake various
techniques of promotion.

Educating the Customers: Promotion may be under taken to educating the

customers. For instance, some of the advertising is undertaken to educate the
audience regarding the use of the product, handling operations, and so on. Public
awareness campaigns also educate the public regarding the negative effects of
noise, air and dirt pollution, social evils, and so on.

8. What do you understand by site selection? Discuss the steps evolved in site
selection procedure.

Answer: Site selection is the process of examining multiple options and assessing
their relative advantages and disadvantages. Site selection comes after the needs
assessment is completed. If you select a site before the needs assessment, you may
compromise on key design aspects due to site limitations.

The site selection process includes a detailed evaluation of project needs which are
then measured against the merits of potential locations. The process typically
includes selecting and evaluating communities, real estate site analysis and
acquisition, and may include negotiating tax incentives. When choosing new
locations for retail outlets, chain restaurant, and fast food franchises, site selection
consultants will analyze the volume and travel patterns of cars and pedestrians as
part of their process. The process includes the following steps:

Define project criteria: Project success criteria are measurable factors that

determine the project's success. These criteria establish standards that stakeholders
can use to evaluate the project and decide whether it meets the expected outcomes.

Evaluate communities: Community evaluation should involve people from

throughout the community. Community evaluation information should be linked to
questions of importance to key stakeholders. Community evaluation should better
community member's ability to understand what's going on, improve practices, and
increase self-determination.

Create short list of communities based upon project criteria: Community-based

Projects or “CPs” shall mean projects completed by or paid for by an Audit
Participant focused on improving, protecting, or reducing community risks to
public health or the environment that could have been caused by potential
violations by the Audit Participant.

Identify real estate sites within each finalist community: Real estate is
considered real property that includes land and anything permanently attached to it
or built on it, whether natural or man-made. There are five main categories of real
estate which include residential, commercial, industrial, raw land, and special use.
Real estate analysis: A real estate market analysis, also known as a comparative
market analysis, is an analysis of current market values of properties, comparable
to a property you are looking to buy or sell.

Negotiate tax incentives: Tax incentives are the concessions in tax codes that
mean a conscious loss of government budgetary revenue because they reduce
either the tax base (tax allowance) or the tax due (tax credit).

Site acquisition: Site Acquisition means the services to be performed by the Owner
and/or its subcontractors necessary for identifying and acquiring sufficient rights to
the System Element Locations within the System Areas and System Sub-Areas
including all requisite zoning approvals and all building approvals.

9. Discuss the benefits and challenge of Mice tourism?

Answer: The term MICE represents a sector of tourism which includes business
events and activities. Travelers attending MICE activities have a purpose beyond
leisure tourism, and are in fact business travelers. These business travelers are
connected to different sectors of the tourism and hospitality industry through their
MICE activities. Think of business travelers who travel to a city to attend an

The opportunities of the MICE tourism for the local economy and community are
great and manifest themselves. They are improving the image, which spreading
positive attitudes about a particular area as well as the whole country, and other
opportunity is economic sphere; which is also event as the increase in tourist
consumption and opening many job vacancies during the event, due to material
sphere; which is the construction of facilities of infra and supra structure, as well as
an opportunity to the socio/cultural sphere; that means increasing the level of
interest of local people to participant in activities related to the event, reinforcing
traditional values and customs at the destination, and there is a psychological
sphere; that increasing local pride and community spirit. The benefit of MICE
Tourism includes; Economic benefits that increase the level of economic
development by earning hard currency for the host population.

There are some challenges of MICE tourism. Such as; there are environmental
issues involved in operating an event; the most obvious being the repercussion of
transportation. This contributes to greenhouse toxic emission as well as other
negative effects on natural resources. The problem can also be found in the volume
of rubbish produced and the need for their disposal. The major areas of impact of
events are energy, transport, waste management, waste reduction and resource
recovery, including materials purchasing and procurement. High usage of these
elements creates undesirable effects to the ecosystem. For example, using
transportation during an event produces an amount of toxic emission that will
affect the ecosystem. As to overcome this problem, the event organizers should
limit the number of vehicles used in an event.

10. (a) Describe the standard order of conducting meetings?

Answer: The word conduct means to guide, to lead, to direct, to escort, to convey,
etc. A meeting has to be conducted. It means that the participants in a meeting have
to be guided or directed in such a way that they can hold the discussions
peacefully, each getting the opportunity to express his opinion, and decisions are
arrived at democratically through free voting and at the same time all the
formalities are being observed so that the meeting becomes valid.

When it comes to meetings, not only do you need to prepare, but you also need to
take certain actions to ensure its success. Here's how to conduct a meeting:
Set a clear objective: Prior to the start of the meeting, make sure you have a clearly
defined purpose and objective for holding the meeting.

Consider your attendees: Take time to determine who you want and need to attend
the meeting. If you plan to discuss an issue or topic that involves a specific
employee, make sure they're in attendance.

Start and end the meeting on time: Distribute the agenda to the appropriate parties
ahead of time to ensure everyone knows the meeting's start time. Set ground rules
and make sure everyone knows the different time allotments.

Follow your schedule: Make sure that you not only create a clear agenda but also
stick to it throughout the meeting.

Follow up: After the conclusion of the meeting, send everyone an email
highlighting what the meeting accomplished, the tasks that were delegated and the
upcoming deadlines or newly established goals.

(b) What are the different types of equipment needed to facilitate meeting?

11. (a) Point out the main creative elements while designing an event.

Answer: Creativity is a common denominator in event planning. No one sets out to

arrange the “most uninspired meeting of all times.” There are some key Creative
Elements of Event Planning. Event planners want to be known for bringing
originality and imagination into their events still, though, our vision is bounded.

Invitations: This is the first impression that should market your event effectively.

Venue: Weeks before the event takes place; a unique location can cause
anticipation. Standard Example: meeting room of the hotel.

Catering: With a unique food experience, each meeting and theme can be
partnered. Standard example: Rice grilled chicken.

Lightning: Lighting is one of the most crucial development features and can use in
several different ways. Standard example: on stage spotlights.
Seating Arrangements: The next top concern for visitors after registration is where
they will be seated.

Staff: Greeters, cooks, and office personnel include the case theme on their
uniforms. Standard example: monograms of polo shirts and khakis.

Guest Speakers: Speakers and their message represent your event’s content and are
therefore closely linked to its success.

Entertainment: Entertainers may act to add another unique element to the occasion

before or after the material.

Centerpieces: For this hours anything that lies in the middle of each guest table can
viewed by audiences. Don’t lose the opportunity!

(b) Classify the types of catering service needed in an event?

Answer: Nothing too complicated, the term refers to the process of preparing and
providing food for different types of events, such as weddings, concessions, and
corporate and social gatherings. Events that are catered can take place either onsite
in the comfort of a client’s business or home or offsite at a hotel, banquet hall,
convention Centre or any other third-party location.

Having some trouble deciding on the type of catering event to host? Seeking some
assistance with getting your event off the ground? Our event and corporate catering
company in Toronto explains the 4 different types of catering services that are
available to help make your next event a success.

4 Types of Catering

Corporate catering: refers to the provision of food and drinks to business and

corporate functions. The functions may range from onsite, small office gatherings
to offsite, upscale dinners. The cost of a corporate catering event will also depend
on the size and level of the function being hosted. It is important to note that while
some corporate functions are elegant, almost all corporate events are relaxed.

Wedding Catering: A wedding is one of the most important events in a couple’s

lives. Unlike corporate catering, wedding catering is no casual affair. It requires
some significant attention to detail and timing as well as clear communication with
all members of the wedding crew, including the DJ, bride and groom, vendors and
photographers. A seasoned wedding caterer will also know the wedding industry
inside out and be able to deliver services on time and on budget regardless of the
type of wedding being planned.

Social Event Catering: Social event functions are more intimate affairs and
require greater attention to detail by the caterer. The category encompasses special
events such as birthday parties, retirement celebrations, grand openings,
housewarming parties, and bridal and baby showers. Appetizers, décor, bartenders,
and servers are some of what may be included in social event catering packages.

Concession Catering: This category includes major sporting events, seasonal

competitions and live concerts. Typically, catered food is offered at all of these
events. Planning for these events requires skill to make sure you have all the right
menu choices for your audience. The intent is not to provide a large variety of
items to serve, but rather focus on the most popular food choices and the speed of

12. Discuss the scopes and significance of mice management in Bangladesh


13. Event Expenditure: Expenditure means those expenses which are directly

related to an Event and which would not otherwise have been incurred except
for the occurrence of such Event, which include without limitation, expenses
related to fees paid by promoters, cleaning, security, ushers, security, ticket
takers, advertising, set up, clean up, production costs, supplies and equipment,
out-of-pocket travel expenses, permits, taxes, and any other costs or category of
costs as shown on the financials originally provided to AEG and used to
calculate Baseline Net Revenue, but excluding AEG Operational Costs.

Banquet Set-up: Guests sit at several round tables that typically seat eight to
ten people each for this setup. This style is ideal for events where guests want to
move and mingle between tables but also need to sit for a while, such as for
dinner or presentations.
Venue: The venue for an event or activity is the place where it will happen. The
place where a public event or meeting happens: The hotel is an ideal venue for
conferences and business meetings. The stadium has been specifically designed
as a venue for World Cup games. An alternative venue for the concert is being

Event Proposal: An event proposal is a tool used by event planners to compile
several details for an upcoming event. These proposals are comprehensive
documents that planners create at the early stages of the event planning process.
It's common for event planners to draft an event proposal to show to a potential
client before being hired for the job. A proposal clearly conveys your skills and
expertise as a planner and provides examples for your client to fully understand
your vision for the event.

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